Account 1770 – 1788 Book Index

Book Index

At the beginning of each section is an index of the people whose accounts are listed in the book.

Image Page Year Name
40 69 1780 ?Sen, James
87 163 1784 Adams, Robert
85 159 1784 Andrew, John
39 66 1777 Ardin, Abraham
115 219 1786 Astin, William
86 160 1784 Atkins, William
79 147 Austin, Hannah
105 199 1784 Austin, Hannah
113 214 1786 Austin, Hannah
29 46 1772 Ayres, Nathaniel
14 16 1773 Bender, John Wildrick
67 123 1782 Beuford, Ambrose
86 161 1784 Billings, John
99 187 1785 Black, Thomas
100 189 1785 Black, Thomas
120 229 1788 Boaz, Thomas
13 15 1773 Bolling, James
96 180 1785 Brown, Richard
97 181 1785 Brown, Rich J
23 35 1778 Clay, Henry
49 86 1780 Clements, James
72 132 1783 Clements, Benjamin
16 20 1774 Coleman, Stephen
64 116 1781 Collins, William
26 40 1777 Connway, James
120 229 1788 Creel, John
121 230 1788 Creel, John
18 24 1777 Crowley, Samuel
54 96 Cuningham   , Joseph
91 171 1784 Davis, Richard
18 24 1776 Dillard, Thomas
80 148 1784 Dix, John
23 34 1777 Dodson, Fortuntus
98 185 1784 Dodson, Thos
91 170 1784 Fortunes, Joseph
16 21 1775 Fox, Merryman
119 227 1788 Fulton, John
57 102 1780 Fuqua, William
57 102 1780 Fuqua, Mary
70 128 1782 Fuqua, Mary
70 128 1782 Fuqua, William
105 198 1785 Fuqua, Wm
47 82 1779 Goad, Abraham
56 100 1780 Griffeth, William
23 35 1777 Griggony, William
24 37 Hall, John
66 120 1781 Hall, John
115 218 1786 Hall, John
10 8 1770 Hanberry, Elijah
59 106 1781 Hardy, Thomas
68 124 1780 Hardy, Thomas
104 196 1785 Hardy, Wm
48 84 1780 Harrison, Benjamin
17 22 1775 Heard, Stephen
18 25 1776 Hix, James
76 141 1783 Hodges, Edmund
42 72 1780 Hodnett, Ayres
76 140 1783 Hogland, George
43 74 1780 Hopkins, Arthur
85 158 1783 Howard, William
7 3 1771 Hubbard, Jacob
61 110 1781 Hubbard, Edward
66 121 1781 Hubbard, Daniel
25 39 1777 Hutchings, John
61 110 1781 Irby, James
62 112 1781 Irby, James
94 177 1785 Jones, Thomas
106 200 1787 Jones, Thomas
81 151 1784 Justice, Simson
107 203 1783 Justice, Simion
8 5 1771 King, John
22 32 1777 King, James
51 90 1779 King, James
29 47 1774 Lacy, Theophilus
70 129 1782 Lacy, Theop
101 190 1782 Lacy, Theophilus
101 191 1782 Lacy, Martha
13 14 1773 Lake, Robert
117 223 1788 Lester, Thomas
88 165 1784 Luck, Francis
84 157 Lund, Zachariah
58 104 1781 Madding, John
41 70 1780 Masatin, John
24 37 1777 Mcconnithe, Robert
39 67 1776 Mchaney, Dennis
61 111 1781 Morgan, George
67 122 Motley, Abraham
98 184 1781 Motley, Abraham
41 71 1780 Nance, David
68 124 1782 Nance, John
82 152 1783 Oliver, Drewry
100 188 1786 Oliver, Drury
58 104 1781 Payne, John
53 94 1769 Pigg, Paul
60 108 1780 Pigg, Paul
89 167 1784 Pigg, John
113 215 Pigg, Hezekiah
94 176 1785 Polley, David
14 17 1773 Porter (Porton), Ambrose
37 62 1776 Porter (Porton), Ambrozer
21 30 1774 Purnall, Charles
59 107 1781 Raleston, Robert
67 123 1782 Rogers, Thomas
9 6 1772 Sanders, James
24 36 1778 Sansford, Henry
12 13 1772 Shields, Patrick
65 118 1781 Shields, James
63 114 1781 Smith, Thomas
92 172 1785 Smith, John
26 41 1777 Stewart (Stewash), James
57 102 1780 Stewart (Stewash), Eliabeth
16 20 1774 Still, Patrick
103 194 Still (Hill), Patrick
22 33 1777 Stimpson, Jeremiah
112 212 1784 Stone, Joel
7 3 1771 Terry, Benjamin
87 162 1784 Terry, Henry
87 163 1784 Terry, Champness
109 206 1786 Terry, Joseph
6 1 1770 Thomas, George
68 125 Thomas, George
116 221 1788 Vaugh, Thomas
16 21 1773 Waldrope, James
35 58 1777 Walker, James
55 98 1780 Walker, David
102 192 1783 Walker, James
102 193 1786 Walker, James
17 22 1775 Weir, Thomas
9 7 1773 Whealing, John
96 180 1785 White, Epa
52 92 1780 Wier, Thomas
40 68 1776 Williams, William
25 38 1777 Williamson, Thomas
10 9 1772 Worsham, Joshua
104 196 1773 Worsham, Joshua
47 83 1778 Wynne, William
48 84 1778 Wynne, William
92 173 1785 Youllace, Philip

Accounts 1788 -1797

Family Search Film # 007646033

Image Page Year Name
185 91 1788 , Carolina
288 296 1796 , Craghead
286 292 1796 , Drury
248 216 1795 , George
185 91 1788 , Granny
287 294 1796 , Hester
287 294 1796 , Lucy
184 90 1788 , Nothing
185 92 1788 , Nothing
186 94 1788 , Nothing
188 96 1788 , Nothing
188 98 1788 , Nothing
189 100 1788 , Nothing
190 102 1788 , Nothing
286 292 1796 , Umphries
283 287 1796 , William
262 245 1796 Abstain, John
292 305 1796 Abstain, John
296 313 1796 Abstain, John
314 349 1797 Abstain, John
290 301 1796 Abstain, Joshua
316 250 1797 Absteen, Francis
317 352 1797 Abstein,
315 350 1797 Abstein, Francis
316 250 1797 Abstein, Rachel Heirs
315 351 1797 Abston, Francis
315 350 1797 Abston, Jno
315 351 1797 Abston, John
317 353 1797 Abston, John
317 353 1797 Abston, Johsua
262 245 1796 Abston, Joshua
315 351 1797 Abston, Joshua
315 350 1797 Abston, Rachel Heirs
317 353 1797 Abston, Rachel Heirs
253 226 1796 Adam, Calland
247 214 1795 Adams Jr, John
262 245 1796 Adams Senr, Nathan
317 353 1797 Adams, Charles S
285 290 1796 Adams, Elka
265 250 1796 Adams, Elkanah
228 176 1793 Adams, Geo
250 220 1795 Adams, Geo
301 323 1796 Adams, Geo
320 359 1791 Adams, George
318 354 1797 Adams, James
205 130 1792 Adams, John
246 213 1795 Adams, John
247 214 1795 Adams, John
264 249 1796 Adams, John
269 258 1796 Adams, John
154 29 1786 Adams, Nathan
206 132 1792 Adams, Nathan
246 213 1795 Adams, Nathan
282 284 1796 Adams, Nathan
283 287 1796 Adams, Nathan
289 299 1796 Adams, Nathan
314 349 1797 Adams, Robert
315 351 1797 Adams, Robert
318 354 1797 Adams, Robert
315 350 1797 Adams, Robt
317 352 1797 Adams, Robt
316 250 1797 Adams, Robt
221 163 1794 Adams, Sylvester
247 215 1795 Adams, Thomas
221 163 1794 Adams, Walter
264 248 1796 Adams, William
283 287 1796 Adams, William
288 297 1796 Addams, Elkanah
288 297 1796 Addams, John
291 303 1796 Addams, John
290 301 1796 Addams, Nathan
223 167 1794 Adkins, Edward
224 168 1794 Adkins, Edward
203 127 1792 Ahston, Joshua
151 23 1788 Akin, Jos
253 226 1796 Akin, Jos
246 213 1795 Akin, Joseph
247 215 1795 Akin, Joseph
280 281 1796 Alann, Jesse
226 173 1795 Alkinson, Josiah
267 255 1796 Allen, Charles
315 351 1797 Allen, David
266 253 1796 Allen, James
289 299 1796 Allen, James
225 170 1795 Allin, Mr
268 256 1796 Anderson, Bob
267 255 1796 Anderson, Francis
294 308 1796 Anderson, Francis
268 257 1796 Anderson, James
205 131 1792 Anderson, John
244 208 1795 Anderson, Nathan
298 316 1796 Anderson, Richard
299 318 1796 Anderson, Richard
299 319 1796 Anderson, Richard
300 320 1796 Anderson, Richard
301 322 1796 Anderson, Richard
267 255 1796 Anderson, Thomas
285 291 1796 Anderson, Thomas
300 321 1796 Anderson, Thomas
275 271 1796 Anderson, Thos
315 350 1797 Anderson, William
316 250 1797 Anderson, William
296 313 1796 Anglin, John
297 314 1796 Anglin, John
243 207 1795 Anthony, Joseph
284 288 1796 Armfield, N
309 338 1797 Arnold, Henry
297 314 1796 Asher, Nathan
267 255 1796 Ashlock, Richard
164 49 1790 Ashwith, John
164 50 1790 Ashwith, John
209 138 1792 Astin, William
297 314 1796 Astin, William
158 38 1787 Athkinson, James
302 325 1796 Atkins, Edwd
280 281 1796 Atkinson, Jeriah
234 188 1795 Austin, Joseph
287 295 1796 Babee, James
265 251 1796 Baber, James
315 351 1797 Baber, William
264 249 1796 Bagsdale, Frederick
264 249 1796 Bailey, Charles
283 287 1796 Bailey, Charles
291 302 1796 Bailey, Charles
312 345 1797 Bailey, Charles
315 351 1797 Bailey, Jesse
154 29 1786 Bailey, John
268 257 1796 Bailey, Joseph
208 137 1792 Bailey, Peter J
251 223 1795 Baker, J
317 352 1797 Baker, Jownan
251 222 1795 Baker, M
251 223 1795 Baker, M
155 32 1788 Baker, Pas
284 289 1796 Bales, Joseph
269 259 1796 Baley, Charles
270 260 1796 Baley, Joseph
286 293 1796 Balinger, John
292 305 1796 Balinger, John
294 308 1796 Balinger, John
304 328 1796 Balinger, John
291 303 1796 Ball , Spencer
267 254 1796 Ballanger, John
262 245 1796 Ballinger, Benjamin
292 305 1796 Ballinger, Benjamin
269 259 1796 Ballinger, John
286 293 1796 Ballinger, John
313 346 1797 Ballinger, John
267 254 1796 Barber, Elisha
267 254 1796 Barber, Elisha
269 258 1796 Barber, Elisha
309 338 1797 Barber, James
201 123 1792 Barber, John
313 346 1797 Barber, Shadrach
266 252 1796 Barber, Shadrick
317 353 1797 Barber, William
283 286 1796 Barbor, Jery
294 309 1796 Barbor, Jery
281 282 1796 Barbor, Shadrack
293 307 1796 Barbor, Shadrake
304 329 1796 Bardel, Charles A
312 345 1797 Bardel, Charles A
266 252 1796 Bardett, Charles A
270 260 1796 Bardett, Charles A
252 225 1796 Barger, Jacob
273 267 1796 Barker, Geo
227 175 1796 Barksdale,
206 133 1792 Barksdale, Bentley
207 134 1792 Barksdale, Beverley
207 135 1792 Barksdale, Beverley
207 135 1792 Barksdale, Beverley
208 136 1792 Barksdale, Beverley
206 132 1792 Barksdale, Burley
207 135 1792 Barksdale, H
207 135 1792 Barksdale, H
247 214 1795 Barksdale, Henry H
248 216 1795 Barksdale, Henry H
190 101 1788 Barksdale, Mr
191 103 1792 Barksdale, Mr
262 245 1796 Barksdale, Nathaniel
294 308 1796 Barksdale, Nathl
262 245 1796 Barksdale, William
178 78 1795 Barley, Peter
182 86 1788 Barr, David
287 295 1796 Barrett, John
282 285 1796 Barrol, Thomas
262 245 1796 Barrot, John
264 248 1796 Barrot, Thomas
282 285 1796 Barrott, John
292 304 1796 Barrott, Thomas
292 305 1796 Barrott, Thomas
294 309 1796 Barrott, Thomas
205 131 1792 Basett, Charles
247 215 1795 Bates, Matthew
248 216 1795 Bates, Matthew
266 253 1796 Bates, Matthew
282 285 1796 Bates, Matthew
282 285 1796 Bates, Matthew
286 293 1796 Bates, Matthew
267 255 1796 Batterton, William
183 88 1788 Baughan, Thomas
214 148 1794 Bayes, John
214 149 1794 Bayes, John
251 223 1795 Bayne, R
207 134 1792 Bayne, Richard
262 245 1796 Bayne, Richard
293 306 1796 Bayne, Richard
268 256 1796 Bays, John
289 299 1796 Bays, John
284 288 1796 Beadles, Edmund
289 299 1796 Beal, Shadrake
262 245 1796 Beal, Shadrick
151 23 1788 Beals, John
192 105 1792 Beals, Stephen
317 353 1797 Bedford, Thomas
266 253 1796 Bell, James
269 259 1796 Bell, James
267 255 1796 Ben, Hendricks
198 116 1792 Bennett, John
198 117 1792 Bennett, John
198 116 1792 Bennett, Wm
294 309 1796 Benton, Elisha
180 82 1788 Benton, Robert
290 301 1796 Betterton, William
264 248 1796 Biard, Henry
151 23 1788 Bird, John
265 250 1796 Black (Of Campbell), Thomas
308 337 1797 Black, John
157 36 1786 Black, Thomas
158 38 1787 Black, Thomas
223 166 1794 Blank, Henry
267 255 1796 Blanks, Henry
284 289 1796 Blanks, Henry
285 291 1796 Blanks, Henry
264 249 1796 Blanks, John
289 299 1796 Blanks, John
267 255 1796 Blanks, Joseph
303 327 1796 Blanks, Joseph
320 359 1795 Blant, Adam
227 175 1796 Blow,
321 360 1796 Boatman, Elizabeth
161 45 1789 Boatman, Robert
162 45 1789 Boatman, Robert
162 46 1789 Boatman, Robert
321 360 1796 Boatman, Robert
162 46 1789 Boatman, S
244 211 1795 Boaz, Agness
245 212 1795 Boaz, Shadrach
297 314 1796 Boaz, Shadrach
234 189 1795 Boaz, Thomas
235 190 1795 Boaz, Thomas
235 191 1796 Boaz, Thomas
236 192 1795 Boaz, Thomas
244 211 1795 Boaz, Thomas
244 213 1795 Boaz, Thomas
203 127 1792 Bobbett, Randolph
317 353 1797 Bobbett, Randolph
315 351 1797 Bobbit, Randolph
157 35 1784 Bokers, R
152 26 1789 Booker, John
265 250 1796 Booker, Richard E
313 347 1797 Booker, Richd E
316 250 1797 Boston, Jacob
157 35 1784 Bottom, R
158 38 1787 Botton, Thomas
269 258 1796 Bowland, John
279 279 1796 Boy, Anthony
279 279 1796 Boy, Daniel
268 257 1796 Bradley, Iseham
289 299 1796 Bradley, James
288 297 1796 Brasley, Isthem
247 215 1795 Bravles, Edward
266 252 1796 Brawner, Benjmain
283 287 1796 Brawners, Benjamin
268 257 1796 Brawners, Jacob
266 253 1796 Bray, James
284 289 1796 Bray, James
304 328 1796 Bray, James
202 124 1792 Brewer , Fanny
171 63 1790 Brewers, Robert
165 52 1790 Brinn, James
213 147 1794 Briscoe, Jno
241 203 1795 Briscoe, Jno
273 266 1796 Briscoe, Jno
307 335 1797 Briscoe, Jno
309 339 1797 Briscoe, Jno
163 48 1786 Brittson?, John
264 249 1796 Brown, Henry
292 305 1796 Brown, Henry
251 222 1795 Brown, R
154 29 1786 Brown, Richard
268 256 1796 Brown, Richard
289 299 1796 Brown, Richard
303 326 1796 Brown, Richard
154 30 1786 Brown, Richd
150 22 1786 Brown, Ro
270 260 1796 Broy, James
294 308 1796 Broy, James
303 326 1796 Broy, James
313 347 1797 Bruce (Halifax), James
317 353 1797 Bruce , Robert
262 245 1796 Bruce Jr, James
293 307 1796 Bruce Jr, James
269 259 1796 Bruce Jr, James
290 301 1796 Bruce Jr, James
264 249 1796 Bruce Jr, Thomas
265 250 1796 Bruce Sr, James
219 159 1794 Bruce, James
269 259 1796 Bruce, James
281 282 1796 Bruce, James
281 283 1796 Bruce, James
285 290 1796 Bruce, James
290 300 1796 Bruce, James
293 306 1796 Bruce, James
267 255 1796 Bruce, John
270 261 1796 Bruce, John
281 283 1796 Bruce, John
282 285 1796 Bruce, John
292 305 1796 Bruce, John
304 328 1796 Bruce, John
266 253 1796 Bruce, Robert
269 258 1796 Bruce, Robert
293 307 1796 Bruce, Robert
293 307 1796 Bruce, Robert
281 283 1796 Bruce, Robt
292 305 1796 Bruce, Thomas
293 307 1796 Bruce, Thomas
303 326 1796 Bruce, Thomas
291 303 1796 Brwner, Benjamin
278 276 1796 Bryant, Doct Edward
227 175 1796 Bryce, Archid
156 33 1787 Buckingham, Thos
147 15 1789 Buckley, James
147 16 1789 Buckley, James
148 17 1789 Buckley, James
264 249 1796 Buckley, James
305 330 1796 Buckley, James
308 337 1797 Buckley, James
151 23 1788 Buckley, John
154 29 1786 Buckley, John
203 127 1792 Buckley, John
204 128 1792 Buckley, John
204 128 1792 Buckley, John
266 253 1796 Buckley, John
270 260 1796 Buckley, John
289 299 1796 Buckley, John
174 69 1795 Bullington, Robert
221 163 1794 Bullington, Robert
306 332 1796 Bullington, Robert
308 336 1797 Bumpass, Wm
205 131 1792 Burch, John
208 136 1792 Burgess, Thomas
294 309 1796 Burton, Benja
264 248 1796 Burton, Benjamin
183 87 1788 Burton, Colo B
184 89 1788 Burton, Colo B
315 350 1797 Burton, Jacob
322 363 1797 Burton, James
150 22 1786 Burton, John
183 88 1788 Burton, R
268 256 1796 Bussall, Phil
176 73 1795 Bussell, Susannah
315 351 1797 Butterworth, Ben
316 250 1797 Butterworth, Eliza Heirs
317 353 1797 Butterworth, Elizabeth Heirs
315 350 1797 Butterworth, Elza Heirs
321 360 1796 Butterworth, Zachariah
268 256 1796 Call (Lawyer), John
284 289 1796 Call, John
157 36 1786 Calland, Saml
158 38 1787 Calland, Saml
159 39 1787 Calland, Saml
221 163 1794 Calland, Saml
253 226 1796 Calland, Saml
320 358 1789 Calland, Saml
157 35 1784 Calland, Samuel
186 93 1788 Calland, Samuel
199 118 1792 Calland, Samuel
200 120 1792 Calland, Samuel
202 125 1792 Calland, Samuel
252 225 1796 Calland, Samuel
197 115 1792 Callands, Saml
308 337 1797 Callasater, William M
242 205 1795 Callaway, Charles
157 35 1784 Callaway, James
188 97 1788 Callaway, James
315 351 1797 Calloway, Caleb
318 354 1797 Calloway, James
318 354 1797 Calloway, William
318 354 1797 Calloway, William
178 78 1795 Cambell, Abraham
157 35 1784 Camp, Jno
304 328 1796 Camp, John
246 213 1795 Campbell, Archa
246 212 1795 Campbell, Archd
247 215 1795 Campbell, Archd
191 103 1788 Campbell, Mr
313 347 1797 Camps, John
289 299 1796 Canifax, John
266 253 1796 Canifax, William
288 297 1796 Cannafax, Benja
296 313 1796 Cannafax, Benja
264 249 1796 Cannifax, Ben
270 260 1796 Cannifax, Benjmain
267 255 1796 Carnifax, John
281 282 1796 Carr, Hezekiah
262 245 1796 Carr, William
284 289 1796 Carr, William
140 2 1788 Carson?, Joseph
290 301 1796 Carter Jr, Thomas
268 256 1796 Carter Sr, Thomas
318 354 1797 Carter, Austin
208 137 1792 Carter, Charles
287 295 1796 Carter, Jeuthun
318 354 1797 Carter, John
149 20 1788 Carter, Joseph
267 254 1796 Carter, Joseph
270 260 1796 Carter, Joseph
289 298 1796 Carter, Joseph
289 299 1796 Carter, Joseph
262 245 1796 Carter, Judithan
264 248 1796 Carter, Thomas
292 305 1796 Carter, Thomas
198 116 1792 Cecell, Thomas
158 38 1787 Center , Stephen
157 35 1784 Centers, Stephen
265 250 1796 Chandler, Robert
303 327 1796 Charles, Wimbish
309 338 1797 Chatheam, Joel
301 323 1796 Chatten, John
264 248 1796 Chattin, John
288 297 1796 Chattin, John
309 338 1797 Check, Hardin
169 60 1790 Check, William
170 61 1790 Check, William
177 74 1795 Chelton, Bennet
281 283 1796 Chepice, Daniel
264 248 1796 Chesher, Daniel
265 251 1796 Chick, Anderson
287 295 1796 Chick, Anderson
291 302 1796 Chick, Anderson
287 295 1796 Chick, Hardin
264 248 1796 Chick, Harding
312 345 1797 Chick, Harding
159 40 1788 Child Negro, 7.10 L
160 41 1788 Child Negro, 7.10 L
237 195 1795 Child Negro, Aleik Child Of Nan
273 266 1796 Child Negro, Andrew Child Of Amey
233 187 1795 Child Negro, Anne Child Of Phebe
279 279 1796 Child Negro, Beckey (Mother Bel)
261 242 1796 Child Negro, Betty (Mother Esther)
261 242 1796 Child Negro, Charles (Mother Lucy)
307 334 1797 Child Negro, Cloe Mother Patty
254 228 1796 Child Negro, Dilley
307 334 1797 Child Negro, Frank Mother Jude
234 189 1795 Child Negro, Hannah
234 189 1795 Child Negro, Lillan Child Of Luck
309 339 1797 Child Negro, Martin Mother Hannah
209 139 1793 Child Negro, Nan Child Of Judah
261 242 1796 Child Negro, Natt (Mother Lucy)
261 242 1796 Child Negro, Salley (Mother Lucy)
233 187 1795 Child Negro, Stephen Child Of Asby
261 242 1796 Child Negro, Winney (Mother Esther)
265 250 1796 Chumbley, Francis
286 292 1796 Chumney, Francis
288 296 1796 Chumney, Francis
290 300 1796 Chumney, Francis
306 333 1797 Church, Jonathan M
232 184 1798 Clapton, Robert
304 329 1796 Clark (Son In Law To J B), Capt William
294 308 1796 Clark (Son In Law To J B), William
268 257 1796 Clark (Son In Law To J B), William
288 297 1796 Clark (Son In Law To J B), Wm
265 251 1796 Clark, Capt William
308 337 1797 Clark, Moses
162 46 1789 Clark, William
247 214 1795 Clark, William
284 289 1796 Clark, William
151 23 1788 Clark, Wm
215 151 1793 Clark, Wm
248 216 1795 Clark, Wm
252 224 1795 Clarke, John
152 26 1789 Clay, Mathew
183 88 1788 Clay, Mr
189 99 1788 Clay, Mr
291 302 1796 Clemens, Vachel
317 352 1797 Clement, Adam
317 353 1797 Clement, Adam
318 354 1797 Clement, Adam
317 353 1797 Clement, B
315 351 1797 Clement, Ben
317 352 1797 Clement, Ben
317 353 1797 Clement, Ben
318 354 1797 Clement, Ben
317 352 1797 Clement, Benjamin
318 354 1797 Clement, Benjmain
317 352 1797 Clement, Isaac
317 352 1797 Clement, Isaac
317 352 1797 Clement, Isaac
317 353 1797 Clement, Isaac
317 353 1797 Clement, James Heirs
317 353 1797 Clement, John
318 354 1797 Clement, John
317 353 1797 Clement, Martha
317 352 1797 Clement, Stephen
318 354 1797 Clement, Stephen
269 259 1796 Clement, Vachel
266 252 1796 Clement, Vackel
317 352 1797 Clement, Vashel
315 351 1797 Clements Jr, John
315 350 1797 Clements, Adam
315 351 1797 Clements, Adam
316 250 1797 Clements, Adam
142 6 1788 Clements, Benjamin
316 250 1797 Clements, Benjamin
315 350 1797 Clements, Benjmain
160 42 1787 Clements, Isaac
203 127 1792 Clements, Isaac
204 128 1792 Clements, Isaac
288 297 1796 Clements, Isaac
314 349 1797 Clements, Isaac
315 350 1797 Clements, Isaac
315 351 1797 Clements, Isaac
315 351 1797 Clements, Isaac
316 250 1797 Clements, Isaac
203 126 1792 Clements, James
204 128 1792 Clements, James
315 350 1797 Clements, Jas Heirs
315 350 1797 Clements, John
316 250 1797 Clements, John
289 298 1796 Clements, Naychel
315 350 1797 Clements, Stephen
315 351 1797 Clements, Stephen
316 250 1797 Clements, Stephen
142 6 1788 Clements, Susannah
143 7 1788 Clements, Susannah
148 17 Clements, Susannah
148 18 Clements, Susannah
149 19 Clements, Susannah
314 349 1797 Clements, Susannah
317 352 1797 Clements, Susannah
313 346 1797 Clements, Vashel
171 63 1790 Clements, Webster
243 206 1795 Cloke, Scarlet
265 250 1796 Cobb, John
292 305 1796 Cobb, John
264 249 1796 Coe, Francis P
286 293 1796 Coe, Francis P
303 326 1796 Coe, Francis P
312 345 1797 Coe, Francis P
282 284 1796 Coe, Jacob
284 288 1796 Coe, Jacob
285 290 1796 Coe, Jacob
285 291 1796 Coe, Jacob
243 207 1795 Coe, John
317 353 1797 Coe, John
286 293 1796 Colbert, L
267 254 1796 Colbert, Levy
270 260 1796 Colbert, Samuel
246 212 1795 Coldwell, Seth
304 328 1796 Coleman, D
313 346 1797 Coleman, Daniel
152 26 1789 Coleman, Stephen
156 33 1788 Coleman, Stephen
191 103 1788 Coleman, Stephen
208 136 1792 Coleman, Stephen
246 213 1795 Coleman, Stephen
247 214 1795 Coleman, Stephen
284 288 1796 Coleman, Stephen
291 303 1796 Coleman, Stephen
301 323 1796 Coleman, William
322 363 1797 Coleman, William
192 105 1792 Colemans, Stephen
270 261 1796 Coles, Isaac
304 329 1796 Coles, Isaac
267 255 1796 Coles, Isac
268 256 1796 Coles, Jo
237 194 1795 Colig, Isaac
264 249 1796 Collard, Samuel
289 299 1796 Collart, Samuel
196 112 1792 Collie, William
196 113 1792 Collie, William
264 249 1796 Collins, John
304 328 1796 Collins, John
308 337 1797 Collins, John
312 345 1797 Collins, John
314 348 1797 Collins, John
309 338 1797 Collins, Peter
266 252 1796 Collins, Thomas
270 260 1796 Collins, Thomas
282 285 1796 Collins, Thomas
292 304 1796 Collins, Thomas
308 336 1797 Collins, Thomas
308 337 1797 Collins, Thomas
321 360 1796 Colquist, Ransom
265 250 1796 Colquit, Jonathan
290 301 1796 Compton Jr, Meridith
269 258 1796 Compton, Caleb
308 337 1797 Compton, Reuben
269 258 1796 Compton, Vincent
151 23 1788 Comsond, Hugh
303 326 1796 Conifax, Benja
289 299 1796 Conifax, William
232 185 1795 Conn, Joseph
273 267 1796 Conn, Joseph
206 132 1792 Conner?, James
285 291 1796 Connifax, John
157 35 1784 Conway, Henry
246 213 1795 Cook, Harman
246 213 1795 Cook, Harmon
317 353 1797 Cook, Harmon
221 163 1794 Cooper, Robt
221 163 1794 Coran, Joseph
154 29 1786 Corbin, Thomas
267 254 1796 Corbin, Thomas
290 300 1796 Corbin, Thomas
301 323 1796 Cosbin, William
181 84 1788 Cotterall, William
185 91 1788 Cotterall, William
179 80 1781 Cottr?, William
320 359 1795 Countelow, Lewis
223 167 1794 Cowser, Abraham
224 168 1794 Cowser, Abraham
222 164 1795 Cox, John
232 185 1795 Cox, John
251 223 1795 Cox, M
318 354 1797 Coy, Daniel W
265 250 1796 Craddock Jr, John
313 347 1797 Craddock Suit,
297 315 1796 Craddock, Francis
314 349 1797 Craddock, Frankey
209 139 1793 Craddock, John
210 140 1793 Craddock, John
210 141 1793 Craddock, John
211 142 1793 Craddock, John
220 161 1794 Craddock, John
293 306 1796 Craddock, John
297 315 1796 Craddock, John
308 336 1797 Craddock, John
308 337 1797 Craddock, John
308 337 1797 Craddock, John
309 338 1797 Craddock, John
323 364 1797 Craddock, John
297 315 1796 Craddock, Judah
314 348 1797 Craddock, Judah
220 161 1794 Craddock, Mary
221 162 1794 Craddock, Mary
297 315 1796 Craddock, Mary
308 337 1797 Craddock, Mary
314 348 1797 Craddock, Mary
314 349 1797 Craddock, Mary
323 364 1797 Craddock, Mary
308 336 1797 Craddock, Moses
309 338 1797 Craddock, Mrs
302 324 1796 Craddock, Nathaniel
297 315 1796 Craddock, Polley
314 348 1797 Craddock, Prisilla
221 162 1794 Craddock, Richard
284 289 1796 Craddock, Richard
297 315 1796 Craddock, Richard
302 324 1796 Craddock, Richard
309 338 1797 Craddock, Richard
314 348 1797 Craddock, Richard
308 336 1797 Craddock, Richd
308 337 1797 Craddock, Richd
297 315 1796 Craddock, Sarah
314 349 1797 Craddock, Sarah
262 245 1796 Craddock, William
308 336 1797 Craddock, William
308 337 1797 Craddock, William
269 259 1796 Cradock, Richard
154 29 1786 Crafton, David
225 170 1795 Crags, Mr
225 170 1795 Crags, Thomas
265 250 1796 Crain, John
216 153 1794 Crane, James
217 154 1794 Crane, James
185 91 1788 Crane, James M
313 346 1797 Crane, John
252 224 1795 Craw, W M
176 72 1795 Creel, Micajah
176 73 1795 Creel, Thoda
269 258 1796 Crenshaw, Nathaniel
266 253 1796 Crenshaw, Nathl
275 271 1796 Crenshaw, Nathl
286 292 1796 Crenshaw, Nathl
293 307 1796 Crenshaw, Nathl
293 307 1796 Crenshaw, Nathl
320 358 1789 Crenshaw, William
234 188 1795 Crew, Abraham
252 225 1796 Cross, Henry
293 307 1796 Crumpton Jr, Meredith
312 345 1797 Crumpton, Caleb
281 283 1796 Crumpton, Calib
293 307 1796 Crumpton, Joshua
312 345 1797 Crumpton, Joshua
294 309 1796 Crumpton, Merideth
312 345 1797 Crumpton, Merideth
281 282 1796 Crutcher, Sebert
267 255 1796 Csar?, Henry
313 346 1797 Cump, Caleb
262 245 1796 Cumpton  , Ambrose
262 245 1796 Cumpton Jr, Meredith
262 245 1796 Cumpton Senr, Meredith
283 287 1796 Cumpton, Ambrose
291 303 1796 Cumpton, Calab
267 254 1796 Cumpton, Caleb
266 253 1796 Cumpton, Joshua
283 287 1796 Cumpton, Levi
284 289 1796 Cumpton, Levi
266 253 1796 Cumpton, Levy
262 245 1796 Cumpton, Rubin
267 254 1796 Cumpton, Vincent
283 287 1796 Cumpton, Vincent
292 304 1796 Cumpton, Vincent
150 21 1779 Cunningham, Wm
271 262 1796 Dalton, Winston
156 34 1787 Damison, Jas
305 330 1796 Dandridge, Nathl W
155 32 1788 Daniel, Clement W
265 250 1796 Daniel, William M
313 346 1797 Daniel, William M
317 353 1797 Daniel, William M
317 352 1797 Daniels, William M
278 276 1796 Darrett Or Barrett, William
157 35 1784 Daulton, Constable
156 33 1788 Davenport, Thos
262 245 1796 Davis (Taylor), Thomas
285 291 1796 Davis (Taylor), Thomas
262 245 1796 Davis , John (C Stone)
265 251 1796 Davis Sr, Thomas
269 259 1796 Davis Sr, Thomas
292 304 1796 Davis Sr, Thomas B
286 293 1796 Davis, Benja
265 250 1796 Davis, Benjamin
290 300 1796 Davis, Benjmain
268 257 1796 Davis, Clary
266 252 1796 Davis, George
270 261 1796 Davis, George
272 264 1796 Davis, George
289 299 1796 Davis, George
293 306 1796 Davis, George
293 307 1796 Davis, George
303 327 1796 Davis, George
312 345 1797 Davis, George
292 304 1796 Davis, Goerge
271 263 1796 Davis, Jno
272 264 1796 Davis, Jno
262 245 1796 Davis, John
262 245 1796 Davis, John
283 287 1796 Davis, John
285 291 1796 Davis, John
303 326 1796 Davis, John
309 338 1797 Davis, John
312 345 1797 Davis, John
312 345 1797 Davis, Thomas
151 23 1788 Davis, Thoms
204 129 1792 Davis, William
205 130 1792 Davis, William
251 222 1795 Davis, Wm
311 343 1797 Deair, George
223 167 1794 Dear, Gilbert
224 168 1794 Dear, Gilbert
315 351 1797 Dearing, James
308 336 1797 Decos, Willia
282 285 1796 Decos, William
264 248 1796 Degernot (Halifax), James
293 306 1796 Dejernat, George
270 260 1796 Dejernatt, George
304 328 1796 Dejernet, George
287 295 1796 Dejernet, James
265 251 1796 Dejernett, George
185 91 1788 Delane, Nicholas
152 26 1789 Denton, Benjamin
252 225 1796 Desses, John
205 131 1792 Devenport, Thos
234 188 1795 Devin, Robert
245 212 1795 Devin, Robert
223 167 1794 Devin, Robt
224 168 1794 Devin, Robt
291 303 1796 Devin, Wm
284 289 1796 Dews, John
304 328 1796 Dews, John
309 338 1797 Dews, John
267 254 1796 Dews, William
192 104 1792 Dickenson, Griffith
304 328 1796 Dickerson, Griffeth
305 330 1796 Dickerson, Griffeth
312 345 1797 Dickerson, Griffeth
201 123 1792 Dickinson, Griffeth
244 210 1795 Dickinson, Griffeth
269 259 1796 Dickinson, Griffeth
204 128 1792 Dickinson, Noten
237 194 1795 Dickson, Griffeth
236 192 1795 Diven, Robert
251 222 1795 Dix, J
195 111 1792 Dix, James
163 48 1786 Dix, William
196 112 1792 Dix, Williams
196 113 1792 Dix, Williams
195 111 1792 Dix, Wm
207 134 1792 Dobbins,
207 135 1792 Dodson, Caleb
207 135 1792 Dodson, Caleb
206 133 1792 Dodson, Lazarus
236 193 1795 Dodson, Lazarus
206 133 1792 Dodson, William
181 83 1788 Donald, Robert
150 22 1786 Donald, Robt
267 255 1796 Donaphan, Gerard
266 253 1796 Doss Jr, Ambrose
265 250 1796 Doss Jr, William
267 254 1796 Doss Jr, William
267 255 1796 Doss Sr, John
292 305 1796 Doss Sr, William
293 307 1796 Doss Sr, William
281 283 1796 Doss, Ambrose
287 295 1796 Doss, Behey
296 313 1796 Doss, James
268 257 1796 Doss, Miss Betty
290 300 1796 Doss, William
278 276 1796 Douglass, Jno
180 82 1788 Douglass, Mr
284 288 1796 Dove, Jer
283 286 1796 Dove, Joseph
268 256 1796 Dove, Leonard
270 261 1796 Dove, Leonard
290 300 1796 Dove, Leonard
288 296 1796 Dove, Leornard
283 286 1796 Dove, S C
265 251 1796 Dove, William
284 289 1796 Dove, William
287 294 1796 Dove, William
295 311 1796 Dove, William
283 286 1796 Dove, Wm
285 290 1796 Dove, Wm
287 294 1796 Dove, Wm
253 226 1796 Dowing, James
265 250 1796 Dudgeon, James
268 257 1796 Duff, Lawrence
290 300 1796 Duff, Lawrence
267 255 1796 Dumphey, Saml
265 250 1796 Dunaway, Samuel
247 215 1795 Dunken, Jesse
265 250 1796 Dunkin, Jesse
283 286 1796 Dunlop, Buckhannon
262 245 1796 Dupea, Peter
282 285 1796 Dupea, Peter
287 295 1796 Dupea, Peter
287 295 1796 Dupea, Peter
176 73 1795 Dupea, Sarah
266 253 1796 Dupea, William
287 295 1796 Dupea, William
177 74 1795 Dupee, William
279 278 1796 Durrek, William
319 356 1792 Durrett, William
140 1 1788 Earls, Thomas
140 2 1788 Earls, Thomas
262 245 1796 Easley, William
269 259 1796 Easley, William
282 285 1796 Easley, William
287 295 1796 Easley, William
268 256 1796 East  , Isaac
266 252 1796 East  , Obedience
264 248 1796 East (Son To The Dec), Thomas
309 338 1797 East, Ezekiel
290 300 1796 East, Mrs
288 296 1796 East, Thomas
313 347 1797 East, Thomas
318 355 1797 East, Thomas
282 285 1796 East, Wm Obedience
265 250 1796 Echols, Abraham
237 194 1795 Echols, Elkanah
269 259 1796 Echols, Elkanah
292 304 1796 Echols, Elkanah
251 223 1795 Echols, O
251 223 1795 Echols, Oba
252 224 1795 Echols, Oba
284 289 1796 Echols, Obadiah
320 359 1795 Echols, Obediah
265 251 1796 Eckells, Obedah
265 251 1796 Eckolls, Elkanor
207 134 1792 Edwards, James
207 135 1792 Edwards, James
174 68 1795 Edwards, Thomas
157 36 1786 Elis, Elisha
250 220 1795 Elleot, Jonathan
189 99 1788 Ellington,
146 14 1788 Ellington, Jeremiah
154 30 1786 Ellington, Jeremiah
152 26 1789 Ellington, John
180 82 1788 Ellington, John
179 80 1781 Ellington, Owen
182 86 1788 Ellingtons, John
178 78 1795 Elliott, Richd
265 250 1796 Epperson, William
287 295 1796 Epperson, William
312 345 1797 Epperson, William
204 128 1792 Esapled?, Enoz
181 83 1788 Esther, Little
318 354 1797 Evans, William
316 250 1797 Evans, William
315 350 1797 Evans, Wm
315 350 1797 Evens, William
315 351 1797 Evens, William
317 352 1797 Evens, William
317 353 1797 Evens, Wm
318 354 1797 Ewing, Charles
224 169 1794 Falton, James
201 122 1792 Fambrough, Benjamin
177 74 1795 Fannijo, Matthew
265 250 1796 Fargeson (Of Amelia), Henry
267 255 1796 Farguson, Mrs Or Wm
248 216 1795 Farguson, Robert
268 256 1796 Farguson, Robert
282 284 1796 Farguson, Robert
283 287 1796 Farguson, Robert
315 351 1797 Farguson, Robert
317 353 1797 Farguson, Robert
264 249 1796 Faris Sr, Joseph
269 259 1796 Faris, Ames
262 245 1796 Faris, Joseph
274 268 1796 Faris, Joseph
268 257 1796 Faris, Joshua
262 245 1796 Faris, Juriah
268 257 1796 Faris, Miss Tabitha
264 248 1796 Faris, Nathl
282 285 1796 Farish Jr, Joseph
266 252 1796 Farish, Amos
287 294 1796 Farish, Amos
290 301 1796 Farish, Amos
281 283 1796 Farish, Jacob
290 301 1796 Farish, Jacob
282 285 1796 Farish, Joseph
284 289 1796 Farish, Joseph
282 285 1796 Farish, Joshua
282 285 1796 Farish, Nathal
313 346 1797 Farish, Nathaniel
292 305 1796 Farish, Nathl
304 329 1796 Farish, Nathl
288 297 1796 Farish, Tabitha
290 301 1796 Farish, Tabitha
290 301 1796 Farish, Tabitha
291 302 1796 Farish, Tabitha
304 328 1796 Farish, Tabitha
150 22 1786 Farmer, D
252 224 1795 Farmer, D
296 312 1796 Farmer, Gedion
266 252 1796 Farmer, Gideon
262 245 1796 Farmer, Isham
269 259 1796 Farmer, Isham
313 346 1797 Farmer, Isham
146 14 1788 Farmer, James
152 25 1788 Farmer, James
207 135 1792 Farmer, James
268 257 1796 Farmer, James
282 285 1796 Farmer, Jutham
291 302 1796 Farmer, Jutham
315 351 1797 Farmer, Thomas
262 245 1796 Farmer, William
303 326 1796 Farmer, William
268 257 1796 Farnbrough, James
289 298 1796 Farnish, Jacob
221 163 1794 Farrars, Richd
264 249 1796 Farris, Jacob
269 258 1796 Farris, Jacob
265 251 1796 Farthing, Richard
285 291 1796 Farthing, Richard
288 296 1796 Farthing, Richard
292 305 1796 Farthing, Richard
221 163 1794 Fatras?, Henry
206 133 1792 Faunner, Wm
195 111 1792 Feason, Ths
222 164 1794 Fence, Richard
205 131 1792 Ferguson, Nemrod
206 133 1792 Ferguson, Nimrod
192 104 1792 Ferguson, Robert
192 105 1792 Ferguson, Robert
157 35 1784 Ferril, James
206 133 1792 Fireshuts, John
156 33 1787 Fisher, John
251 223 1795 Fitzgerald, E
294 308 1796 Fitzgerald, Edmd
247 214 1795 Fitzgerald, Edmund
159 40 1788 Fitzgerald, John
160 41 1788 Fitzgerald, John
206 133 1792 Fitzgerlad, John
220 160 1794 Fitzgerlad, John
232 184 1798 Fitzgerlad, John
321 360 1796 Flippin, Joseph
267 255 1796 Floid, William
262 245 1796 Flower, Edward
269 258 1796 Flowers, Edward
282 285 1796 Flowers, Edward
267 255 1796 Fontaine, Keatts
294 309 1796 Fontaine, M
243 206 1795 Fortune, Elizabeth
157 36 1786 Fortune, Joseph
221 163 1794 Fortune, Joseph
222 164 1795 Fortune, Joseph
232 185 1795 Fortune, Joseph
242 205 1795 Fortune, Joseph
242 205 1795 Fortune, Joseph
243 206 1795 Fortune, Joseph
243 207 1795 Fortune, Joseph
244 208 1795 Fortune, Joseph
243 207 1795 Fortune, Mary
242 205 1795 Fortune, Sarah
243 206 1795 Fortune, Sarah
244 208 1795 Fortune, Sarah
315 351 1797 Foster  , Robert
308 336 1797 Foster?, Booker
206 133 1792 Franills, John
265 250 1796 Franklin, David
281 282 1796 Freeland,
264 249 1796 Freeland, James V A
250 220 1795 French, Saml
265 250 1796 Fulkerson, John
245 212 1795 Fulton, James
269 258 1796 G Coe?, Francis
175 70 1795 Gammon, Harris
175 70 1795 Gammon, John
221 163 1794 Ganbey, James M
180 81 1788 Gardenr, Sylvester
236 193 1795 Gardner, Silvang
176 72 1795 Garner, Selsange
236 192 1795 Garner, William
281 283 1796 Garret, John
267 255 1796 George, Gurdin
291 303 1796 George, Guzdin
252 225 1796 George, James
267 254 1796 George, James
270 261 1796 George, James
312 345 1797 George, James
317 352 1797 George, John
317 353 1797 George, John
150 21 1779 George, Prince
251 222 1795 George, Prince
251 222 1795 George, T
313 346 1797 Gevin, Bartholomew
301 322 1796 Gevin, George Homes
318 354 1797 Gilbert, James
315 350 1797 Gilbert, Jn W
316 250 1797 Gilbert, Jno W
318 354 1797 Gilbert, John W
315 350 1797 Gilbert, Juriah Heirs
317 353 1797 Gilbert, Juriah Heirs
316 250 1797 Gilbert, Juriah Heirs
315 351 1797 Gilbert, Quilla
281 282 1796 Gillies,
268 257 1796 Gilmore, Robert
291 302 1796 Gilmore, Robert
279 279 1796 Girl, Patt
267 255 1796 Glascock, William
292 305 1796 Glascock, William
264 249 1796 Glass (Halifax), James
264 249 1796 Glass, Dudley
288 297 1796 Glass, Dudley
291 302 1796 Glass, James
269 258 1796 Glass, John
284 288 1796 Glass, John
294 308 1796 Glass, John
266 252 1796 Glass, William
270 260 1796 Glass, William
288 297 1796 Glass, William
313 346 1797 Glass, William
263 246 1796 Glasson, Matthew M
288 297 1796 Glasswock, William
269 259 1796 Glenn, Nathan
282 285 1796 Glenn, Nathan
285 291 1796 Glenn, Nathan
289 299 1796 Glenn, Nathan
313 347 1797 Glenn, Nathan
266 252 1796 Glenn, Nathen
290 300 1796 Goad, R
266 252 1796 Goad, Robert
270 260 1796 Goad, Robert
290 300 1796 Goad, Robert
303 327 1796 Goad, Robert
264 249 1796 Goad, Thomas
290 300 1796 Goad, Thomas
203 127 1792 Goad, William
285 291 1796 Going, John
266 252 1796 Goodman, William
313 347 1797 Goodman, William
321 360 1796 Goodman, William
322 362 1797 Goodman, William
252 225 1796 Goodman, Wm
304 328 1796 Goodman, Wm
304 328 1796 Goodman, Wm
251 222 1795 Gordon, Alex
252 224 1795 Gordon, Alexa
150 21 1779 Gordon, Alexd
150 22 1786 Gordon, Thomas
206 132 1792 Gordon, Thomas
251 223 1795 Gordon, Thomas
252 224 1795 Gordon, Thomas
266 253 1796 Gorman, John
293 306 1796 Gornal, Benja
264 249 1796 Gorney, Benjamin
282 285 1796 Gorney, Benjamin
268 256 1796 Gosnall, Benjamin
268 256 1796 Gowing, John
265 250 1796 Grand, Isaac
227 174 1796 Grange, Stephen
229 178 1792 Grange, Stephen
283 287 1796 Grant, Isaac
268 256 1796 Grant, John
310 340 1797 Grant, John
157 35 1784 Grases, William
268 257 1796 Graves (Franklin), Frances
157 35 1784 Graves, William
215 151 1793 Gray, Adin
206 133 1792 Gray, James
214 149 1794 Gray, James
266 253 1796 Gray, James
285 291 1796 Gray, James
293 307 1796 Green , Thomas
266 253 1796 Green, Thomas
284 288 1796 Greenhill, Saml
171 63 1790 Greggory, John
192 105 1792 Greggory, John
250 221 1795 Gregory, Isaac
264 249 1796 Gregory, Isaac
270 261 1796 Gregory, Isaac
285 290 1796 Gregory, Isaac
286 293 1796 Gregory, Isaac
287 294 1796 Gregory, Isaac
292 305 1796 Gregory, Isaac
293 306 1796 Gregory, Isaac
294 308 1796 Gregory, Isaac
304 328 1796 Gregory, Isaac
248 216 1795 Gregory, John
265 251 1796 Gregory, John
269 259 1796 Gregory, John
290 301 1796 Gregory, John
303 326 1796 Gregory, John
304 328 1796 Gregory, John
267 254 1796 Gregory, William
269 259 1796 Gregory, William
284 289 1796 Gregory, William
293 307 1796 Gregory, William
304 328 1796 Gregory, William
294 309 1796 Griffeth, Johnathan
262 245 1796 Griffeth, Jonathan
262 245 1796 Griffeth, William
304 328 1796 Grigger, John W
312 345 1797 Grigger, John W
288 296 1796 Grigger, W
140 2 1788 Grover, John
293 306 1796 Guin, Bartho
242 204 1795 Gwin, John
267 254 1796 Gyn, Bartholemew
286 293 1796 Haedoros, Jones
265 250 1796 Hain, Thomas
232 185 1795 Hairston, Geo
222 164 1795 Hairston, Geo
243 206 1795 Hairston, George
244 210 1795 Haley, Jos E
300 321 1796 Haley, Jos E
284 288 1796 Haley, Joseph
284 289 1796 Haley, Joseph
285 290 1796 Haley, Joseph
266 253 1796 Haley, Joseph E
270 261 1796 Haley, Joseph E
282 285 1796 Haley, Joseph E
283 287 1796 Haley, Joseph E
286 292 1796 Haley, Joseph E
286 292 1796 Haley, Joseph E
287 294 1796 Haley, Joseph E
287 295 1796 Haley, Joseph E
290 301 1796 Haley, Joseph E
293 307 1796 Haley, Joseph E
263 246 1796 Hall, Benjamin
263 246 1796 Ham, Obadiah
281 283 1796 Ham, Obadiah
286 292 1796 Ham, Obadiah
288 297 1796 Ham, Obadiah
291 303 1796 Ham, Obadiah
155 31 1788 Ham, Thomas
155 32 1788 Ham, Thomas
283 287 1796 Ham, Thomas
291 302 1796 Ham, Thomas
291 303 1796 Ham, Thomas
264 249 1796 Hambleton, James
166 53 1780 Hamblett, Maurice
267 254 1796 Hambrick, David
269 259 1796 Hambrick, David
266 252 1796 Hames Jr, William
151 23 1788 Hames, William
291 303 1796 Hamick, David
218 156 1794 Hammon, Edwin
218 157 1794 Hammon, Edwin
248 216 1795 Hammond Jr, John
152 26 1789 Hammond, Rawley
246 213 1795 Hammonds, John
309 339 1797 Hampton, Thomas
310 340 1797 Hampton, Thomas
283 286 1796 Hamrick , D
282 284 1796 Hamrick, David
290 300 1796 Hamrick, David
310 341 1797 Hankins, Daniel
311 342 1797 Hankins, Daniel
311 343 1797 Hankins, Daniel
140 2 1788 Hankins, William
152 26 1789 Hankins, Wyatt
265 251 1796 Harday, Thomas
236 193 1795 Hardey, George
301 323 1796 Hardey, Thos T
177 74 1795 Hardy, Benjamin
149 20 Hardy, Thomas
161 44 1789 Hardy, Thomas
169 59 1790 Hardy, Thomas
290 300 1796 Hardy, Thomas
323 364 1791 Hardy, Thomas
323 365 1791 Hardy, Thomas
205 130 1792 Hardy, Thos
321 360 1796 Hardy, Thos T
149 20 1788 Hardy, William
215 151 1793 Hardy, William
268 257 1796 Harison, Answorth
267 255 1796 Harnes, William
281 282 1796 Harnick, David
283 287 1796 Harrison, Ainsworth
284 288 1796 Harrison, Daniel
278 276 1796 Harrison, Major Thomas
213 147 1794 Harrison, Rob
273 267 1796 Harrison, Robert
271 263 1796 Harrison, Robt
272 265 1796 Harrison, Robt
273 266 1796 Harrison, Robt
273 267 1796 Harrison, Robt
306 333 1797 Harrison, Robt
307 335 1797 Harrison, Robt
278 277 1796 Harrison, Saml
203 127 1792 Harrison, Thomas
226 173 1795 Harrison, William
227 175 1796 Harrison, William
229 179 1792 Harrison, William
230 180 1793 Harrison, William
254 228 1796 Harrison, William
255 230 1796 Harrison, William
273 267 1796 Harrison, William
307 335 1797 Harrison, William
319 357 1792 Harrison, William
320 359 1791 Harrison, William
153 27 1787 Harrison, Wm
163 48 1786 Harrison, Wm
227 174 1796 Harrison, Wm
229 179 1792 Harrison, Wm
322 362 1797 Harrison, Wm
306 332 1797 Harrisss, Joseph
303 327 1796 Harston, George
323 365 1791 Haskins, John
284 289 1796 Hatchel, Edmund
263 246 1796 Hatchett, Edmund
177 75 1791 Hatchett, Edward
270 260 1796 Hatchett, Edward
289 299 1796 Hatchett, Edward
302 325 1796 Hatchett, Edward
312 344 1797 Hatchett, Edward
318 354 1797 Hawkins, Robert
251 222 1795 Hayman, Doct
304 328 1796 Haymes, Henry
302 325 1796 Haymes, William
162 46 1789 Haymes, Wm
162 46 1789 Hayms, Wm
283 287 1796 Haynes Jr, William
150 21 1779 Haynes,
206 132 1792 Haynes, William
250 221 1795 Haynes, William
282 285 1796 Haynes, William
157 36 1786 Heard, Jessee
283 287 1796 Hedgboth, George
291 302 1796 Hedspeth, George
203 127 1792 Hemt, John
170 62 1790 Hench?, D
170 62 1790 Hench?, G
263 246 1796 Henderson Jr, James
263 246 1796 Henderson Sr, James
153 27 1787 Henderson,
148 17 1789 Henderson, James
221 162 1794 Henderson, James
282 285 1796 Henderson, James
293 306 1796 Henderson, James
309 338 1797 Henderson, James
152 26 1789 Henderson, Richard
267 254 1796 Henderson, William
269 258 1796 Henderson, William
293 307 1796 Henderson, William
304 328 1796 Henderson, William
308 336 1797 Henderson, William
312 345 1797 Henderson, William
265 250 1796 Hendrick, Ezekel
287 295 1796 Hendrick, Ezekiel
308 337 1797 Hendrick, Martin
263 246 1796 Hendrick, Nathaniel
282 285 1796 Hendrick, Nathaniel
302 324 1796 Hendrick, Nathaniel
308 336 1797 Hendrick, Nathaniel
308 337 1797 Hendrick, Nathaniel
308 337 1797 Hendricks, Ezekiel
205 131 1792 Hening, William
287 294 1796 Henrick, Mrs
268 257 1796 Henry, Edward
294 309 1796 Henry, Edward
246 212 1795 Henry, Francis
205 131 1792 Henry, James
281 283 1796 Henry, James
206 132 1792 Henry, Thomas
177 74 1795 Henton, Richard
221 163 1794 Herndon, John
176 73 1795 Herring, William
176 72 1795 Hessing, Wm
189 99 1788 Hicks, John
152 26 1789 Hide, Robert
302 325 1796 Hightower, Thomas
172 64 1795 Hill, Jonathan
225 171 1795 Hill, Jonathan
226 172 1795 Hill, Jonathan
226 173 1795 Hill, Jonathan
227 175 1796 Hill, Richmind
225 171 1795 Hill, Thos
263 246 1796 Hill, William
207 135 1792 Hinin, William
172 65 1791 Hinton, James
157 36 1786 Hodges, Edmd
266 253 1796 Hodges, Jesse
270 260 1796 Hodges, Jesse
291 302 1796 Hodges, Jesse
302 325 1796 Hodges, Jesse
313 346 1797 Hodges, Jesse
302 325 1796 Hodges, Jno
265 251 1796 Hodges, Thoams
263 246 1796 Hodges, Thomas
291 303 1796 Hodges, Thomas
292 305 1796 Hodges, Thomas
221 163 1794 Hogan, James
247 215 1795 Holder Sen, William
267 255 1796 Holder, Presley
309 339 1797 Hollan, Jonas M
241 203 1795 Hollan, Jonas Meadons
222 165 1794 Hollaway, Belley
157 35 1784 Hopkins, Arthur
157 36 1786 Hopkins, Arthur
158 37 1787 Hopkins, Arthur
159 39 1787 Hopkins, Arthur
202 124 1792 Hopkins, Arthur
157 36 1786 Hopkins, James
202 124 1792 Hopkins, James
253 226 1796 Hopkins, James
158 38 1787 Hopkins, Jas
202 124 1792 Hopkins, Miss Jenny
202 124 1792 Hopkins, Samuel
278 277 1796 Hopson, Elizabeth (Wife Of Samuel)
279 278 1796 Hopson, Elizabeth (Wife Of Samuel)
278 277 1796 Hopson, Samuel
279 278 1796 Hopson, Samuel
292 305 1796 Hopwood, Mrs
268 257 1796 Hopwood, Mrs Or Wm
267 254 1796 Hopwood, William
290 300 1796 Hopwood, William
292 305 1796 Hopwood, William
268 256 1796 Horkins, Johnson
270 261 1796 Horkins, Thomas
268 257 1796 Hubbard, Ben
269 258 1796 Hubbard, Joseph
264 249 1796 Hubbard, Jsoeph
264 249 1796 Hubbard, Nathaniel
270 260 1796 Hubbard, Nathaniel
284 289 1796 Hubbard, Reubin
289 299 1796 Hubbard, Reubin
270 260 1796 Hubbard, Rubin
264 248 1796 Hubbard, Samuel
206 132 1792 Hudson, Caleb
254 228 1796 Huffman, Barbara
254 228 1796 Huffman, Henry
250 220 1795 Huffman, Henry
254 228 1796 Huffman, Widow
263 246 1796 Hughes, Pratt
206 133 1792 Hughes, Rebuky
265 251 1796 Hunt (Brick Layer), William
266 252 1796 Hunt (Overseer For G Hunt), William
293 307 1796 Hunt Blayer, William
237 195 1795 Hunt, D
295 311 1796 Hunt, D
296 312 1796 Hunt, D
314 348 1797 Hunt, D
263 246 1796 Hunt, David
269 259 1796 Hunt, David
286 293 1796 Hunt, David
288 296 1796 Hunt, David
289 299 1796 Hunt, David
293 306 1796 Hunt, David
295 310 1796 Hunt, David
211 142 1793 Hunt, G
160 42 1787 Hunt, George
263 246 1796 Hunt, Gilbert
269 259 1796 Hunt, Gilbert
282 285 1796 Hunt, Gilbert
286 293 1796 Hunt, Gilbert
294 309 1796 Hunt, Gilbert
143 7 1788 Hunt, Gilland
263 246 1796 Hunt, James
284 289 1796 Hunt, James
267 255 1796 Hunt, Rebin
282 285 1796 Hunt, William
288 296 1796 Hunt, William
303 327 1796 Hunt, William
315 351 1797 Hunter, Titus
305 331 1796 Hurst, D
268 256 1796 Hurt, Davidrige
268 257 1796 Hurt, Garland
263 246 1796 Hurt, James
321 360 1796 Hurt, James
289 299 1796 Hurt, West D
292 304 1796 Hurt, West D
164 50 1790 Hutchings, Cris V
286 293 1796 Hutchings, James
290 301 1796 Hutchings, James
215 150 1793 Hutchings, Moses
157 35 1784 Hutchings, Thomas
267 255 1796 Hutchins, James
180 82 1788 Hyde, Robert
183 88 1788 Hydes, R
176 73 1795 Ingram, William
237 194 1795 Irby,
265 251 1796 Irby, Abraham
303 326 1796 Irby, Abraham
266 252 1796 Irby, David
270 260 1796 Irby, David
281 282 1796 Irby, David
281 282 1796 Irby, David
282 284 1796 Irby, David
285 290 1796 Irby, David
288 296 1796 Irby, David
292 305 1796 Irby, David
303 326 1796 Irby, David
303 326 1796 Irby, David
304 329 1796 Irby, David
313 347 1797 Irby, David
220 160 1794 Irby, Edwan
151 23 1788 Irby, Frances
165 52 1790 Irby, Francis
171 63 1790 Irby, Francis
244 208 1795 Irby, Francis
244 209 1795 Irby, Francis
244 210 1795 Irby, Francis
263 246 1796 Irby, Francis
269 259 1796 Irby, Francis
281 283 1796 Irby, Francis
282 285 1796 Irby, Francis
289 298 1796 Irby, Francis
289 299 1796 Irby, Francis
263 246 1796 Irby, John
270 261 1796 Irby, John
287 295 1796 Irby, John
265 251 1796 Irby, Peter
267 254 1796 Irby, Peter
270 261 1796 Irby, Peter
288 297 1796 Irby, Peter
303 326 1796 Irby, Peter
291 303 1796 Irby, Rebecca
313 347 1797 Irby, Rebecca
268 256 1796 Irby, Rebekah
269 259 1796 Irby, Rebekah
269 258 1796 Irby, Saml
289 298 1796 Irby, Saml
294 309 1796 Irby, Saml
303 327 1796 Irby, Saml
266 252 1796 Irby, Samuel
232 184 1798 Irby, William
265 251 1796 Irby, William
267 254 1796 Irby, William
269 259 1796 Irby, William
290 300 1796 Irby, William
304 329 1796 Irby, Wm R
303 327 1796 Irby, Zachariah
304 328 1796 Irby, Zachariah
313 346 1797 Irby, Zachariah
266 253 1796 Irby, Zacheziah
270 261 1796 Irby, Zechariah
315 350 1797 Irvine, David
316 250 1797 Irvine, David
150 21 1779 Jackson, P
251 222 1795 Jackson, Philip W
292 305 1796 Jacob, Brawacrs
291 302 1796 James, Thomas
295 311 1796 James, Thomas
155 32 1788 James, Thos
214 149 1794 James, Thos
243 207 1795 Jameson, Thomas
157 35 1784 Jefferson, Jno
263 246 1796 Jenkins, Daniel
269 258 1796 Jenkins, Daniel
313 346 1797 Jenkins, Daniel
317 353 1797 Jenkins, Daniel
287 294 1796 Jenkins, Danl
294 308 1796 Jenkins, Danl
250 221 1795 Jenkins, John
265 250 1796 Jenkins, John
313 346 1797 Jenkins, John
273 266 1796 Jenkins, Philip
233 186 1795 John, Thomas
233 187 1795 John, Thomas
234 188 1795 John, Thomas
186 93 1788 Johns, James
181 84 1788 Johns, John
189 99 1788 Johns, John
273 267 1796 Johnson (Logan), Alice
274 268 1796 Johnson (Logan), Alice
151 24 1788 Johnson, Archibald
266 253 1796 Johnson, Isham
269 259 1796 Johnson, Isham
283 287 1796 Johnson, Isham
308 336 1797 Johnson, Isham
308 337 1797 Johnson, Isham
202 125 1792 Johnson, James
270 260 1796 Johnson, James
271 262 1796 Johnson, James
289 298 1796 Johnson, James
292 305 1796 Johnson, James
208 136 1792 Johnson, Jas
295 311 1796 Johnson, Jas
296 312 1796 Johnson, Jas
305 331 1796 Johnson, Jas
248 216 1795 Johnson, Jas Hurt
315 350 1797 Johnson, John
316 250 1797 Johnson, John
268 257 1796 Johnson, Langshon
284 289 1796 Johnson, Langstone
264 249 1796 Johnson, Maj James
267 254 1796 Johnson, Richard
287 295 1796 Johnson, Richard
151 24 1788 Johnson, Widow
144 10 1788 Johnston, Archd
145 11 1788 Johnston, Archd
145 12 1788 Johnston, Archd
146 13 1788 Johnston, Archd
288 296 1796 Jonas, Thoms B
313 346 1797 Jones (Uncle To Tbj), Wm
304 329 1796 Jones Uncle To Tbj, Wm
205 131 1792 Jones, David
247 215 1795 Jones, Emanuel
265 251 1796 Jones, Emanuel
270 260 1796 Jones, Emanuel
282 285 1796 Jones, Emanuel
246 212 1795 Jones, John
246 212 1795 Jones, John
246 213 1795 Jones, John
247 214 1795 Jones, John
247 214 1795 Jones, John
288 296 1796 Jones, John
251 222 1795 Jones, Kennon
247 215 1795 Jones, Mary
306 332 1797 Jones, Mosias
182 86 1788 Jones, Richard
246 212 1795 Jones, Thomas
247 215 1795 Jones, Thomas
248 217 1795 Jones, Thomas
248 216 1795 Jones, Thomas B
266 253 1796 Jones, Thomas B
269 258 1796 Jones, Thomas B
285 291 1796 Jones, Thomas B
313 346 1797 Jones, Thomas B
151 23 1788 Jones, Thos
322 362 1797 Jones, Thos B
315 351 1797 Jones, Thos T
266 252 1796 Jones, William
269 258 1796 Jones, William
287 295 1796 Jones, William
292 305 1796 Jones, William
294 309 1796 Jones, William
304 328 1796 Jones, William
155 31 1788 Jones, Wm
247 214 1795 Jones, Wm
303 327 1796 Jones, Wm
152 26 1789 Jordan, Marrellus
179 80 1781 Juno, Tuck
216 152 1794 Justice, William
268 257 1796 Katts, Essex
268 257 1796 Katts, Isaac
267 255 1796 Katts, James G
267 254 1796 Katts, John
269 259 1796 Katts, John
267 254 1796 Kay, Henry
284 289 1796 Kay, Henry
286 293 1796 Kay, Henry
293 306 1796 Kay, Henry
304 329 1796 Kay, Henry
313 347 1797 Kay, Henry
293 306 1796 Keats, Richd
211 143 1793 Keatts, Charles
265 251 1796 Keatts, Charles
162 46 1789 Keatts, Chas
283 287 1796 Keatts, Isaac
294 309 1796 Keatts, Isaac
284 289 1796 Keatts, James G
293 306 1796 Keatts, James G
211 143 1793 Keatts, John
281 283 1796 Keatts, John
284 289 1796 Keatts, John
291 303 1796 Keatts, John
319 356 1797 Keatts, John
267 254 1796 Keatts, Richard
263 246 1796 Keatts, William
269 259 1796 Keatts, William
292 304 1796 Keatts, William
294 308 1796 Keatts, William
312 345 1797 Keatts, William
287 294 1796 Keene, William
288 296 1796 Keene, William
304 328 1796 Keene, Wm
305 330 1796 Keene, Wm
268 257 1796 Keese, Hugh
290 300 1796 Keese, Hugh
274 268 1796 Keesee, Alice
252 225 1796 Keesee, Arthur
253 226 1796 Keesee, Arthur
253 227 1796 Keesee, Arthur
281 283 1796 Keesee, Charles
252 225 1796 Keesee, Jeremiah
271 262 1796 Keesee, Jeremiah
270 261 1796 Keesee, Jessee
271 262 1796 Keesee, Jessee
252 225 1796 Keesee, John
253 226 1796 Keesee, John
253 226 1796 Keesee, John
271 262 1796 Keesee, John
304 329 1796 Keesee, John
304 329 1796 Keesee, John
270 261 1796 Keesee, Richard
271 263 1796 Keesee, Richard
176 73 1795 Kelley, Hugh
180 82 1788 Kelley, Hugh
181 84 1788 Kelley, Hugh
183 88 1788 Kelley, Hugh
206 133 1792 Kelley, Hugh
180 82 1788 Kelley?, Squire
318 354 1797 Kenney, John W
266 253 1796 Kenny, James
206 132 1792 Kerley, Henry
219 158 1794 Kesee, Richard
219 159 1794 Kesee, Richard
269 258 1796 Key, Henry
281 282 1796 Kezee, Jesse
267 254 1796 Kezee, John
196 113 1792 Kezees, Arthur
197 114 1792 Kezees, Arthur
197 115 1792 Kezees, Arthur
199 118 1792 Kezees, Arthur
199 119 1792 Kezees, Arthur
200 120 1792 Kezees, Arthur
172 65 1791 King, Elijah
267 255 1796 King, Henry
151 23 1788 King, James
205 131 1792 King, William
320 359 1795 Knewble, William
151 23 1788 Lacey, Alexd
154 29 1786 Lacy, Batt C
155 31 1788 Lacy, Matthew
319 356 1792 Lad Negro, Charles
263 246 1796 Lak, Joseph
215 151 1793 Lamb, Walter
268 256 1796 Lamb, Walter
288 297 1796 Lamb, Walter
303 326 1796 Lancer, Benjamin
303 326 1796 Lancer, David
266 252 1796 Lanier, David
180 82 1788 Lanier, Mr
181 84 1788 Lanier, Mr.
182 86 1788 Lanier, Thomas
263 246 1796 Lankford, Banjm
148 17 1789 Lankford, Ben
211 142 1793 Lankford, Ben
221 162 1794 Lankford, Ben
237 195 1795 Lankford, Ben
295 311 1796 Lankford, Ben
296 312 1796 Lankford, Ben
305 331 1796 Lankford, Ben
309 338 1797 Lankford, Ben
314 348 1797 Lankford, Ben
323 364 1797 Lankford, Ben
269 258 1796 Lankford, Benjamin
292 304 1796 Lankford, Benjamin
308 337 1797 Lankford, Benjamin
247 214 1795 Lankford, Thomas
263 246 1796 Lankford, Thomas
291 302 1796 Lankford, Thomas
291 303 1796 Lankford, Thomas
292 304 1796 Lankford, Thomas
190 101 1788 Lankutee?, Wm
306 332 1797 Lansford, Henry
320 358 1788 Lansford, Henry
306 332 1796 Lansford, Isham
320 358 1788 Lansford, Isham
174 69 1795 Lansford, Joham
166 54 1788 Larimer, James
281 282 1796 Laster, Joshua
206 133 1792 Laughlan, Charles M
303 327 1796 Lavinea, Benjmain
266 252 1796 Law, Jesse
290 300 1796 Law, Jesse
293 307 1796 Law, Jesse
180 81 1788 Lawer, James
176 73 1795 Lawless, Bryd
290 300 1796 Laws, Jessee
181 84 1788 Lawson, John
288 297 1796 Lax, William
322 362 1797 Lay, John
323 364 1797 Lay, John
291 302 1796 Leak, Joseph
294 308 1796 Leak, Joseph
312 345 1797 Leak, Joseph
218 157 1794 Legrand, Abraham
249 218 1795 Legrand, Abraham
267 255 1796 Legrand, John
287 295 1796 Lester, Daniel
291 302 1796 Lester, Daniel
267 255 1796 Lester, William
282 284 1796 Lester, William
289 298 1796 Lester, William
294 309 1796 Lester, William
312 345 1797 Lester, William
312 345 1797 Lester, William
303 326 1796 Lester, Wm
160 42 1787 Lesting, Thomas
264 249 1796 Levter, Daniel
265 251 1796 Lewis Jr, Charles
266 252 1796 Lewis Jr, Charles
269 259 1796 Lewis Jr, Charles
317 353 1797 Lewis Jr, Charles
248 216 1795 Lewis Jr, Charles
278 276 1796 Lewis Jr, John
176 73 1795 Lewis, Charles
206 133 1792 Lewis, Charles
246 213 1795 Lewis, Charles
247 215 1795 Lewis, Charles
279 278 1796 Lewis, Charles
291 303 1796 Lewis, Charles
304 328 1796 Lewis, Charles
305 330 1796 Lewis, Charles
312 345 1797 Lewis, Charles
278 276 1796 Lewis, Chas
247 215 1795 Lewis, Edward
248 216 1795 Lewis, Edward
264 249 1796 Lewis, James
292 305 1796 Lewis, James
177 74 1795 Lewis, John
177 74 1795 Lewis, John
206 133 1792 Lewis, John
230 181 1795 Lewis, John
238 196 1795 Lewis, John
240 201 1795 Lewis, John
263 246 1796 Lewis, John
275 271 1796 Lewis, John
276 273 1796 Lewis, John
277 274 1796 Lewis, John
277 275 1796 Lewis, John
277 275 1796 Lewis, John
278 276 1796 Lewis, John
278 277 1796 Lewis, John
279 278 1796 Lewis, John
279 279 1796 Lewis, John
293 307 1796 Lewis, John
305 330 1796 Lewis, John
230 181 1795 Lewis, John Bird
278 276 1796 Lewis, Robert
279 278 1796 Lewis, Robert
279 279 1796 Lewis, Robert
278 276 1796 Lewis, Robt
278 277 1796 Lewis, Robt
219 159 1794 Lewis, Ta
266 252 1796 Lewis, William
269 259 1796 Lewis, William
281 282 1796 Lewis, William
291 302 1796 Lewis, William
292 305 1796 Lewis, William
312 345 1797 Lewis, William
263 246 1796 Lewis, Zachariah
283 287 1796 Lewis, Zachariah
291 303 1796 Lewis, Zachariah
311 343 1797 Linthicum, Sarah
312 344 1797 Linthicum, Sarah
311 343 1797 Linthicum, Thomas
312 344 1797 Linthicum, Thomas
282 284 1796 Linticum, Wm
180 82 1788 Litele?, George
254 229 1796 Logan, David
273 267 1796 Logan, James
305 330 1796 Logan, James
273 267 1796 Logan, Mary
274 268 1796 Logan, Peggy
151 23 1788 Lovell, Daniel
181 84 1788 Lovell, Daniel
188 97 1788 Lovell, Daniel
289 298 1796 Lovell, Daniel
268 257 1796 Lovell, Samuel
282 285 1796 Lovell, Samuel
267 254 1796 Luck, John
270 261 1796 Luck, John
293 306 1796 Luck, John
304 328 1796 Luck, John
297 315 1796 Luck, Nathaniel
308 336 1797 Luck, Nathaniel
308 337 1797 Luck, Nathaniel
303 327 1796 Luck, Nathl
309 338 1797 Luck, Richard
264 249 1796 Luck, Richard H
292 304 1796 Luck, Richd H
304 329 1796 Luck, Richd H
318 354 1797 Lynch Jr, Charles
292 304 1796 Lynch, Akols
317 353 1797 Lynch, Charles
287 294 1796 Lynn, James
268 256 1796 Lyntium, Wm
247 215 1795 Mabry, Braxton
263 246 1796 Maclicat, John
198 116 1792 Madding, Robert
206 133 1792 Madin, William
207 135 1792 Madin, William
321 360 1796 Mading, Wm
251 222 1795 Mailtand, Gordon W
251 222 1795 Maitland, G W
221 163 1794 Majors, James
303 327 1796 Malicat, John
289 299 1796 Mallicent, John
174 69 1795 Manice, Clement W
177 75 1791 Maple, Joseph
248 216 1795 Mare, Willis
151 23 1788 Markham, John
192 105 1792 Markham, John
247 215 1795 Markham, John
264 248 1796 Markham, John
271 262 1796 Marlow, Kinsey
153 27 1787 Marr, R
174 69 1795 Mars, John
263 246 1796 Marshall, Daniel
287 294 1796 Marshall, Daniel
289 298 1796 Marshall, Daniel
303 327 1796 Marshall, Danl
192 104 1792 Marshall, Jno
309 339 1797 Marshall, T
306 332 1797 Marshall, Thos T
268 256 1796 Martin, Hendricks
284 289 1796 Martin, Hendricks
267 254 1796 Martin, James
286 293 1796 Martin, James
244 208 1795 Martin, Jo
156 33 1788 Martin, John
291 302 1796 Martin, Sampson
252 225 1796 Martins, Robt
283 286 1796 Maskie, Doct Robt
317 353 1797 Mastin, John
229 178 1792 Matthews, Edward
207 135 1792 Mattson, Alex
179 80 1781 May, Gardner
312 344 1797 Mayberry, Braxton
209 138 1792 Maybury, Frances
246 213 1795 Mayes, Margret
269 259 1796 Mayhu , Saml
303 327 1796 Mayhu, Saml
264 248 1796 Mayhugh, Samuel
286 293 1796 Mayhugh, Samuel
313 347 1797 Mayhugh, Samuel
268 257 1796 Mays Jr, Joseph
288 297 1796 Mays Jr, Joseph
289 299 1796 Mays Jr, Joseph
289 299 1796 Mays Jr, Joseph
291 302 1796 Mays Sr, Joseph
266 252 1796 Mays, Joseph
268 256 1796 Mays, Mattlock
291 302 1796 Mays, Mrs
268 256 1796 Mays, Mrs Or Wm
269 259 1796 Mcalester, William
291 302 1796 Mcalester, William
263 246 1796 Mcallister, Willaim
303 327 1796 Mcallister, Wm
279 278 1796 Mccallum, Danl
252 224 1795 Mccraw, William
282 284 1796 Mccraw, William
141 4 1786 Mccraw, Wm
242 204 1795 Mcdaniel , Ann
242 204 1795 Mcdaniel, Clemt
207 135 1792 Mcdaniels, William
183 88 1788 Mcdaniels, Wm
322 363 1797 Mcdonald, James Heirs
263 246 1796 Mcgiggor, John
303 327 1796 Mchaney, Cornelius
266 252 1796 Mchaney, Cornelius
270 260 1796 Mchaney, Cornelius
263 246 1796 Mchaney, Terry
303 327 1796 Mchaney, Terry
309 338 1797 Mchaney, Terry
247 214 1795 Mead, Mary
246 213 1795 Mead, Thomas
247 214 1795 Mead, Thomas
263 246 1796 Meadows, Jonas
318 354 1797 Meads, John
246 213 1795 Medcalf, John
247 215 1795 Medcalf, John
205 131 1792 Melieve, Beverly
174 69 1795 Merrick, John
268 256 1796 Miers, George
206 133 1792 Milan, Burley
271 262 1796 Miliron, Henry
268 256 1796 Miller, Robert D
288 297 1796 Miller, Robert D
243 206 1795 Minter, John
153 27 1787 Minter, Joseph
269 259 1796 Mitchell, Henry
284 288 1796 Mitchell, Henry
284 288 1796 Mitchell, Henry
286 293 1796 Mitchell, Henry
287 294 1796 Mitchell, Henry
289 298 1796 Mitchell, Henry
292 304 1796 Mitchell, Henry
265 250 1796 Mitchell, James
293 306 1796 Mitchell, James
308 336 1797 Mitchell, James
308 337 1797 Mitchell, James
313 346 1797 Mitchell, James
273 267 1796 Mitchell, Michael
268 257 1796 Mitchell, Miss
303 326 1796 Mitchell, Mrs Mary
281 282 1796 Mitchell, Reubin
267 255 1796 Mitchell, Richard
281 282 1796 Mitchell, Richard
282 284 1796 Mitchell, Richard
286 292 1796 Mitchell, Richard
283 287 1796 Mitchell, Richd
270 261 1796 Mitchell, Rihcard
282 284 1796 Mitchell, Robert
227 174 1796 Mitchell, William
228 177 1792 Mitchell, William
229 178 1792 Mitchell, William
253 226 1796 Mitchell, William
306 332 1796 Mitchell, William D
163 48 1786 Mitchell, Wm
227 175 1796 Mitchell, Wm
252 225 1796 Mitchell, Wm
271 263 1796 Mitchell, Wm
272 265 1796 Mitchell, Wm
320 359 1795 Molton, John
267 254 1796 Moody, Blanks
270 261 1796 Moody, Blanks
293 307 1796 Moody, Blanks
180 82 1788 Moon, Stephen
263 246 1796 Moor, Elijah
269 258 1796 Moor, Elijah
268 256 1796 Moor, George
293 306 1796 Moore, Elijah
278 277 1796 Moore, Rev Wm
308 336 1797 Morgan, H
315 350 1797 Morgan, H
316 250 1797 Morgan, H
204 128 1792 Morgan, Haines
179 80 1781 Morgan, Haynes
246 212 1795 Morgan, Haynes
247 214 1795 Morgan, Haynes
267 254 1796 Morgan, Haynes
269 258 1796 Morgan, Haynes
274 268 1796 Morgan, Haynes
274 269 1796 Morgan, Haynes
275 270 1796 Morgan, Haynes
275 271 1796 Morgan, Haynes
289 298 1796 Morgan, Haynes
317 352 1797 Morgan, Haynes
275 271 1796 Morgan, Mary
305 330 1796 Morriss, Robert
279 278 1796 Morton, Alexander
150 22 1786 Morton, John
203 127 1792 Mosley, M W
151 23 1788 Motley, Abm
211 143 1793 Motley, Abraham
172 65 1791 Motley, Danl
247 215 1795 Motley, Davis
151 23 1788 Motley, Isaac
211 143 1793 Motley, Isaac
287 295 1796 Motley, Joseph
151 23 1788 Motley, Mary
153 27 1787 Muckmillion, Wm
150 21 1779 Munfords,
263 246 1796 Murdock, Thoms
150 21 1779 Murray,
252 224 1795 Murray, John
216 152 1794 Muse, John
219 159 1794 Mustain, Avery
266 253 1796 Mustain, Avory
269 259 1796 Mustain, Avory
287 295 1796 Mustain, Avory
294 308 1796 Mustain, Avory
270 260 1796 Mustain, Jesse
304 329 1796 Mustain, Jesse
268 256 1796 Mustain, Miss Polley
303 327 1796 Myers, George
153 27 1787 Nance, David
153 28 1787 Nance, David
320 358 1788 Nance, David
305 331 1796 Nance, Martha
306 332 1797 Nance, Martha
192 105 1792 Neal, Stephen
266 252 1796 Neal, William
286 293 1796 Neal, William
143 8 1788 Negro Boy, Atkin
249 218 1795 Negro Boy, Bob
237 195 1795 Negro Boy, Cezar
298 316 1796 Negro Boy, Charles
306 332 1797 Negro Boy, Charles
311 343 1797 Negro Boy, David
195 110 1792 Negro Boy, Dick
309 339 1797 Negro Boy, Dick
166 54 1788 Negro Boy, Druer
307 334 1797 Negro Boy, Edmond
233 187 1795 Negro Boy, Elijah
307 334 1797 Negro Boy, Epex
298 316 1796 Negro Boy, Frank
143 8 1788 Negro Boy, George
234 189 1795 Negro Boy, George
260 241 1796 Negro Boy, George
237 195 1795 Negro Boy, Isaac
298 316 1796 Negro Boy, Isaac
298 316 1796 Negro Boy, Ive
166 54 1788 Negro Boy, Jack
234 189 1795 Negro Boy, Jack
260 241 1796 Negro Boy, Jacob
298 316 1796 Negro Boy, James
233 187 1795 Negro Boy, Jere
307 334 1797 Negro Boy, Jesse
199 119 1792 Negro Boy, Joe
204 129 1792 Negro Boy, Joe
307 334 1797 Negro Boy, Joe
319 356 1792 Negro Boy, John
301 322 1796 Negro Boy, Joseph
143 8 1788 Negro Boy, Leonard
143 8 1788 Negro Boy, Lewis
319 356 1792 Negro Boy, Lewis
209 139 1793 Negro Boy, Martin
174 68 1795 Negro Boy, Mingo
298 316 1796 Negro Boy, Owen
242 205 1795 Negro Boy, Patrick (Mulatto)
166 54 1788 Negro Boy, Peter
204 129 1792 Negro Boy, Peter
209 139 1793 Negro Boy, Peter
298 316 1796 Negro Boy, Peter
298 316 1796 Negro Boy, Pleasant
244 208 1795 Negro Boy, Pompay
195 110 1792 Negro Boy, Randolph
195 110 1792 Negro Boy, Rhoderisk
301 322 1796 Negro Boy, Roger
307 334 1797 Negro Boy, Sam
319 356 1797 Negro Boy, Same
171 63 1795 Negro Boy, Squire
301 322 1796 Negro Boy, Stephen
143 8 1788 Negro Boy, Yorke
320 358 1789 Negro Fellow, Ben
167 56 1790 Negro Fellow, Bob
167 56 1790 Negro Fellow, Cupid
306 332 1797 Negro Fellow, Dick
319 356 1792 Negro Fellow, Dick
306 332 1797 Negro Fellow, Joe
205 130 1792 Negro Fellow, Peter
306 332 1797 Negro Fellow, Pompay
205 130 1792 Negro Fellow, Sam
204 129 1792 Negro Fellow, Simus
320 358 1789 Negro Girl, Abigal
233 187 1795 Negro Girl, Alley
249 218 1795 Negro Girl, America
298 317 1796 Negro Girl, Amey
166 54 1788 Negro Girl, Amy
233 187 1795 Negro Girl, Charity
242 205 1795 Negro Girl, Cloey
249 218 1795 Negro Girl, Delpha
165 52 1790 Negro Girl, Dicey
319 356 1797 Negro Girl, Dicey
311 343 1797 Negro Girl, Dorcus
244 208 1795 Negro Girl, Easter
234 189 1795 Negro Girl, Ester
237 195 1795 Negro Girl, Ester
244 211 1795 Negro Girl, Ester
143 8 1788 Negro Girl, Eve
307 334 1797 Negro Girl, Hannah
311 343 1797 Negro Girl, Hannah
307 334 1797 Negro Girl, Jane
242 205 1795 Negro Girl, Janey Or Jancy
249 218 1795 Negro Girl, Jean
233 187 1795 Negro Girl, Kizzey
166 54 1788 Negro Girl, Lis
307 334 1797 Negro Girl, Luck
301 322 1796 Negro Girl, Lucy
209 139 1793 Negro Girl, Mall
195 110 1792 Negro Girl, Mary
209 139 1793 Negro Girl, Milliry
233 187 1795 Negro Girl, Nancy
298 317 1796 Negro Girl, Nancy
307 334 1797 Negro Girl, Nancy
311 343 1797 Negro Girl, Nancy
307 334 1797 Negro Girl, Nell
298 317 1796 Negro Girl, Patience
209 139 1793 Negro Girl, Pegg
307 334 1797 Negro Girl, Phillis
233 187 1795 Negro Girl, Polley
233 187 1795 Negro Girl, Rhodey
244 208 1795 Negro Girl, Rose
298 317 1796 Negro Girl, Salley
174 68 1795 Negro Girl, Sarah
209 139 1793 Negro Girl, Sarah
143 8 1788 Negro Girl, Sarry
244 208 1795 Negro Girl, Siller
319 356 1792 Negro Girl, Tillis
249 218 1795 Negro Girl, Violet
143 8 1788 Negro Girl, Winney
301 322 1796 Negro Girl, Witt
209 139 1793 Negro Man, Abraham
234 189 1795 Negro Man, Abraham
237 195 1795 Negro Man, Aleck
143 8 1788 Negro Man, Anthoney
195 110 1792 Negro Man, Archur
237 195 1795 Negro Man, Ben
298 316 1796 Negro Man, Bob
142 6 1788 Negro Man, Bobb
237 195 1795 Negro Man, Bridge
165 52 1790 Negro Man, Bristol
195 110 1792 Negro Man, Buck
143 8 1788 Negro Man, David
209 139 1793 Negro Man, David
195 110 1792 Negro Man, Dick
261 242 1796 Negro Man, Euclid
284 288 1796 Negro Man, Frank
285 290 1796 Negro Man, Frank
286 292 1796 Negro Man, Frank
287 294 1796 Negro Man, Frank
311 343 1797 Negro Man, George
250 221 1795 Negro Man, Harry
298 316 1796 Negro Man, Harry
249 218 1795 Negro Man, Harry
279 279 1796 Negro Man, Hector
260 241 1796 Negro Man, James
298 316 1796 Negro Man, James
260 241 1796 Negro Man, James Thornton
298 316 1796 Negro Man, Jerre
234 189 1795 Negro Man, Jess
233 187 1795 Negro Man, Jimmy
161 43 1789 Negro Man, Joe
162 45 1789 Negro Man, Joe
209 139 1793 Negro Man, Joe
233 187 1795 Negro Man, Joe
234 189 1795 Negro Man, Joe
261 242 1796 Negro Man, John (Black Smith)
261 242 1796 Negro Man, John 9Waggoner)
209 139 1793 Negro Man, Lewis
143 8 1788 Negro Man, Peter
234 189 1795 Negro Man, Peter
237 195 1795 Negro Man, Peter
244 211 1795 Negro Man, Peter
209 139 1793 Negro Man, Phill
298 316 1796 Negro Man, Sam
307 334 1797 Negro Man, Sam
279 279 1796 Negro Man, Sam?
171 63 1795 Negro Man, Simon
298 316 1796 Negro Man, Squire
165 52 1790 Negro Man, Titus
143 8 1788 Negro Man, Tom
273 266 1796 Negro Man, Toney
305 331 1796 Negro Man, Will
260 241 1796 Negro Man, Willbuck
164 49 1790 Negro Man, Woodward
142 6 1788 Negro Man, York
167 56 1790 Negro Winch, Betty & 1 Child
167 56 1790 Negro Winch, Dinah & 2 Children
167 56 1790 Negro Winch, Hannah
167 56 1790 Negro Winch, Judith
167 56 1790 Negro Winch, Lucy
200 120 1792 Negro Winch, Lucy
253 226 1796 Negro Winch, Lucy
197 114 1792 Negro Winch, Moll
200 120 1792 Negro Winch, Molly
167 56 1790 Negro Winch, Winney
159 40 1788 Negro Woman, 50 L
160 41 1788 Negro Woman, 50 L
301 322 1796 Negro Woman, Aimey
306 332 1797 Negro Woman, Amey
273 266 1796 Negro Woman, Amey & Child Andrew
233 187 1795 Negro Woman, Asby & Child
279 279 1796 Negro Woman, Bel & Child Beckey
142 6 1788 Negro Woman, Bess
243 207 1795 Negro Woman, Bett
195 110 1792 Negro Woman, Betty
249 218 1795 Negro Woman, Cathrine
143 8 1788 Negro Woman, Chloe
298 317 1796 Negro Woman, Chloe
233 187 1795 Negro Woman, Cuzzey
234 189 1795 Negro Woman, Dice
307 334 1797 Negro Woman, Dinah
233 187 1795 Negro Woman, Dorcus
233 187 1795 Negro Woman, Doshey
174 68 1795 Negro Woman, Edy & Child
174 68 1795 Negro Woman, Elly
261 242 1796 Negro Woman, Esther & 2 Children
311 343 1797 Negro Woman, Fann
165 52 1790 Negro Woman, Fanny
279 279 1796 Negro Woman, Filica
204 129 1792 Negro Woman, Fillis
237 195 1795 Negro Woman, Fran
309 339 1797 Negro Woman, Hannah & Child Martin
243 207 1795 Negro Woman, Isbell
301 322 1796 Negro Woman, Jane
143 8 1788 Negro Woman, Jenny
209 139 1793 Negro Woman, Judah & Child
307 334 1797 Negro Woman, Jude & Child Frank
261 242 1796 Negro Woman, Lettey
234 189 1795 Negro Woman, Luck & Child Lillan
143 8 1788 Negro Woman, Lucy
209 139 1793 Negro Woman, Lucy
261 242 1796 Negro Woman, Lucy
261 242 1796 Negro Woman, Lucy & 3 Children
298 317 1796 Negro Woman, Moll
237 195 1795 Negro Woman, Nan & Child Aleik
195 110 1792 Negro Woman, Nann
254 228 1796 Negro Woman, Nann
307 334 1797 Negro Woman, Patty & Child Cloe
298 317 1796 Negro Woman, Pegg
195 110 1792 Negro Woman, Phebe
298 317 1796 Negro Woman, Phebe
233 187 1795 Negro Woman, Phebe & Child
143 8 1788 Negro Woman, Phillis
166 54 1788 Negro Woman, Phillis
261 242 1796 Negro Woman, Phillis
298 317 1796 Negro Woman, Ruth
244 208 1795 Negro Woman, Sall
249 218 1795 Negro Woman, Salvy
164 49 1790 Negro Woman, Sarah
301 322 1796 Negro Woman, Sarah
204 129 1792 Negro Woman, Sue
307 334 1797 Negro Woman, Sue
309 339 1797 Negro Woman, Sue
230 181 1795 Negro, Abbey (Tom’S Wife)
276 272 1796 Negro, Abby (Tom’S Wife)
238 196 1795 Negro, Abram
274 268 1796 Negro, Abram
230 181 1795 Negro, Adam
276 272 1796 Negro, Adam
225 170 1795 Negro, Alley
225 170 1795 Negro, Ambrose
238 196 1795 Negro, Amey
225 170 1795 Negro, Amy
208 136 1792 Negro, Ann
181 84 1788 Negro, Anthoney
212 144 1794 Negro, Archer
238 196 1795 Negro, Archer
238 196 1795 Negro, Arthur
225 170 1795 Negro, Azon
230 181 1795 Negro, Baninder
208 136 1792 Negro, Banister
275 271 1796 Negro, Bell
230 181 1795 Negro, Belley
181 84 1788 Negro, Ben
276 272 1796 Negro, Bennum
276 272 1796 Negro, Berender
230 181 1795 Negro, Betsey (Child Jammy)
231 182 1795 Negro, Betsy
212 144 1794 Negro, Bett & 2 Children
230 181 1795 Negro, Bett & 2 Children
172 65 1791 Negro, Bettey
230 181 1795 Negro, Bettey
252 224 1795 Negro, Betty
276 272 1796 Negro, Betty
276 272 1796 Negro, Betty
275 271 1796 Negro, Billey
230 181 1795 Negro, Billy
276 272 1796 Negro, Billy (Peter’S Son)
230 181 1795 Negro, Bob
231 182 1795 Negro, Bob
238 196 1795 Negro, Bob
275 271 1796 Negro, Bob
276 272 1796 Negro, Bob
276 272 1796 Negro, Bob Tye Ziver
230 181 1795 Negro, Brandon
276 272 1796 Negro, Bridget
230 181 1795 Negro, Budget
276 272 1796 Negro, Caley
231 182 1795 Negro, Catey
238 196 1795 Negro, Chainey
230 181 1795 Negro, Charles
238 196 1795 Negro, Charles
276 272 1796 Negro, Charles
237 194 1795 Negro, Charles Child Of Lucy
238 196 1795 Negro, Cloe
225 170 1795 Negro, Culing
182 86 1788 Negro, Cupid
189 99 1788 Negro, Cupid
230 181 1795 Negro, Cupid
230 181 1795 Negro, Cupid
276 272 1796 Negro, Cupid
276 272 1796 Negro, Cupid
231 183 1794 Negro, Cupit
276 272 1796 Negro, Dafney
230 181 1795 Negro, Dafney (Sampson’S Wife)
178 76 1795 Negro, Daniel
225 170 1795 Negro, Daniel
275 271 1796 Negro, Daughter
276 272 1796 Negro, Daughter
276 272 1796 Negro, Davey Jr
230 181 1795 Negro, David
238 196 1795 Negro, David
181 84 1788 Negro, Dick
183 88 1788 Negro, Dick
188 97 1788 Negro, Dick
252 224 1795 Negro, Dick
274 268 1796 Negro, Dick
275 271 1796 Negro, Dillery
230 181 1795 Negro, Dilly
212 144 1794 Negro, Dinah
147 15 1789 Negro, Dino
178 76 1795 Negro, Doll
212 144 1794 Negro, Doll & Child
237 194 1795 Negro, Drury
231 182 1795 Negro, Druy?
231 182 1795 Negro, Edmund
276 272 1796 Negro, Edmund
181 84 1788 Negro, Eggy
182 86 1788 Negro, Eggy
212 144 1794 Negro, Elijah
230 181 1795 Negro, Emily
190 101 1788 Negro, Ester
185 91 1788 Negro, Esther
225 170 1795 Negro, Esther
231 182 1795 Negro, Fanny
274 268 1796 Negro, Fanny
276 272 1796 Negro, Fanny
230 181 1795 Negro, Filace
230 181 1795 Negro, Fillis
231 182 1795 Negro, Fillis
212 144 1794 Negro, Flora
181 84 1788 Negro, Frank
181 84 1788 Negro, Frank
230 181 1795 Negro, Frank
238 196 1795 Negro, Frank
275 271 1796 Negro, Frank
188 97 1788 Negro, George
225 170 1795 Negro, George
230 181 1795 Negro, George
276 272 1796 Negro, George
230 181 1795 Negro, Grace
274 268 1796 Negro, Grace
275 271 1796 Negro, Grace
225 170 1795 Negro, Handy
230 181 1795 Negro, Hanna
275 271 1796 Negro, Hanna
322 362 1797 Negro, Hannah
240 201 1795 Negro, Hannah 19 Yrs
225 170 1795 Negro, Hardy
212 144 1794 Negro, Harry
276 272 1796 Negro, Harry
230 181 1795 Negro, Harry (Nancy’S Son)
274 268 1796 Negro, Harwood
225 170 1795 Negro, Henry
238 196 1795 Negro, Hurt
172 65 1791 Negro, Isaac
230 181 1795 Negro, Isaac
230 181 1795 Negro, Isaac
274 268 1796 Negro, Isaac
276 272 1796 Negro, Isaac
212 144 1794 Negro, Isham
231 183 1794 Negro, Jack
230 181 1795 Negro, Jacob
275 271 1796 Negro, Jacob
212 144 1794 Negro, James
230 181 1795 Negro, James
231 183 1794 Negro, James
238 196 1795 Negro, James
276 272 1796 Negro, James (Philllis’S)
230 181 1795 Negro, Jammy
230 181 1795 Negro, Jammy
230 181 1795 Negro, Jammy
275 271 1796 Negro, Jana (Jemmy’S Wife)
230 181 1795 Negro, Jane (Wife Jimmy)
238 196 1795 Negro, Jane (Wife Jimmy)
230 181 1795 Negro, Janny
230 181 1795 Negro, Janny (Wife Of Peter)
230 181 1795 Negro, Janny (Wife Of Peter)
238 196 1795 Negro, Jas Hurt
240 201 1795 Negro, Jem 20 Yrs
276 272 1796 Negro, Jemmy (Betty’S Son
276 272 1796 Negro, Jemmy (Dilley’S Son)
276 272 1796 Negro, Jemmy (Son Of Isaac)
275 271 1796 Negro, Jemmy Sr
275 271 1796 Negro, Jemmy Sr
274 268 1796 Negro, Jenny
276 272 1796 Negro, Jenny
276 272 1796 Negro, Jenny (Hannah’ Youngest)
276 272 1796 Negro, Jenny (Peter’S Wife)
276 272 1796 Negro, Jenny (Unity’S Girl)
225 170 1795 Negro, Jere
230 181 1795 Negro, Jimmy
230 181 1795 Negro, Jimmy
208 136 1792 Negro, Joe
225 170 1795 Negro, Joe
230 181 1795 Negro, John
275 271 1796 Negro, John
225 170 1795 Negro, Jonathan
230 181 1795 Negro, Jonny
276 272 1796 Negro, Juba
230 181 1795 Negro, Jubea
274 268 1796 Negro, Juda (Little)
274 268 1796 Negro, Juda (Little)
314 348 1797 Negro, Judah
231 183 1794 Negro, Juday
208 136 1792 Negro, Jude
230 181 1795 Negro, Jude
276 272 1796 Negro, Jude
191 103 1792 Negro, Juno
230 181 1795 Negro, Jupiter
232 185 1795 Negro, Jupiter
276 272 1796 Negro, Jupiter
225 170 1795 Negro, Kelder
275 271 1796 Negro, Kizza
238 196 1795 Negro, Laban
275 271 1796 Negro, Lewey
231 183 1794 Negro, Lilley
230 181 1795 Negro, Lippes
230 181 1795 Negro, Lippes
230 181 1795 Negro, Lizza
238 196 1795 Negro, Lucca
238 196 1795 Negro, Lucretia
178 76 1795 Negro, Lucy
225 170 1795 Negro, Lucy
230 181 1795 Negro, Lucy
231 182 1795 Negro, Lucy
237 194 1795 Negro, Lucy
276 272 1796 Negro, Lucy
276 272 1796 Negro, Lucy
231 183 1794 Negro, Lucy & Nancy Her Child
230 181 1795 Negro, Lucy (Davies Wife)
275 271 1796 Negro, Lucy (Davis’ Wife)
230 181 1795 Negro, Lucy (Tom’S Wife)
275 271 1796 Negro, Lucy, Tom’ Wife
237 194 1795 Negro, Lydia Child Of Lucy
252 224 1795 Negro, Lyle
238 196 1795 Negro, Magge
230 181 1795 Negro, Mary
230 181 1795 Negro, Mary
230 181 1795 Negro, Mary
274 268 1796 Negro, Mary
275 271 1796 Negro, Mary
276 272 1796 Negro, Mary
276 272 1796 Negro, Mary
225 170 1795 Negro, Minney
190 101 1788 Negro, Moll
183 87 1788 Negro, Moll
182 86 1788 Negro, Moll & Child
274 268 1796 Negro, Moriah
182 86 1788 Negro, Moses
230 181 1795 Negro, Moses
276 272 1796 Negro, Moses
240 201 1795 Negro, Moses 21 Yrs
274 268 1796 Negro, Nad
274 268 1796 Negro, Nan
230 181 1795 Negro, Nancy
230 181 1795 Negro, Nancy
238 196 1795 Negro, Nancy
238 196 1795 Negro, Nancy
252 224 1795 Negro, Nancy
276 272 1796 Negro, Nancy
276 272 1796 Negro, Nancy
276 272 1796 Negro, Nancy (Peter’S Dau)
231 183 1794 Negro, Nancy Mother Lucy
225 170 1795 Negro, Natt
322 362 1797 Negro, Ned
225 170 1795 Negro, Nell
230 181 1795 Negro, Nell
276 272 1796 Negro, Nell
212 144 1794 Negro, Nelora
274 268 1796 Negro, Nelson
276 272 1796 Negro, Neptune
230 181 1795 Negro, Nepturen
182 86 1788 Negro, Nill
238 196 1795 Negro, Opphia
238 196 1795 Negro, Orrange
237 194 1795 Negro, Orrango
230 181 1795 Negro, Patrick
276 272 1796 Negro, Patrick
238 196 1795 Negro, Patsey
274 268 1796 Negro, Patt
230 181 1795 Negro, Peter
230 181 1795 Negro, Peter
231 183 1794 Negro, Peter
252 224 1795 Negro, Peter
276 272 1796 Negro, Peter
276 272 1796 Negro, Peter (Cupid’S Son)
275 271 1796 Negro, Peter (Jjemmy’S Son)
276 272 1796 Negro, Peter (Son Carpenter)
230 181 1795 Negro, Peter (The Carpenter)
230 181 1795 Negro, Peter Jr
225 170 1795 Negro, Phebe
276 272 1796 Negro, Phil (Fanny’S Son)
275 271 1796 Negro, Phil (Jermey’S Son)
276 272 1796 Negro, Phil Jr
230 181 1795 Negro, Phill
314 348 1797 Negro, Phill
237 194 1795 Negro, Phillis
252 224 1795 Negro, Phillis
274 268 1796 Negro, Phillis
276 272 1796 Negro, Phillis
276 272 1796 Negro, Pompey
276 272 1796 Negro, Pompey Jr
230 181 1795 Negro, Pompy
230 181 1795 Negro, Poppy
212 144 1794 Negro, Rachel
225 170 1795 Negro, Rachel
230 181 1795 Negro, Rachel
230 181 1795 Negro, Rachel
230 181 1795 Negro, Rachel
275 271 1796 Negro, Rachel
276 272 1796 Negro, Rachel
276 272 1796 Negro, Rachel (Cupid’S Wife)
240 201 1795 Negro, Rachel 2 Yrs
212 144 1794 Negro, Ratt & Child
212 144 1794 Negro, Rhoda
225 170 1795 Negro, Rhody
252 224 1795 Negro, Rice
230 181 1795 Negro, Robbin
276 272 1796 Negro, Robin
238 196 1795 Negro, Roger
322 362 1797 Negro, Roger
274 268 1796 Negro, Rose
230 181 1795 Negro, Sampson
276 272 1796 Negro, Sampson
314 349 1797 Negro, Sara
212 144 1794 Negro, Sarah
225 170 1795 Negro, Shadrach
274 268 1796 Negro, Sherwood
172 65 1791 Negro, Silas
274 268 1796 Negro, Siller
274 268 1796 Negro, Silvey
182 86 1788 Negro, Simon
275 271 1796 Negro, Sipeo
275 271 1796 Negro, Sipeo Jr
181 84 1788 Negro, Squire
182 86 1788 Negro, Squire
189 99 1788 Negro, Squire
178 76 1795 Negro, Stephen
212 144 1794 Negro, Suckey
276 272 1796 Negro, Suckey
230 181 1795 Negro, Sucky
212 144 1794 Negro, Sue
238 196 1795 Negro, Susannah
238 196 1795 Negro, Tamar
230 181 1795 Negro, Tamer
276 272 1796 Negro, Tamer
212 144 1794 Negro, Tilda
192 105 1792 Negro, Tites
225 170 1795 Negro, Tobe
230 181 1795 Negro, Tom
230 181 1795 Negro, Tom
230 181 1795 Negro, Tom
231 182 1795 Negro, Tom
252 224 1795 Negro, Tom
275 271 1796 Negro, Tom
276 272 1796 Negro, Tom Genokin
275 271 1796 Negro, Tom Jr (Jemmy’S Son)
276 272 1796 Negro, Tom Plump
181 84 1788 Negro, Tuck
276 272 1796 Negro, Unity
231 183 1794 Negro, Vilot
181 84 1788 Negro, Vina
252 224 1795 Negro, Violet
212 144 1794 Negro, Walter
238 196 1795 Negro, Wilks
252 224 1795 Negro, Will
274 268 1796 Negro, Will (Old)
274 268 1796 Negro, Will (Young)
182 86 1788 Negro, William
288 297 1796 Negro, William
225 170 1795 Negro, Winey
225 170 1795 Negro, Winston
228 177 1792 Negro, York
229 179 1792 Negro, York
215 150 1793 Nelson, James
217 154 1794 Nelson, James
217 154 1794 Nelson, William
263 246 1796 Nelson, William
294 309 1796 Nelson, William
268 257 1796 Neptune, Glens
266 252 1796 Newlain, Jesse
253 226 1796 Newlin, Bryan W
294 308 1796 Nichols, Elisha
151 23 1788 Nichols, Jacob
286 293 1796 Nichols, Jacob
290 301 1796 Nichols, Jacob
291 302 1796 Nichols, Jacob
293 306 1796 Nichols, Jacob
294 309 1796 Nichols, Jacob
295 311 1796 Nichols, Jacob
263 246 1796 Nickolls, Charles
264 248 1796 Nickolls, Eloha
263 246 1796 Nickolls, Jacob
270 261 1796 Nickolls, Jacob
270 261 1796 Nickolls, Swelhem
263 246 1796 Nickolls, Swethin
181 84 1788 Nowlen, W
197 115 1792 Nowlin, Bryan W
196 113 1792 Nowlin, W
253 226 1796 Nunnellee, Edward
252 225 1796 Nunnellee, Edwd
253 226 1796 Nunnellee, Edwd
311 343 1797 Nunnellee, Edwd
288 297 1796 Nunnellee, Harbert
294 308 1796 Nunnellee, Herbert
267 254 1796 Nunnelly, Harbert
241 203 1795 Oakes, Charles
273 266 1796 Oaks, Charles
286 292 1796 Olliver, Mrs
308 337 1797 Organ, John
284 289 1796 Organ, Saml
291 303 1796 Organ, Saml
293 307 1796 Organ, Saml
264 249 1796 Organ, Samuel
270 260 1796 Orgin, Saml
265 251 1796 Orindurg, Henry
282 284 1796 Osborne, John
282 284 1796 Osborne, T
308 336 1797 Osburne, John
292 305 1796 Owen, Drewry
264 249 1796 Owen, Drury
286 293 1796 Owen, Drury
313 346 1797 Owen, Drury
263 246 1796 Owen, John
290 301 1796 Owen, John
206 133 1792 Owen, Rawley
267 255 1796 Owen, Richard
182 86 1788 Owen, Williams
320 359 1791 Owens, Elizabeth
320 359 1791 Owens, John
166 53 1780 Pace, Newsom
166 53 1780 Pace, W
229 178 1792 Pago, John
152 25 1788 Pain, Reuben
151 23 1788 Pain, Rueben
243 207 1795 Pall, Jno
207 135 1792 Palmer, Martin
268 257 1796 Pampadoze, Coles
304 328 1796 Pannill,
264 249 1796 Pannill, Bruce
262 244 1796 Pannill, D
281 283 1796 Pannill, David
286 292 1796 Pannill, David
290 300 1796 Pannill, David
291 303 1796 Pannill, David
295 311 1796 Pannill, David
303 326 1796 Pannill, David
312 345 1797 Pannill, David
313 347 1797 Pannill, David
295 310 1796 Pannill, Jno
237 194 1795 Pannill, John
255 230 1796 Pannill, John
255 231 1796 Pannill, John
256 232 1796 Pannill, John
256 233 1796 Pannill, John
257 234 1796 Pannill, John
257 235 1796 Pannill, John
258 236 1796 Pannill, John
258 237 1796 Pannill, John
259 238 1796 Pannill, John
259 239 1796 Pannill, John
260 240 1796 Pannill, John
260 241 1796 Pannill, John
261 243 1796 Pannill, John
262 244 1796 Pannill, John
270 261 1796 Pannill, John
281 282 1796 Pannill, John
295 310 1796 Pannill, John
296 312 1796 Pannill, John
303 326 1796 Pannill, John
305 330 1796 Pannill, John
305 331 1796 Pannill, John
312 345 1797 Pannill, John
313 347 1797 Pannill, John
314 348 1797 Pannill, John
283 286 1796 Pannill, Mrs
285 290 1796 Pannill, Mrs
286 292 1796 Pannill, Mrs
305 330 1796 Pannill, Nancdy
237 194 1795 Pannill, Nancy
295 310 1796 Pannill, Nancy
295 311 1796 Pannill, Nancy
304 329 1796 Pannill, Nancy
313 346 1797 Pannill, Nancy
313 347 1797 Pannill, Nancy
286 292 1796 Pannill, Saml
290 300 1796 Pannill, Saml
291 303 1796 Pannill, Saml
282 284 1796 Pannill, Wm
282 284 1796 Pannill, Wm
321 360 1796 Pardon, Michael
199 118 1792 Parker, William
271 262 1796 Parker, William
143 8 1788 Parks, John
144 10 1788 Parks, John
152 25 1788 Parks, John
248 216 1795 Parks, John
215 151 1793 Parrish, Abraham
285 291 1796 Parrol, Rodham
296 313 1796 Parrott, John
263 246 1796 Parrott, Rodham
287 295 1796 Parrott, Rodham
290 301 1796 Parrott, Rodham
284 289 1796 Parsons Jr, Joesph
263 247 1796 Parsons, David
284 289 1796 Parsons, David
312 344 1797 Parsons, David
246 212 1795 Parsons, Joseph
263 247 1796 Parsons, Joseph
263 247 1796 Parsons, Joseph
284 289 1796 Parsons, Joseph
290 301 1796 Parsons, Joseph
291 302 1796 Parsons, Saml
303 327 1796 Parsons, Saml
263 247 1796 Parsons, Samuel
313 346 1797 Parsons, Samuel
263 247 1796 Parsons, William
293 306 1796 Parsons, William
313 346 1797 Parsons, William
151 23 1788 Pase, Newson
205 130 1792 Pasrize, George
323 364 1797 Patrick, John
170 62 1790 Patrick, John F
221 162 1794 Patrick, John F
265 250 1796 Patterson (James George Sr), John
290 301 1796 Patterson, John
293 306 1796 Patterson, John
293 307 1796 Patterson, John
303 327 1796 Patterson, John
246 213 1795 Patterson, Saml
246 212 1795 Patterson, Samuel
228 176 1792 Payne Jr, George
229 179 1792 Payne Jr, Josiah
227 175 1796 Payne Jr, Josias
246 213 1795 Payne, Edmund
227 175 1796 Payne, John
230 180 1793 Payne, John
228 177 1796 Payne, Josiah
229 178 1792 Payne, Josiah
230 180 1793 Payne, Josiah
230 180 1793 Payne, Josias
228 176 1792 Payne, Major
226 173 1796 Payne, Major Josias
227 174 1796 Payne, Major Josias
227 175 1796 Payne, Major Josias
163 48 1786 Payne, R
243 207 1795 Payne, Reuben
293 307 1796 Payne, Reubin
163 47 1786 Payne, Robert
189 99 1788 Payne, Robert
193 106 1792 Payne, Robert
193 107 1792 Payne, Robert
194 108 1792 Payne, Robert
194 109 1792 Payne, Robert
195 110 1792 Payne, Robert
195 111 1792 Payne, Robert
227 175 1796 Payne, Robert
229 178 1792 Payne, Robert
229 179 1792 Payne, Robert
265 251 1796 Payne, Rubin
246 212 1795 Payne, Thomas
247 215 1795 Payne, Thomas
267 254 1796 Payne, Thomas
270 260 1796 Payne, Thomas
292 305 1796 Payne, Thomas
161 43 1789 Payne, Thos
161 43 1789 Payne, William
228 177 1792 Payne, William
229 179 1792 Payne, William
250 221 1795 Payne, William
322 362 1797 Payne, William
163 48 1786 Payne, Wm
227 175 1796 Payne, Wm
230 180 1793 Payne, Wm
306 332 1796 Payne, Wm
163 47 1786 Paynes, Isaias
163 48 1786 Paynes, Isaias
162 46 1789 Paynes, William
263 246 1796 Pemberton Jr, John
269 258 1796 Pemberton Jr, John
283 287 1796 Pemberton Jr, John
303 326 1796 Pemberton Jr, John
308 337 1797 Pemberton Jr, John
263 246 1796 Pemberton Sr, John
285 291 1796 Pemberton Sr, John
294 309 1796 Pemberton, John
263 247 1796 Pemberton, Joseph
269 258 1796 Pemberton, Joseph
285 291 1796 Pemberton, Joseph
312 345 1797 Pemberton, Joseph
308 337 1797 Pemberton, Wm
247 215 1795 Pendleton, Phill
289 298 1796 Pennill, John
284 288 1796 Pennill, Reubin (Son)
284 288 1796 Pennill, Robert
322 362 1797 Perkins, Cons H
212 144 1794 Perkins, Constant
212 145 1794 Perkins, Constant
213 146 1794 Perkins, Constant
268 257 1796 Perkins, George
163 48 1786 Perkins, John
153 27 1787 Perkins, Nicholas
221 163 1794 Perkins, Peter
301 323 1796 Perkins, Peter
320 358 1788 Perkins, Philemon
240 201 1795 Perkins, Phillemon
241 202 1795 Perkins, Phillemon
241 203 1795 Perkins, Phillemon
268 256 1796 Perryman, Robert
320 358 1789 Person, Sherwood
294 308 1796 Peters, Tho
246 213 1795 Peterson, Saml
290 300 1796 Pickerall, Henry
264 249 1796 Pickrall, Henry
247 215 1795 Pig, William
266 253 1796 Pitts, Richie
291 303 1796 Pitts, Richie
293 307 1796 Pitts, Richie
293 307 1796 Pitts, Richie
270 260 1796 Pitts, Rickie
263 247 1796 Polley, Joseph
289 299 1796 Polley, Joseph
293 306 1796 Polley, Joseph
283 286 1796 Pope, Ralph
205 131 1792 Porter, William
265 250 1796 Porter, William
285 291 1796 Porter, William
293 307 1796 Potts , Ej C
268 256 1796 Potts, Ephraim E J C
281 283 1796 Potts?, Richie
291 303 1796 Potts?, Richie
175 70 1795 Prestage, John
175 71 1795 Prestage, John
176 72 1795 Prestage, John
176 72 1795 Prestage, John
177 74 1795 Prestage, John
180 81 1788 Price, Thomas
225 171 1795 Price, William
242 204 1795 Price, William
301 323 1796 Price, William
164 50 1790 Price, Willm
293 306 1796 Prindle, Oliver
309 338 1797 Prindle, Olliver
264 249 1796 Pringle, Oliver
278 277 1796 Pronnalls, Wm
301 323 1796 Prosise?, George
307 334 1797 Pryor, John
308 336 1797 Pryor, John
205 131 1792 Puckett, Anthoney
206 133 1792 Puckett, Anthoney
265 251 1796 Quarles, Francis
176 73 1795 Ragland, Gideon
206 133 1792 Ragland, Gideon
207 135 1792 Ragland, Gideon
207 135 1792 Ragland, Gideon
180 82 1788 Ragsdale, Frank
294 309 1796 Ragsdale, Fredk
304 328 1796 Ragsdale, Fredk
180 82 1788 Ragsdale, John
263 247 1796 Ragsdale, Thomas
291 303 1796 Ragsdale, Thomas
292 305 1796 Ragsdale, Thomas
293 306 1796 Ragsdale, Thomas
154 29 1786 Rakeshaw, Jno
317 353 1797 Ramey, John
209 138 1792 Ramsey, James
173 66 1790 Ramsey, Thomas
173 67 1790 Ramsey, Thomas
198 117 1792 Razor, Paul
199 118 1792 Razor, Paul
278 277 1796 Read, Jane (Wife Of Jonathan)
279 278 1796 Read, Jane (Wife Of Jonathan)
278 277 1796 Read, Jonathan Read
279 278 1796 Read, Jonathan Read
188 97 1788 Reaves, Mr
242 204 1795 Reed, Daniel
230 180 1793 Reed, Doctor
229 179 1792 Reed, Doctor
227 175 1796 Reed, Doctor Jno K
228 177 1792 Reed, John
232 185 1795 Reigor, Jacob
221 163 1794 Resgen, Jacob
268 256 1796 Reves, Elexander
157 35 1784 Rey, George
308 337 1797 Reynold, William
272 265 1796 Reynolds, George
222 164 1794 Reynolds, Spencer
221 163 1794 Reynolds, Thomas
196 112 1792 Reynolds, William
196 113 1792 Reynolds, William
308 336 1797 Rice, Doctor C
181 84 1788 Rice, Thomas
183 87 1788 Rice, Thomas
263 247 1796 Rice, William
269 258 1796 Rice, William
282 285 1796 Rice, William
283 287 1796 Rice, William
313 346 1797 Rice, William
265 251 1796 Richardson, Thomas
292 305 1796 Richardson, Thomas
172 64 1795 Richardson, William
226 173 1795 Richardson, William
254 229 1796 Richardson, William
177 74 1795 Richeson, Thomas
264 248 1796 Ridgway, James
270 261 1796 Ridgway, James
287 295 1796 Ridgway, James
177 75 1791 Rigney, Charles
263 247 1796 Rigney, Jessee
303 326 1796 Rigney, Jessee
303 327 1796 Rigney, Jessee
312 345 1797 Rigney, Jessee
294 308 1796 Rigorey, Jesse
265 251 1796 Roach, Buddy
182 86 1788 Roach, Gideon
303 326 1796 Roaches, Barddy
294 309 1796 Roaland, Jesse
294 308 1796 Roaland, Nathan
303 327 1796 Roalnd, John
284 289 1796 Roarer, David
286 293 1796 Roarer, David
268 257 1796 Roazer, David
283 287 1796 Robers, William
265 251 1796 Roberts (Halifax), William
224 169 1794 Roberts, James
265 251 1796 Roberts, Joseph
305 330 1796 Roberts, Theodorick B W
252 224 1795 Roberts, Theodr B M
281 282 1796 Roberts, W
289 299 1796 Roberts, William
150 22 1786 Robinson, Archd
203 127 1792 Robinson, Field
322 363 1797 Robinson, James
278 276 1796 Robinson, Jas H
203 127 1792 Robinson, Thomas
252 225 1796 Roger, Abram
215 150 1793 Rogers, Isiah
265 251 1796 Rogers, William
290 301 1796 Roland, Jesse
291 303 1796 Roland, Jesse
291 303 1796 Roland, Jesse
281 283 1796 Roland, John
305 330 1796 Roland, John
286 293 1796 Roland, Nathan
293 307 1796 Roland, Nathan
303 326 1796 Roland, Nathan
206 133 1792 Roman, Phil
207 135 1792 Roman, Phil
207 135 1792 Roman, Phil
267 255 1796 Rowland (Henry Co), Benjamin
237 194 1795 Rowland, Jesse
270 260 1796 Rowland, Jesse
266 253 1796 Rowland, Jessee
237 194 1795 Rowland, John
263 247 1796 Rowland, John
266 253 1796 Rowland, John
267 254 1796 Rowland, Nathan
270 261 1796 Rowland, Nathan
237 194 1795 Rowland, Simon
294 308 1796 Russell, Phill
177 74 1795 Russell, William
268 256 1796 Ryan, Joseph
221 163 1794 Ryan, Phillip
313 346 1797 Ryburn, James
207 135 1792 Ryburn, William
266 253 1796 Ryburn, William
286 292 1796 Ryburn, William
288 296 1796 Ryburn, William
289 299 1796 Ryburn, William
294 308 1796 Ryburn, William
220 160 1794 Ryburn, Wm
244 208 1795 Salmon Jr, H
243 207 1795 Salmon, Hezekaiah
163 48 1786 Salmons, Benjamin
279 279 1796 Sanders, James
278 276 1796 Sanders, Jams
263 247 1796 Sanders, Jere
267 255 1796 Sanders, Jere
313 346 1797 Sanders, William
252 224 1795 Sattern, P
288 296 1796 Saunders, Jerry
264 248 1796 Saunders, William
303 326 1796 Saunders, Wm
266 252 1796 Sax, William
264 248 1796 Sayre, Daniel
289 299 1796 Sayre, Daniel
286 292 1796 Sayre, Danl
320 358 1788 Scales, Mary
254 229 1796 Scott, Nimrod
266 253 1796 Self, Thomas
281 283 1796 Self, Thomas
291 302 1796 Self, Thomas
303 326 1796 Self, Thomas
291 303 1796 Self, Thoms
268 256 1796 Sencer, Benjamin
291 303 1796 Sevina , Banja
285 291 1796 Sevinea, Benjamin
315 351 1797 Shackleford, James
263 247 1796 Shackleford, John
289 299 1796 Shackleford, John
292 304 1796 Shackleford, John
293 306 1796 Shackleford, John
304 328 1796 Shackleford, John
313 347 1797 Shackleford, John
315 351 1797 Shackleford, John
150 21 1779 Shaw, Alex
265 250 1796 Shaw, John
283 287 1796 Shaw, John
159 40 1788 Shaw, Thomas
160 41 1788 Shaw, Thomas
266 252 1796 Shelton (Son Of John), Abraham
313 346 1797 Shelton (Son Of John), Abraham
265 250 1796 Shelton (Son To Gabl), Abraham
267 254 1796 Shelton Jr, Crispin
269 258 1796 Shelton Jr, Crispin
266 252 1796 Shelton Jr, Daniel
265 250 1796 Shelton Jr, Gabriel
292 305 1796 Shelton Jr, Gabriel
313 347 1797 Shelton Jr, Gabriel
176 73 1795 Shelton Jr, Thomas
290 300 1796 Shelton Sen, Gabriel
176 73 1795 Shelton Sen, Thomas
303 327 1796 Shelton, Abea
143 7 1788 Shelton, Abra
154 29 1786 Shelton, Abra
159 39 1787 Shelton, Abra
200 121 1792 Shelton, Abraham
201 122 1792 Shelton, Abraham
201 123 1792 Shelton, Abraham
270 261 1796 Shelton, Abraham
282 285 1796 Shelton, Abraham
283 287 1796 Shelton, Abraham
286 292 1796 Shelton, Abraham
288 297 1796 Shelton, Abraham
247 214 1795 Shelton, Armistead
266 253 1796 Shelton, Armistead
282 285 1796 Shelton, Armistead
293 307 1796 Shelton, Armistead
293 307 1796 Shelton, Armistead
313 346 1797 Shelton, Armistead
179 80 1781 Shelton, Armstead
263 247 1796 Shelton, Banjamin
247 215 1795 Shelton, Ben
270 261 1796 Shelton, Ben
292 305 1796 Shelton, Benjamin
201 123 1792 Shelton, Beverley
266 252 1796 Shelton, Beverley
270 261 1796 Shelton, Beverley
293 307 1796 Shelton, Beverley
303 326 1796 Shelton, Beverley
313 347 1797 Shelton, Beverley
319 356 1797 Shelton, Beverly
268 256 1796 Shelton, Bob
176 73 1795 Shelton, Charles
263 247 1796 Shelton, Claborn
269 259 1796 Shelton, Claborn
313 346 1797 Shelton, Claiborne
293 306 1796 Shelton, Cloe
202 125 1792 Shelton, Colo Abraham
294 309 1796 Shelton, Crispin
294 309 1796 Shelton, Crispin
304 329 1796 Shelton, Crispin
201 122 1792 Shelton, Frederick
267 254 1796 Shelton, Frederick
270 260 1796 Shelton, Frederick
293 306 1796 Shelton, Fredk
247 214 1795 Shelton, Fredrick
262 244 1796 Shelton, Fredrick
293 306 1796 Shelton, Fredrick
319 356 1797 Shelton, Gabl
166 53 1780 Shelton, Gabriel
303 326 1796 Shelton, Gabriel
264 249 1796 Shelton, Gabril
268 257 1796 Shelton, Gregory
290 301 1796 Shelton, Gregory
266 252 1796 Shelton, Joel
269 258 1796 Shelton, Joel
312 345 1797 Shelton, Joel
247 215 1795 Shelton, John
264 248 1796 Shelton, John
313 346 1797 Shelton, John
313 346 1797 Shelton, John
266 252 1796 Shelton, Leonard
269 259 1796 Shelton, Leonard
247 215 1795 Shelton, Leroy
263 247 1796 Shelton, Leroy
286 292 1796 Shelton, Leroy
288 297 1796 Shelton, Leroy
290 301 1796 Shelton, Leroy
303 327 1796 Shelton, Leroy
313 346 1797 Shelton, Leroy
313 347 1797 Shelton, Leroy
268 256 1796 Shelton, Levy?
208 137 1792 Shelton, Mark
265 250 1796 Shelton, Richard
269 258 1796 Shelton, Richard
286 292 1796 Shelton, Richard
287 295 1796 Shelton, Richard
289 299 1796 Shelton, Richard
201 122 1792 Shelton, Robertson
266 252 1796 Shelton, Robertson
303 327 1796 Shelton, Robertson
305 330 1796 Shelton, Robertson
266 253 1796 Shelton, Talifero
200 121 1792 Shelton, Tanner
175 70 1795 Shelton, Tavern
268 257 1796 Shelton, Tavernor
273 267 1796 Shelton, Tavr
281 282 1796 Shelton, Temple
151 23 1788 Shelton, Vincent
201 123 1792 Shelton, Vincent
248 216 1795 Shelton, Vincent
266 253 1796 Shelton, Vincent
281 283 1796 Shelton, Vincent
283 286 1796 Shelton, Vincent
284 289 1796 Shelton, Vincent
286 293 1796 Shelton, Vincent
289 299 1796 Shelton, Vincent
317 352 1797 Shelton, Vincent
318 354 1797 Shelton, Vincent
217 155 1794 Shelton, William
221 163 1794 Shelton, William
246 213 1795 Shelton, William
246 213 1795 Shelton, William
265 250 1796 Shelton, William
270 260 1796 Shelton, William
312 345 1797 Shelton, William
304 329 1796 Shelton, Wm
308 337 1797 Shelton, Wm
308 337 1797 Shelton, Wm
291 303 1796 Shelton, Wyatt
264 248 1796 Shelton, Young
283 287 1796 Shelton, Young
264 249 1796 Shephard, William
294 308 1796 Shepherd, William
224 169 1794 Shields, Samuel
263 247 1796 Short, Joshua
283 287 1796 Short, Joshua
263 247 1796 Short, William
287 295 1796 Short, William
181 84 1788 Shorts, William
180 81 1788 Shother, James
304 328 1796 Simpson, Jessee
263 247 1796 Simpson, Jessey
263 247 1796 Simpson, John
280 281 1796 Slaten, Daniel
280 281 1796 Slaten, Joseph
321 360 1796 Slaydon, Daniel
321 360 1796 Slaydon, William
252 225 1796 Smith, Calland
224 169 1794 Smith, Hezekiah
157 36 1786 Smith, James
179 80 1781 Smith, James
180 82 1788 Smith, James
181 83 1788 Smith, James
182 86 1788 Smith, James
224 169 1794 Smith, John
252 225 1796 Smith, John
173 67 1790 Smith, Peyton
168 58 1790 Smith, Ralph
242 205 1795 Smith, Ralph
268 256 1796 Smith, Rice
294 309 1796 Smith, Rice
224 169 1794 Smith, Richard
224 169 1794 Smith, Thomas
224 169 1794 Smith, Thomas
236 192 1795 Smith, Thomas
245 212 1795 Smith, Thomas
281 282 1796 Smith, William
283 286 1796 Smith, William
285 290 1796 Smith, William
262 244 1796 Smith, Wm
308 336 1797 Smith, Wm
317 352 1797 Smith, Wm
318 354 1797 Smith, Wm
315 351 1797 Smithoson, Drummond
183 87 1788 Sneed, Stephen
265 251 1796 Snelson, Charles
181 83 1788 Spaggins, Mr
267 255 1796 Sparrow, Old Mrs
321 361 1797 Spencer,
176 73 1795 Spencer, John
181 84 1788 Spencer, John
207 135 1792 Spencer, John
247 214 1795 Spencer, John
320 359 1795 Spencer, John
187 95 1788 Spraggins, Mr
188 97 1788 Spraggins, Mr
172 64 1795 Stamps, John
318 354 1797 Stanagan, James
205 131 1792 State, Samuel
180 82 1788 Staying?, George
267 255 1796 Steel, Wm
227 175 1796 Stewart, Alex
154 29 1786 Stewart, John
317 353 1797 Stewart, John
215 150 1793 Stokes, Allen
180 82 1788 Stokes, David
217 154 1794 Stokes, Siles
164 50 1790 Stokes, Sills
264 248 1796 Stone (B Creek), John
288 296 1796 Stone Jr, Joshua
294 308 1796 Stone Sr, Joshua
303 326 1796 Stone, C
264 248 1796 Stone, Elizabeth
284 289 1796 Stone, Elizabeth
265 251 1796 Stone, John
270 260 1796 Stone, John
274 268 1796 Stone, John
281 283 1796 Stone, John
285 290 1796 Stone, John
285 291 1796 Stone, John
303 326 1796 Stone, John
305 330 1796 Stone, John
148 17 1789 Stone, Joshua
211 142 1793 Stone, Joshua
221 162 1794 Stone, Joshua
266 253 1796 Stone, Joshua
269 259 1796 Stone, Joshua
274 268 1796 Stone, Joshua
275 271 1796 Stone, Joshua
287 294 1796 Stone, Joshua
291 302 1796 Stone, Joshua
305 331 1796 Stone, Joshua
308 336 1797 Stone, Joshua
309 338 1797 Stone, Joshua
312 344 1797 Stone, Joshua
314 348 1797 Stone, Joshua
317 352 1797 Stone, Joshua
318 354 1797 Stone, Joshua
321 360 1796 Stone, Joshua
323 364 1797 Stone, Joshua
237 195 1795 Stone, Joshue
220 160 1794 Stone, Samuel
205 131 1792 Surrey, Davidson
209 138 1792 Sutherlin, George
216 152 1794 Swanson, William
263 247 1796 Sweney, Ben
151 23 1788 Sweney, Jos
266 252 1796 Swepston, John
270 260 1796 Swepston, John
293 306 1796 Sweputone, John
287 294 1796 Swestone, John
287 294 1796 Talbert, C
289 298 1796 Talbert, Charles
308 337 1797 Tankersleys, Richard
222 165 1794 Tanner, Anne
192 105 1792 Tanner, Floyd
263 247 1796 Tanner, Floyd
291 302 1796 Tanner, Floyd
291 302 1796 Tanner, Floyd
321 360 1796 Tanner, Matthew
263 247 1796 Tanner, Thomas
288 297 1796 Tanner, Thomas
290 301 1796 Tanner, Thomas
216 152 1794 Taylor, George
246 212 1795 Taylor, James
247 215 1795 Taylor, James
263 247 1796 Taylor, James
291 302 1796 Taylor, James
294 308 1796 Taylor, James
319 356 1797 Taylor, James
264 248 1796 Taylor, Obadiah
287 295 1796 Taylor, Obadiah
308 337 1797 Taylor, Wm
287 295 1796 Templeton, Martin
264 249 1796 Templton, Martin
284 288 1796 Terrell, Benjamin
303 327 1796 Terrell, Charles
304 329 1796 Terrell, Charles
263 247 1796 Terrell, Richard
270 260 1796 Terrell, Richard
292 305 1796 Terrell, Richard
266 252 1796 Terry (Son Of David), John
150 22 1786 Terry, Barton
166 54 1788 Terry, Ben
246 212 1795 Terry, Ben
172 65 1791 Terry, Benja
143 8 1788 Terry, Benjamin
156 33 1788 Terry, Benjamin
156 33 1788 Terry, Benjamin
205 131 1792 Terry, Benjamin
270 261 1796 Terry, Benjamin
287 295 1796 Terry, Benjamin
320 359 1795 Terry, Benjamin
144 10 1788 Terry, Benjm
268 257 1796 Terry, Champ
286 293 1796 Terry, Champ
156 33 1788 Terry, Champness
176 72 1795 Terry, David
177 74 1795 Terry, David
177 74 1795 Terry, David
206 133 1792 Terry, David
264 248 1796 Terry, David
283 287 1796 Terry, David
312 344 1797 Terry, Dick
283 287 1796 Terry, John
141 4 1786 Terry, Joseph
205 131 1792 Terry, Joseph
205 131 1792 Terry, Joseph
206 132 1792 Terry, Joseph
207 134 1792 Terry, Joseph
208 136 1792 Terry, Joseph
266 253 1796 Terry, Joseph
284 288 1796 Terry, Joseph
287 295 1796 Terry, Joseph
156 33 1787 Terry, Nathaniel
156 33 1788 Terry, Peter
156 33 1788 Terry, Robert
156 33 1788 Terry, Samuel
267 254 1796 Terry, Ste
269 259 1796 Terry, Ste
285 290 1796 Terry, Stephen
300 321 1796 Terry, Stephen
303 327 1796 Terry, Stephen
206 132 1792 Terry, Thomas
320 358 1789 Terry, Thomas
156 33 1787 Terry, Wm
246 213 1795 Thacker, John
265 251 1796 Therick, Francis
278 276 1796 Thomas , Jacob
279 278 1796 Thomas , Jacob
278 276 1796 Thomas , Nathl
279 279 1796 Thomas , Nathl
231 182 1795 Thomas, Asa
321 360 1796 Thomas, Asa
196 113 1792 Thomas, William
238 196 1795 Thomas, William
238 197 1795 Thomas, William
239 198 1795 Thomas, William
239 199 1795 Thomas, William
240 200 1795 Thomas, William
268 257 1796 Thomerson, Freesnon
281 283 1796 Thomison, J
221 163 1794 Thompkins, Danl
263 247 1796 Thompson (Of Halifax), William
263 247 1796 Thompson, George
292 304 1796 Thompson, George
177 74 1795 Thompson, Henry
289 299 1796 Thompson, Jenings
264 249 1796 Thompson, Jennings
285 291 1796 Thompson, Jennings
247 214 1795 Thompson, John
304 328 1796 Thompson, John
197 115 1792 Thompson, William
253 226 1796 Thompson, William
282 284 1796 Thompson, William
192 104 1792 Thornton, Peter
174 69 1795 Thornton, Presley
271 263 1796 Thornton, Presley
264 248 1796 Thorp, John
287 294 1796 Thorp, John
294 308 1796 Thorp, John
254 229 1796 Thorp, William
263 247 1796 Thurman, David
242 205 1795 Thurman, Nathan
263 247 1796 Thurman, Richard
236 192 1795 Thurman, Will
317 353 1797 Thurmon , Abraham
270 261 1796 Thurmond, David
289 299 1796 Thurmond, David
312 345 1797 Thurmond, David
291 302 1796 Thurmond, Richard
292 305 1796 Thurmond, Richard
303 327 1796 Thurmond, Richard
268 256 1796 Todd Jr, William
291 303 1796 Todd, Mary
250 221 1795 Todd, Richard
317 353 1797 Todd, Richard
151 23 1788 Todd, Richd
287 294 1796 Todd, Richd
165 52 1790 Todd, Will
191 103 1788 Todd, Will
262 244 1796 Todd, Will
275 271 1796 Todd, Will
143 7 1788 Todd, William
152 26 1789 Todd, William
154 29 1786 Todd, William
160 42 1787 Todd, William
192 105 1792 Todd, William
267 254 1796 Todd, William
270 260 1796 Todd, William
282 284 1796 Todd, William
283 286 1796 Todd, William
286 292 1796 Todd, William
295 310 1796 Todd, William
315 350 1797 Todd, William
317 352 1797 Todd, William
317 353 1797 Todd, William
316 250 1797 Todd, William
304 329 1796 Todd, Wm
168 58 1790 Tollen?, Joseph
304 328 1796 Tombrough, John
281 282 1796 Tompkins, Danl
237 195 1795 Tompkins, Samuel
238 196 1795 Tompkins, Samuel
302 324 1796 Tompkins, Samuel
302 325 1796 Tompkins, Samuel
247 214 1795 Townes, H
207 135 1792 Tramill, Daniel
206 133 1792 Tramill, Robert
263 247 1796 Trump, Frederick
292 305 1796 Trump, Fredrick
251 222 1795 Tucker, Geo
181 83 1788 Tucker, Juno
161 43 1789 Tucker, Robert
266 253 1796 Tucker, Robert
303 327 1796 Tucker, Robert
265 251 1796 Tucker, William
293 307 1796 Tucker, William
293 306 1796 Tunedell, John
252 225 1796 Tunstall, Col William
250 221 1795 Tunstall, Edm C
315 351 1797 Tunstall, Edmd
269 259 1796 Tunstall, Edmond
192 104 1792 Tunstall, Edmund
267 254 1796 Tunstall, Edmund
284 289 1796 Tunstall, Edmund
293 307 1796 Tunstall, Edmund
263 247 1796 Tunstall, Elizabeth
304 328 1796 Tunstall, Geo
264 248 1796 Tunstall, George
270 260 1796 Tunstall, George
304 329 1796 Tunstall, George
265 251 1796 Tunstall, John O
268 257 1796 Tunstall, Leonard
192 104 1792 Tunstall, Rebecca
154 29 1786 Tunstall, T
192 104 1792 Tunstall, Thom
192 104 1792 Tunstall, Thomas
192 105 1792 Tunstall, Thomas
192 105 1792 Tunstall, Thomas
266 253 1796 Tunstall, Thomas
269 258 1796 Tunstall, Thomas
283 287 1796 Tunstall, Thomas
290 300 1796 Tunstall, Thomas
293 306 1796 Tunstall, Thomas
317 353 1797 Tunstall, Thomas
317 353 1797 Tunstall, Thoms
165 52 1790 Tunstall, Thos
214 149 1794 Tunstall, Will J
181 84 1788 Tunstall, William
192 105 1792 Tunstall, William
266 252 1796 Tunstall, William
270 261 1796 Tunstall, William
284 289 1796 Tunstall, William
293 306 1796 Tunstall, William
305 330 1796 Tunstall, William
266 252 1796 Tunstall, William G
270 260 1796 Tunstall, William G
290 301 1796 Tunstall, William J
288 296 1796 Tunstall, Wm
252 225 1796 Turley Senr, Jno
252 225 1796 Turley Senr, John
268 256 1796 Turley Senr, Zack
267 255 1796 Turner, John
282 285 1796 Turner, John
289 299 1796 Turner, John
294 308 1796 Turner, John
318 355 1797 Turner, John
305 330 1796 Turner, Stokeley
288 296 1796 Turner, Stokely
294 308 1796 Twedell, John
294 308 1796 Twedell, John
263 247 1796 Twedwell, John
290 300 1796 Tweedell, John
266 253 1796 Valentine, Charles
269 259 1796 Valentine, Charles
287 294 1796 Valentine, Charles
288 297 1796 Valentine, Charles
285 290 1796 Valuntine, Charles
318 354 1797 Vardemon, William
185 91 1788 Vaughan, Thomas
190 101 1788 Vaughan, Thomas
266 253 1796 Vaughan, Thomas
269 259 1796 Vaughan, Thomas
293 307 1796 Vaughan, Thomas
294 309 1796 Vaughan, Thomas
303 327 1796 Vaughan, Thomas
304 328 1796 Vaughan, Thomas
265 251 1796 Vaughan, William
288 297 1796 Vaughan, William
244 210 1795 Vaughen, Thomas
293 307 1796 Vaughen, Thomas
291 303 1796 Vaughn, Thomas
293 306 1796 Vaughn, Thomas
293 307 1796 Vaughn, Thomas
180 82 1788 Venable, Mr
202 125 1792 Venable, Richd
315 351 1797 Vest, Joben
202 124 1792 Vinable, W
294 308 1796 Voluntine, Charles
231 182 1795 Waddier, Noell
240 201 1795 Waddill, Noel
238 196 1795 Waddill, Noell
278 277 1796 Waddill, Noell
306 332 1797 Wadlow, William
306 333 1797 Wadlow, William
319 357 1792 Wadsill, Noel
167 55 1790 Walden, Richard
167 56 1790 Walden, Richard
168 57 1790 Walden, Richard
242 205 1795 Waldin, Mourning
317 353 1797 Waldron, Benjamin
315 351 1797 Waldron, John
232 184 1798 Waldron, Wm
186 93 1788 Walker, Benjamin
154 29 1786 Walker, David
154 30 1786 Walker, David
150 21 1779 Walker, James
150 22 1786 Walker, James
251 222 1795 Walker, James
252 224 1795 Walker, James
252 225 1796 Walker, James
141 3 1786 Walker, Katharine
141 4 1786 Walker, Katharine
142 5 1788 Walker, Katharine
150 21 1779 Walker, Katharine
150 22 1786 Walker, Katherine Mrs
251 223 1795 Walker, Kennon
252 224 1795 Walker, Kennon
154 29 1786 Walker, Saml
154 30 1786 Walker, Samuel
222 165 1794 Walker, Samuel
251 222 1795 Walker, W K
205 131 1792 Walker, William
251 223 1795 Walker, Wm K
246 212 1795 Walkins, Ben
171 63 1795 Walkins, John
172 64 1795 Walkins, John
265 251 1796 Wall, George
265 251 1796 Wallace, John
222 164 1795 Wallen, Geo
207 134 1792 Waller,
232 185 1795 Waller, Geo
243 207 1795 Waller, Geo
313 346 1797 Waller, John
312 344 1797 Wallis, William
248 216 1795 Walmack, Allen
269 258 1796 Walron, William
304 329 1796 Walrond, William
141 4 1786 Walrond, Wm
142 5 1788 Walrond, Wm
159 40 1788 Walrond, Wm
160 41 1788 Walrond, Wm
278 276 1796 Walters, Archibald
279 279 1796 Walters, Archibald
231 182 1795 Walters, John
240 201 1795 Walters, John
238 196 1795 Walters, John
279 279 1796 Walters, Margaret
198 116 1792 Walters, Robert
321 360 1796 Walters, Robert
205 131 1792 Walters, Robert
319 357 1792 Walters, Robert
320 359 1795 Walters, Robt
279 279 1796 Walters, Thomas
280 280 1796 Walters, Thomas
280 281 1796 Walters, Thomas
176 72 1795 Walters, William
177 74 1795 Walters, William
320 359 1795 Walters, William
321 360 1796 Walters, William
264 248 1796 Ward  , John
283 286 1796 Ward Jr, John
318 355 1797 Ward Jr, John
264 248 1796 Ward Sr, John
286 293 1796 Ward Sr, John
168 58 1790 Ward, Jermiah
151 23 1788 Ward, John
315 351 1797 Ward, John
265 250 1796 Ward, William
294 309 1796 Ward, William
315 350 1797 Ward, William
316 250 1797 Ward, William
320 359 1795 Wards, Noel
227 174 1796 Ware, Harrison
217 155 1794 Ware, William
249 218 1795 Ware, William
273 267 1796 Ware, William
218 157 1794 Ware, Wm
273 267 1796 Ware, Wm
306 333 1797 Ware, Wm
213 147 1794 Warren, Edwd
293 306 1796 Warsham, Henry
304 329 1796 Warsham, Henry
304 329 1796 Washam, Henry
320 359 1795 Watkins, John
321 360 1796 Watkins, John
320 359 1795 Watkins, Mary
321 360 1796 Watkins, Saml
320 359 1795 Watkins, Samuel
199 118 1792 Watson Jr, John
196 113 1792 Watson, John
197 115 1792 Watson, John
253 226 1796 Watson, John
303 327 1796 Wattes, Sterling
309 338 1797 Webb, Benjamin
292 305 1796 Webb, Edmd
266 253 1796 Webb, Edmund
304 328 1796 Webb, Edmund
265 251 1796 Webb, George
291 303 1796 Webb, George
264 249 1796 Webb, John
270 261 1796 Webb, John
304 328 1796 Webb, John
165 51 1790 Welch, Joshua
169 59 1790 Welch, Joshua
268 257 1796 Wells, Barnet
311 343 1797 Wells, Mathew
320 358 1789 Wench Negro, Judith
304 329 1796 West Jr, Benjamin
304 329 1796 West Jr, Joseph
270 260 1796 West, Ben
264 248 1796 West, Benjamin
264 248 1796 West, George
291 303 1796 West, George
264 248 1796 West, John
291 303 1796 West, John
318 355 1797 West, John
263 247 1796 West, Joseph
312 345 1797 West, Joseph
317 353 1797 West, Owen
318 355 1797 West, Owen
289 299 1796 Whate, William
192 104 1792 White, Doc
247 214 1795 White, James
225 171 1795 White, Jere
236 193 1795 White, Jere
246 213 1795 White, Jere
247 214 1795 White, Jere
143 8 1788 White, Jeremiah
144 9 1788 White, Jeremiah
144 10 1788 White, Jeremiah
156 34 1787 White, Jeremiah
288 296 1796 White, John
291 303 1796 White, John
265 251 1796 White, Joseph
154 29 1786 White, Rawley
166 54 1788 White, Rawley
265 251 1796 White, Rawley
304 329 1796 White, Rawley
304 329 1796 White, Rawley
288 297 1796 White, Rolley
287 295 1796 White, Rolly
222 165 1794 White, Will
190 101 1788 White, William
268 256 1796 White, William
266 253 1796 Whitlock, Thomas
285 291 1796 Whitlock, Thomas
308 337 1797 Whittock, Thomas
246 213 1795 Wiilliams, Robert
196 112 1792 Wilkerson, Thomas
196 113 1792 Wilkerson, Thomas
278 276 1796 Wilkinson, Capt William
278 277 1796 Wilkinson, Judge
279 278 1796 Wilkinson, Judge
267 255 1796 Will, Coles
269 258 1796 Willard , Beverley
264 249 1796 Willard Sr, B
267 255 1796 Willard Sr, Beverley
268 257 1796 Willard Sr, John
304 328 1796 Willard, Beverely
322 362 1797 Willard, Beverly
294 308 1796 Willard, John
304 328 1796 Willard, John
264 249 1796 William (Son In Law To D Terry), Thomas
152 26 1789 Williams Esq, John
159 39 1787 Williams, B
250 221 1795 Williams, Beverley
217 155 1794 Williams, Charles
218 157 1794 Williams, Charles
225 170 1795 Williams, Charles
249 218 1795 Williams, Charles
320 359 1791 Williams, Charles
250 220 1795 Williams, Chas
150 21 1779 Williams, Colo
202 125 1792 Williams, Colo R
182 86 1788 Williams, Daniel
183 88 1788 Williams, Daniel
190 101 1788 Williams, Daniel
191 103 1792 Williams, Daniel
166 54 1788 Williams, David Champness
304 329 1796 Williams, Doctor C
313 346 1797 Williams, Doctor C
166 54 1788 Williams, Doctor Crawford
247 215 1795 Williams, J
205 130 1792 Williams, J W
246 213 1795 Williams, James M
247 214 1795 Williams, James M
247 215 1795 Williams, James M
252 224 1795 Williams, James M
266 252 1796 Williams, James M
288 297 1796 Williams, James M
166 54 1788 Williams, James Mastin
292 304 1796 Williams, James W
252 224 1795 Williams, Jno
247 215 1795 Williams, Joe
154 29 1786 Williams, John
166 54 1788 Williams, John
265 251 1796 Williams, John
278 276 1796 Williams, John
207 135 1792 Williams, Jos
179 79 1781 Williams, Joseph
180 81 1788 Williams, Joseph
182 85 1788 Williams, Joseph
183 87 1788 Williams, Joseph
184 89 1788 Williams, Joseph
185 91 1788 Williams, Joseph
186 93 1788 Williams, Joseph
187 95 1788 Williams, Joseph
188 97 1788 Williams, Joseph
189 99 1788 Williams, Joseph
190 101 1788 Williams, Joseph
191 103 1788 Williams, Joseph
248 216 1795 Williams, Joseph T
268 256 1796 Williams, Joseph T
304 329 1796 Williams, Joseph T
247 215 1795 Williams, Joseph T
166 54 1788 Williams, Joseph Terry
247 214 1795 Williams, Joseph Terry
248 216 1795 Williams, Joseph Terry
251 223 1795 Williams, Leroy
206 133 1792 Williams, Lewis
251 223 1795 Williams, Luck & Child Lillan
159 40 1788 Williams, Lucy
160 41 1788 Williams, Lucy
166 54 1788 Williams, Lucy
207 135 1792 Williams, Lucy
207 135 1792 Williams, Luke
152 26 1789 Williams, Mary
179 79 1781 Williams, Mary
179 80 1781 Williams, Mary
180 81 1788 Williams, Mary
181 83 1788 Williams, Mary
182 85 1788 Williams, Mary
183 87 1788 Williams, Mary
184 89 1788 Williams, Mary
185 91 1788 Williams, Mary
186 93 1788 Williams, Mary
187 95 1788 Williams, Mary
188 97 1788 Williams, Mary
189 99 1788 Williams, Mary
190 101 1788 Williams, Mary
191 103 1788 Williams, Mary
278 277 1796 Williams, Mary (William’S Wife)
279 278 1796 Williams, Mary (William’S Wife)
207 135 1792 Williams, Mastin
207 135 1792 Williams, Mastin
156 34 1787 Williams, R
252 225 1796 Williams, R
152 26 1789 Williams, Robert
191 103 1792 Williams, Robert
204 128 1792 Williams, Robert
205 131 1792 Williams, Robert
206 132 1792 Williams, Robert
206 133 1792 Williams, Robert
247 214 1795 Williams, Robert
264 248 1796 Williams, Robert
288 297 1796 Williams, Robert
202 125 1792 Williams, Robt
252 224 1795 Williams, S
229 178 1792 Williams, Solomon
229 178 1792 Williams, Solomon
252 224 1795 Williams, T Terry
231 183 1794 Williams, Thomas T
232 184 1798 Williams, Thomas T
292 305 1796 Williams, Thomas T
166 54 1788 Williams, Thomas Terry
291 302 1796 Williams, Thoms T
292 304 1796 Williams, Thoms T
293 306 1796 Williams, Thos T
293 307 1796 Williams, Thos T
166 54 1788 Williams, William
247 215 1795 Williams, William
248 216 1795 Williams, William
264 249 1796 Williams, William
278 277 1796 Williams, William
278 277 1796 Williams, William
279 278 1796 Williams, William
282 285 1796 Williams, William
166 54 1788 Williams, William Mastin
163 47 1786 Williams, Wm
229 178 1792 Williams, Wm
248 217 1795 Williamson, Thomas
249 218 1795 Williamson, Thomas
294 309 1796 Willis, Ann
157 36 1786 Willis, Davo
294 308 1796 Willis, Joel
150 22 1786 Willis, John
263 247 1796 Willis, John
286 293 1796 Willis, John
290 301 1796 Willis, John
293 307 1796 Willis, John
247 214 1795 Willis, Major
268 257 1796 Willis, Mrs Ann
162 46 1789 Willis, Starling
264 248 1796 Willis, William
284 289 1796 Willis, William
303 326 1796 Willis, William
221 163 1794 Wills, Baina
227 175 1796 Wilson,
189 99 1788 Wilson, Colo
227 175 1796 Wilson, Colo Jno
202 125 1792 Wilson, Colo John
317 352 1797 Wilson, George
152 26 1789 Wilson, Jno
159 39 1787 Wilson, Jno
191 103 1788 Wilson, Jno
228 176 1793 Wilson, Jno
297 314 1796 Wilson, Jno
176 72 1795 Wilson, John
177 74 1795 Wilson, John
322 362 1797 Wilson, Mary
217 155 1794 Wilson, Peter
218 157 1794 Wilson, Peter
228 176 1793 Wilson, Peter
322 362 1797 Wilson, William
263 247 1796 Wimbish (Halifx), John
294 308 1796 Wimbish Sen, John
263 247 1796 Wimbish Sr, John
189 99 1788 Wimbish,
304 328 1796 Wimbish,
269 258 1796 Wimbish, Charles
268 257 1796 Wimbish, Isaac
251 223 1795 Wimbish, J
146 14 1788 Wimbish, Jno
208 136 1792 Wimbish, Jno
156 33 1788 Wimbish, John
187 95 1788 Wimbish, John
289 298 1796 Wimbish, John
296 312 1796 Wimbish, William
303 327 1796 Wimbish, Wm
156 34 1787 Wisdom, Frances
143 8 1788 Wisdom, Francis
225 170 1795 Wisdom, Francis
225 171 1795 Wisdom, Francis
180 81 1788 Wisdom, Mr
225 170 1795 Wisdom, Tanner
225 170 1795 Wisdom, Tavner
225 170 1795 Wisdom, Thomas
268 256 1796 Wisker, Barkel
310 340 1797 Witcher Jr, Daniel
199 118 1792 Witcher Jr, John
310 340 1797 Witcher Jr, Wm
157 35 1784 Witcher, William
157 36 1786 Witcher, William
264 248 1796 Witcher, William
173 67 1790 Witcher, Wm
290 301 1796 Womack, Allin
269 258 1796 Womack, Bob
304 328 1796 Womack, Bob
205 131 1792 Wooding, John
263 247 1796 Wooding, Thomas H
303 327 1796 Wooding, Thomas H
313 346 1797 Wooding, Thomas H
292 304 1796 Woodson, Alin
266 253 1796 Woodson, Allen
283 287 1796 Woodson, Allin
285 291 1796 Woodson, Allin
305 330 1796 Woodson, Allin
285 291 1796 Word, John
263 247 1796 Worsham, Henry
188 97 1788 Wright, George
246 213 1795 Wright, George
289 299 1796 Wright, George
292 304 1796 Wright, George
178 76 1795 Wright, John
178 77 1795 Wright, John
178 78 1795 Wright, John
156 34 1787 Wright, W
205 131 1792 Wright, William
263 247 1796 Write, George
282 285 1796 Write, George
283 287 1796 Write, George
286 293 1796 Write, George
264 248 1796 Wyatt, Cajah
270 260 1796 Wyatt, Cajah
263 247 1796 Wyatt, James
270 260 1796 Wyatt, James
267 254 1796 Wyatt, John
270 260 1796 Wyatt, John
263 247 1796 Wyatt, Vincent
284 289 1796 Wyatte, Cajah
292 304 1796 Wyatte, John
292 305 1796 Wyatte, John
303 327 1796 Wyatte, John
163 48 1786 Wynne, Robt
281 283 1796 Yates (Halifax), John
265 250 1796 Yates (Of Halifax), John
249 219 1795 Yates, Elizabeth
250 220 1795 Yates, Elizabeth
265 250 1796 Yates, John
282 285 1796 Yates, John
293 306 1796 Yates, John
294 308 1796 Yates, John
264 249 1796 Yates, Richard
304 328 1796 Yates, Richd
151 23 1788 Yates, Stephen
302 325 1796 Yates, Stephen
312 344 1797 Yates, Stephen
249 218 1795 Yeates, Elizabeth
204 128 1792 Youn, William
310 340 1797 Young, William

Accounts 1770 – 1788

Family Search Film # 007646033

Image Page Year Name
59 106 1781 ?, Mary
60 109 1780 ?Eef, Mare?
40 69 1780 ?Sen, James
59 107 1781 Aaron, Abraham
50 88 1779 Abston, Joshua
24 37 1777 Acuff, John
53 94 1769 Adams, Allen
60 108 1780 Adams, Allen
87 163 1784 Adams, Cain
60 108 1780 Adams, El?Ah
53 94 1769 Adams, Jno
53 95 1769 Adams, Jno
37 62 1776 Adams, John
60 108 1780 Adams, John
60 109 1780 Adams, John
87 163 1784 Adams, John
15 18 1773 Adams, John
49 87 1780 Adams, Robert
49 87 1780 Adams, Robert
87 163 1784 Adams, Robert
88 164 1784 Adams, Robert
88 165 1784 Adams, Robert
60 108 1780 Adams Jr, John
79 146 1783 Akin, Joseph
79 147 Akins, Edward
30 48 1777 Allen, Valentine
60 108 1780 Anderson, John
85 159 1784 Andrew, John
39 66 1777 Ardin, Abraham
32 53 1772 Armstorng, Colo
115 219 1786 Astin, William
116 220 1786 Astin, William
86 160 1784 Atkins, William
79 147 Austin, Hannah
105 199 1784 Austin, Hannah
113 214 1786 Austin, Hannah
79 147 Austin, Joseph
105 199 1784 Austin, Joseph
113 214 1786 Austin, Joseph
58 105 1781 Ayres, Moses
29 46 1772 Ayres, Nathaniel
103 195 Ayres, Thomas
49 87 1780 Bailey, Jesse
70 129 1782 Bald, Harvey
11 11 1772 Balden, Henry
61 110 1781 Ballinger, John
64 117 1781 Ballinger, John
87 162 1784 Barkdale, B
97 183 1785 Barksdale, B
102 193 1786 Barksdale, B
112 212 Barksdale, B
110 209 Barksdale, Beverly
111 211 Barksdale, Hickerson
91 171 1784 Barrah, Curtice
69 127 1782 Barrett, Miles
14 16 1773 Bartlett, Joshua
33 54 1772 Basken, Sam
66 120 1781 Baskshean, Henry
20 29 1773 Bates, Daniel
20 29 1773 Bates, John
85 159 1783 Beaver, Benjamin
17 22 1775 Belcher, Johun
14 16 1773 Bender, John Wildrick
62 112 1781 Benjamin, Colo
53 95 1769 Bennett, Henry
16 21 1773 Bennett Jr, William
68 124 1782 Bernard, Zachariah
51 90 1779 Betterstong, William
67 123 1782 Beuford, Ambrose
66 120 1781 Billing, Thomas
86 161 1784 Billings, John
11 11 1772 Billings, Thomas
11 11 1772 Billings, William
11 11 1772 Billings, William
18 24 1777 Binch, John
16 21 1775 Black, Thomas
44 77 1780 Black, Thomas
99 187 1785 Black, Thomas
100 189 1785 Black, Thomas
83 154 1783 Black, Thos
83 155 1783 Black, Thos
112 213 1784 Blackley, James
36 61 1778 Blagg, Jno
37 62 1779 Blagg, John
99 187 1785 Blakely, James
59 107 1781 Bleakley, James
15 19 1774 Blevins, James
63 115 1781 Boaz, Thomas
79 147 Boaz, Thomas
112 213 1784 Boaz, Thomas
120 229 1788 Boaz, Thomas
108 204 1785 Bobbett, John
50 89 1779 Bobbett, Randolph
13 15 1773 Bolling, James
103 195 Boman, Nathaniel
62 113 1781 Bonman, Colo
66 121 1781 Brennen, James
83 154 1783 Brewer, Caleb
100 189 1785 Brewer, Caleb
82 153 1783 Brewer, James
83 154 1783 Brewer, James
9 6 1772 Brnum, John
59 107 1781 Brown, James
99 187 1785 Brown, James
97 181 1785 Brown, Rich J
97 182 1785 Brown, Rich J
97 183 1785 Brown, Rich J
40 69 1780 Brown, Richard
96 180 1785 Brown, Richard
41 70 1780 Brown, Richd
85 159 1784 Bruce, James
62 113 1781 Bruce, John
11 11 1772 Brynum, Arthur
102 192 1783 Buck, Charles J
56 101 1779 Buckley, Isac
50 88 1779 Buckley, John
50 89 1779 Buckley, John
117 222 1788 Buckley, John
36 61 1778 Burky, James
59 107 1781 Burnett, Gilbert
12 12 1772 Burnett, Henry
65 119 1781 Burnett, Henry
84 157 Burnett, Henry
12 12 1772 Burnett, James
13 14 1772 Burnett, James
65 119 1781 Burnett, James
66 120 1781 Burton, Anderson
63 115 1781 Burton, Charles
66 120 1781 Burton, Charles
23 35 1778 Burton, James
24 37 Burton, James
37 62 1779 Burton, Robert
36 61 1778 Burton, Robt Colo
9 6 1772 Bynum, Arthur
26 40 1777 C?Nten, George
103 195 Cahell, Edward
49 87 1780 Calland, Saml
82 152 1783 Calland, Saml
100 188 1786 Calland, Saml
113 214 1786 Calland, Saml
49 87 1780 Calland, Samuel
49 87 1780 Calland, Samuel
99 187 1785 Calland, Samuel
61 111 1781 Camp, William
15 19 1774 Cane Or Cave, Robert
15 19 1774 Cane Or Cave, Robert
12 13 1772 Canton, Jehu
12 13 1772 Canton, Jehu
96 180 1785 Cantrall, Joshua
99 187 1785 Cantrell, Joshua
83 154 1783 Cantrell, Josiah
66 120 1781 Cantrill, Joshua
83 155 1783 Cantrill, Jsu
60 108 1780 Carniage, Jno
15 19 1774 Carter, Brien
49 87 1780 Cash, William
101 190 1782 Ceasar, Abraham J
37 63 1776 Certain, Elizabeth
37 63 1776 Certain, Isaac
15 19 1774 Chadwell, David
11 11 1772 Chadwell, John
8 5 1772 Challes, T
60 109 1780 Challis, Hugh
90 169 1784 Chatte, John
114 217 Chattin, John
6 1 1770 Check, William
51 90 1779 Check, William
23 34 1777 Chelton, Thomas
23 35 1777 Chen?, John
62 113 1781 Cheney, John
69 127 1782 Chening, Robt
47 83 1778 Child Negro Of Judith, Amy
96 180 1785 Child Negro Of Margery, John
16 20 1774 Childres, Thomas
107 203 1783 Clark, Frances
93 175 1785 Clark, Francis
95 179 1785 Clark, Wm
23 35 1778 Clay, Abia
11 11 1772 Clay, Henry
23 35 1778 Clay, Henry
103 194 Clay, Henry
49 87 1780 Clements, Benjamin
72 132 1783 Clements, Benjamin
72 133 1783 Clements, Benjamin
73 134 1783 Clements, Benjamin
73 135 1783 Clements, Benjamin
74 136 1783 Clements, Benjamin
74 137 1783 Clements, Benjamin
75 138 1783 Clements, Benjamin
75 139 1783 Clements, Benjamin
49 87 1780 Clements, Isaac
50 89 1779 Clements, Isaac
108 205 1782 Clements, Isaac
119 226 1788 Clements, Isaac
49 86 1780 Clements, James
49 87 1780 Clements, James
50 88 1779 Clements, James
50 89 1779 Clements, James
50 88 1779 Clements, Martha Widow
49 87 1780 Clemnets Jr, Benjmain
62 113 1781 Clenn, John
101 190 1782 Cocke, Balle
33 55 1772 Cocke, Stephen
34 57 1778 Cocke, Stephen
70 129 1782 Cocke, Stephen
71 130 1782 Cocke, Stephen
71 131 1782 Cocke, Stephen
70 129 1782 Cocke, Thomas
16 20 1774 Coleman, Stephen
31 51 1777 Coleman, Stephen
35 59 1778 Coleman, Stephen
55 99 1780 Coleman, Stephen
102 192 1783 Coleman, Stephen
102 193 1786 Coleman, Stephen
86 161 1784 Coleman, William
6 1 1770 Collins, William
18 25 1776 Collins, William
51 90 1779 Collins, William
64 116 1781 Collins, William
64 117 1781 Collins, William
20 29 1773 Commen, Uriah
19 27 1776 Compton, William
17 23 1775 Connelins, William
33 54 1772 Conner, William
70 129 1782 Conner, William
34 57 1778 Connery, Henry
26 40 1777 Connway, James
112 213 1784 Contrall, Joshua
8 5 1772 Conway, James
13 14 1773 Conway, James
30 48 1777 Cook, Francis
82 152 1783 Cook, Herman
15 19 1774 Copland, Richard
95 179 1785 Corbin, Rawley
9 6 1772 Cornelies, William
11 10 1772 Corneling, William
11 11 1772 Cornelius, William
11 11 1772 Cornelius, William
17 22 1775 Cowden, James
14 17 1773 Cox, David
21 30 1774 Cox, John
21 31 1777 Cox, John
38 65 1778 Cox, John
84 157 Cox, John
33 54 1772 Cox, Mathew
34 57 1778 Cox, Matthew
64 117 1781 Craddock, John
82 153 1783 Crafom, Obra
37 62 1776 Craw, William
101 190 1782 Craw, Wm W
107 203 1783 Creek, Kelling
108 204 1785 Creek, Killing
58 104 1781 Creel, John
120 229 1788 Creel, John
121 230 1788 Creel, John
14 16 1773 Critz Jr, Hamon
70 129 1782 Crook, Wm
12 13 1772 Crowley, Benjamin
12 13 1772 Crowley, Benjamin
12 13 1772 Crowley, Benjamin
18 24 1777 Crowley, Elizabeth
18 24 1777 Crowley, Elizabeth
18 24 1777 Crowley, Samuel
70 129 1782 Cryer, Wm
54 96 Cuningham   , Joseph
54 97 Cuningham   , Joseph
13 14 1772 Cuningham Jr, Joseph
63 115 1781 Cunningham, Jos
16 20 1774 Cunningham, Joseph
92 173 1785 Cunningham, Joseph
103 194 Cunningham, Joseph
12 13 1772 Cunningham, Thomas
59 107 1781 Cunningham, Thomas
103 195 Cunningham, Thomas
70 129 1782 Dalby, Mr
108 204 1785 Dalton, David
107 203 1783 Dalton, James
54 96 1769 Danelson, Jno
20 29 1773 Danelson, John Col
112 212 Daniel, James W
111 211 Daniel, William W
60 109 1780 Davis, Daniel
103 195 Davis, George
103 194 Davis, John
36 61 1778 Davis, Jona
91 171 1784 Davis, Richard
91 171 1784 Davis, Terzah
69 127 1782 Dejarnett, James
25 38 1777 Denton, Abraham
37 63 1776 Denton, John
103 194 Denton, Joseph
37 63 1776 Denton, Peter
103 195 Denton, Saml
99 187 1785 Deven, William
100 189 1785 Devin, James
83 154 1783 Devin, William
66 121 1781 Devin, Wm
104 197 1784 Di*, William
86 160 1784 Dickenson, Noten
50 88 1779 Dickenson, Noton
104 196 1773 Dickenson, Thomas
79 146 1783 Dickerson, Noton
83 154 1783 Dickeson, Griffeth
99 187 1785 Dickinson, Griffeth
37 63 1776 Dickinson, John
7 3 1771 Dillard, James
16 21 1775 Dillard, James
18 24 1776 Dillard, Thomas
50 88 1779 Dillard, Thomas
82 153 1783 Diven, William
83 154 1783 Divin, James
81 150 1784 Dix, James
9 6 1772 Dix, John
11 10 1772 Dix, John
80 148 1784 Dix, John
80 149 1784 Dix, John
23 34 1777 Dodsen, Lawnas
121 231 1788 Dodson, Caleb
58 104 1781 Dodson, Fortunatus
23 34 1777 Dodson, Fortuntus
112 212 Dodson, Lazarus
98 185 1784 Dodson, Thos
99 186 1784 Dodson, Thos
111 211 Dodson, William
83 154 1783 Dolas, Ambrose
21 31 1777 Donald Sen, Doctor
38 65 1778 Donelsen, Alexd
21 31 1777 Donelson, Colo
59 106 1781 Donelson, John
61 111 1781 Doss, William
37 62 1779 Dounglas, John
38 65 1774 Dove, John
69 127 1782 Dove, John
11 11 1772 Dudley, Thomas
37 63 1776 Duncan, Archa
99 187 1785 Duncan, Robert
99 187 1785 Duncan, Robert
83 154 1783 Duncan, Robt
11 11 1772 Duncan, Thomas
11 11 1772 Duncan, Thomas
17 23 1775 Duncan, Thomas
52 93 1780 Duncan, Thomas
29 46 1772 Durett, William
48 85 1780 Durrett, William
115 219 1786 Durrett, William
7 2 1770 Dyer, Elisha
107 203 1783 Dyer, Joseph
49 87 1780 Earley, Jacobas
59 106 1781 Earley, William
22 32 1777 East, John
69 127 1782 East, John
11 11 1772 Echols, Moses
36 61 1778 Echols, Oba
22 33 1777 Echols, Richard
48 84 1778 Echols, Richard
10 8 1770 Edwards, James
10 8 1770 Edwards, William
44 77 1780 Egtig, Elisha
18 24 1777 Elkins, William
15 19 1774 Elliott, George
49 87 1780 Ellis, Richard
50 88 1779 Ellis, Richard
37 62 1776 Emmerson, Saml
37 63 1776 Emmerson, Saml
79 146 1783 Emmerson, Saml
38 65 1774 Emmerson, Samuel
103 195 Falling, Edward
39 67 1776 Fallon, Edmund
66 120 1781 Fannan, Richd
85 159 1784 Farguson, Noton
75 139 1783 Farguson, R
61 110 1781 Farguson, Robert
61 111 1781 Farguson, Robert
61 111 1781 Farguson, Robert
62 113 1781 Farguson, Robert
36 61 1778 Farmer, Danl
111 211 Farmer, Gideon
111 211 Farmer, James
91 170 1784 Farrar, Rich
7 2 1770 Farris (Harris), Joseph
53 94 1769 Farthing, Richd
81 150 1784 Feam, Thomas
108 204 1785 Fen?, John
112 212 Ferguson, Nimrod
83 154 1783 Field, P
87 162 1784 Fitzgerald, John
102 193 1786 Fitzgerald, John
110 208 1786 Fitzgerald, John
111 211 Fitzgerald, John
91 170 1784 Fortunes, Joseph
18 24 1777 Foster, Thomas
16 21 1775 Fox, Merryman
14 16 1773 France, John
92 173 1785 Fulton, James
12 13 1772 Fulton, John
63 115 1781 Fulton, John
92 173 1785 Fulton, John
105 199 1784 Fulton, John
119 227 1788 Fulton, John
120 228 1788 Fulton, John
57 102 1780 Fuqua, Mary
57 103 1780 Fuqua, Mary
70 128 1782 Fuqua, Mary
57 102 1780 Fuqua, William
57 103 1780 Fuqua, William
70 128 1782 Fuqua, William
105 198 1785 Fuqua, Wm
33 55 1772 Gallaway, Charles
12 13 1772 Garner, Wiatt
12 13 1772 Garner, Wiatt
105 198 1785 George, John
69 127 1782 Gibbs, Thomas
103 194 Giforth, Thomas
69 127 1782 Gilbert, Aquilla
103 195 Givens, Edward
103 194 Givins, John
11 11 1772 Gniynne, George Homes
47 82 1779 Goad, Abraham
47 82 1779 Goad, John
50 89 1779 Goad, William
47 82 1779 Goad, Wm
79 146 1783 Goodman, William
103 195 Gosset, Thomas
14 17 1773 Gown, John M
97 183 1785 Gray, James
110 208 1786 Gray, James
69 127 1782 Gray, John
53 94 1769 Greenstreet, Peter
111 210 Grey, James
53 94 1769 Griffeth, William
56 100 1780 Griffeth, William
60 109 1780 Griffeth, William
11 10 1772 Griggany, William
23 35 1777 Griggony, William
11 11 1772 Grigory, William
15 19 1774 Grisham, Lewis
84 157 Grusam?, Thomas
36 61 1778 Guinn, Richd
25 39 1777 Gurleg?, William
12 13 1772 Gwen, Edward
33 54 1772 Gwilliam, Mr
12 13 1772 Gwynne, Edward
86 161 1784 Gynn, Geo G
15 19 1774 Haile, John
49 87 1780 Hall, Caleb
37 62 1776 Hall, Henry
59 106 1781 Hall, Henry
107 203 1783 Hall, Isham
24 37 Hall, John
66 120 1781 Hall, John
66 121 1781 Hall, John
99 186 1784 Hall, John
115 218 1786 Hall, John
66 120 1781 Hall, Mathew
14 17 1773 Hall, William
103 195 Hall, William
10 8 1770 Hanberry, Elijah
18 24 1777 Hanborn, Joel
37 62 1776 Hancy, Thos
15 19 1774 Hand, Mondica
53 94 1769 Handy, Thomas
60 109 1780 Handy, Thomas
33 54 1772 Haney, Doctor
79 147 Hankins, Daniel
113 214 1786 Hankins, Daniel
11 11 1772 Hanning, Samuel
59 106 1781 Hardy, Thomas
68 124 1780 Hardy, Thomas
108 205 Hardy, Thomas
88 165 1784 Hardy, Thos
104 196 1785 Hardy, Thos
104 197 1784 Hardy, Thos
59 106 1781 Hardy, William
68 124 1780 Hardy, William
108 205 Hardy, William
104 196 1785 Hardy, Wm
104 197 1784 Hardy, Wm
83 154 1783 Harget, Thomas
29 46 1777 Harman, Sam
68 125 Harris , Samuel
48 84 1780 Harrison, Benjamin
48 85 1780 Harrison, Benjamin
68 125 Harrison, Judge
58 105 1781 Harrison, William
29 47 1774 Hazlett, Moses
17 22 1775 Heard, George
17 22 1775 Heard, Stephen
68 125 Hendrick, Ben
69 127 1782 Hendrick, Benja
69 127 1782 Hendrick, Nathaniel
68 125 Hendrick, Nathl
60 109 1780 Henry, H
20 29 1773 Henry, Hugh
53 95 1769 Henry, Hugh
62 112 1781 Henry, Hugh
20 29 1773 Henry, John
20 29 1773 Henry, John
20 29 1773 Henry, John
21 31 1777 Henry, John
60 109 1780 Henry, John
20 29 1773 Henry, Thomas
60 109 1780 Henry, Thomas
60 109 1780 Henry, W
38 65 1778 Henry, Watson
108 204 1785 Henson, Benjamin
110 209 Herring, William
11 11 1772 Hickman, William
29 46 1772 Hill, Jonathan
121 231 1788 Hill, Jonathan
18 25 1776 Hix, James
19 26 1776 Hix, James
76 141 1783 Hodges, Edmund
77 142 1783 Hodges, Edmund
77 143 1783 Hodges, Edmund
78 144 1783 Hodges, Edmund
78 145 1783 Hodges, Edmund
79 146 1783 Hodges, Edmund
79 146 1783 Hodges, John
96 180 1785 Hodges, John
18 24 1777 Hodges, Thomas
79 146 1783 Hodges, Thomas
42 72 1780 Hodnett, Ayres
42 73 1781 Hodnett, Ayres
76 140 1783 Hogland, George
99 187 1785 Hopkins, Arther
43 74 1780 Hopkins, Arthur
43 75 1780 Hopkins, Arthur
44 76 1780 Hopkins, Arthur
45 78 1776 Hopkins, Arthur
45 79 1776 Hopkins, Arthur
46 80 1776 Hopkins, Arthur
46 81 1779 Hopkins, Arthur
79 146 1783 Hopkins Decd, Arther
86 160 1784 Hopper, Luther
85 158 1783 Howard, William
85 159 1783 Howard, William
66 121 1781 Hubbard, Daniel
61 110 1781 Hubbard, Edward
69 127 1782 Hubbard, Edward
7 3 1771 Hubbard, Jacob
106 201 1787 Hudson, Tamer
14 16 1773 Hughes, Arhs
59 107 1781 Hundley, George
30 48 1777 Hunter, Alex
50 88 1779 Hurst, John
51 90 1779 Hurts, John
69 127 1782 Hurts, Moses
25 39 1777 Hutchings, John
20 28 1772 Hutchings, Thomas
20 29 1773 Hutchings, Thomas
12 12 1772 Hutchinson, John
61 111 1781 Irby, Abraham
29 46 1777 Irby, Charles
85 159 1783 Irby, Charles
97 183 1785 Irby, Charles
61 111 1781 Irby, David
61 111 1781 Irby, Francis
117 222 1788 Irby, Francis
61 110 1781 Irby, James
61 111 1781 Irby, James
62 112 1781 Irby, James
62 113 1781 Irby, James
61 111 1781 Irby, Martha
61 111 1781 Irby, Peter
62 113 1781 Irby, Peter
61 111 1781 Irby, Rebecah
61 111 1781 Irby, Samuel
18 24 1777 Isham, William
117 222 1788 Jenkins, Danl
16 21 1775 Jenkins, Louis
121 231 1788 Johnson, John
106 201 1787 Jones, Emanuel
13 14 1772 Jones, John
106 200 1787 Jones, Mary
106 201 1787 Jones, Mary
20 28 1772 Jones, Thomas
20 29 1773 Jones, Thomas
20 29 1773 Jones, Thomas
55 99 1780 Jones, Thomas
94 177 1785 Jones, Thomas
95 178 1785 Jones, Thomas
95 179 1785 Jones, Thomas
96 180 1786 Jones, Thomas
106 200 1787 Jones, Thomas
106 201 1787 Jones, Thomas
106 201 1787 Jones, Thomas
60 109 1780 Jones, Thos
106 200 1787 Jones, Thos B
30 48 1777 Joyce, Alex
108 204 1785 Justice, Eliabeth
107 203 1783 Justice, Elizabeth
13 14 1773 Justice, John
36 61 1778 Justice, John
107 203 1783 Justice, Simion
108 204 1785 Justice, Simion
81 151 1784 Justice, Simson
94 176 1785 Justice, William
108 204 1785 Justice, William
67 123 1782 Keatts, Charles
67 123 1782 Keatts, John
111 210 Kelly, Hugh
64 116 1781 Kerby, John
67 123 1782 Kerby, John
69 127 1782 Kersey, William
18 24 1777 Kindrick, John
18 24 1777 Kindrick, John
101 191 1782 King, Elijah
111 211 King, Elijah
36 61 1778 King, Eliza
22 32 1777 King, James
51 90 1779 King, James
51 91 1779 King, James
8 5 1771 King, John
84 156 1783 King, John
9 6 1771 King, John
8 5 1772 King, William
108 205 1782 King Jr, James
108 205 1782 King Sr, James
11 11 1772 Kinstone, Peter
56 100 1780 Lackey, Alexander
56 100 1780 Lackey, Thomas
70 129 1782 Lacy, B
70 129 1782 Lacy, Batte
70 129 1782 Lacy, Batte
33 54 1772 Lacy, Batte (Betty)
34 57 1778 Lacy, Batte (Betty)
101 190 1782 Lacy, Betsy
33 55 1772 Lacy, Eliza
70 129 1782 Lacy, Hopkins
101 190 1782 Lacy, Hopkins
70 129 1782 Lacy, John
101 190 1782 Lacy, John
101 190 1782 Lacy, Martha
101 191 1782 Lacy, Martha
31 51 1777 Lacy, Martha
32 52 1772 Lacy, Mary
101 190 1782 Lacy, Polly
54 96 1769 Lacy, Theop
70 129 1782 Lacy, Theop
70 129 1782 Lacy, Theop
71 130 1782 Lacy, Theop
101 190 1782 Lacy, Theophilis
101 191 1782 Lacy, Theophilis
29 47 1774 Lacy, Theophilus
30 48 1777 Lacy, Theophilus
30 49 1777 Lacy, Theophilus
31 50 1777 Lacy, Theophilus
32 52 1772 Lacy, Theophilus
32 53 1772 Lacy, Theophilus
33 54 1772 Lacy, Theophilus
33 55 1772 Lacy, Theophilus
34 56 1777 Lacy, Theophilus
34 57 1777 Lacy, Theophilus
101 190 1782 Lacy, Theophilus
32 52 1772 Lacy, Theophilus Young
101 190 1782 Lacy, William
32 52 1772 Lacy, Wm
70 129 1782 Lacy, Wm
29 47 1774 Lacy , Martha Widow
13 14 1773 Lake, Robert
36 61 1778 Land, John
103 195 Lane, John
19 26 1776 Lanier, David
68 125 Lankford, Ben
6 1 1770 Lanklove, Benjamin
12 13 1772 Lansford, Henry
19 27 1773 Lansford, Henry
37 62 1776 Lanven?, James
107 203 1783 Large, Robert
86 161 1784 Lay, David
49 87 1780 Leftage, Rich
108 204 1785 Lepra?, Benjamin
117 223 1788 Lester, Thomas
118 224 1788 Lester, Thomas
118 225 1788 Lester, Thomas
111 211 Lewis, John
7 2 1770 Logan, James
99 187 1785 Lovell, D
69 127 1782 Luck, Frances
22 32 1777 Luck, Francis
68 125 Luck, Francis
88 165 1784 Luck, Francis
89 166 1784 Luck, Francis
66 121 1781 Lumpkins, George
66 121 1781 Lumpkins, John
84 157 Lund, Zachariah
53 94 1769 Lunkford, Benjamin
111 210 Maclaughlin, Charles
111 211 Madden, William
58 104 1781 Madding, John
23 34 1777 Mading, John
103 195 Magbee, James
103 195 Magbee, William
11 10 1772 Mahoon, Hugh
60 108 1780 Mainey, Hugh
32 53 1772 Mann , John
25 39 1777 Manny?, John
25 39 1777 Manny?, Robert
41 71 1780 Mark, John
87 163 1784 Martin, John
24 36 1778 Martin, Joseph
109 206 1786 Martin, Sarah
41 70 1780 Masatin, John
99 186 1784 Matthews, Christen
66 120 1781 May, John
24 37 1777 Mcconnithe, Robert
102 193 1786 Mccraw, William
107 202 1783 Mccraw, William
102 192 1783 Mccraw, William
101 191 1782 Mccraw, Wm
53 94 1769 Mcdaniel, Henry
53 95 1769 Mcdaniel, Henry
54 96 1769 Mcdaniel, Henry
60 108 1780 Mcdaniel, Henry
60 109 1780 Mcdaniel, Henry
91 171 1784 Mcgee, John
64 117 1781 Mchaney, Cornelius
39 67 1776 Mchaney, Dennis
15 19 1774 Mckinney, John
66 120 1781 Meade, James
41 70 1780 Meading, Joab
99 187 1785 Megehe, James
110 209 Miller, Beverly
68 124 1782 Minten, Jos
41 71 1780 Minter, Joseph
89 167 1784 Mitchell, James
94 176 1785 Mitchell, James
68 124 1782 Mitchell, Wm
111 211 Moletto, Sarah
62 112 1781 Montgomery, Colo
61 110 1781 Moody, Blunky
107 203 1783 Morgan, David
61 111 1781 Morgan, George
13 14 1772 Morgan, Haynes
91 170 1784 Morley, Smal
38 65 1778 Morten, Joseph
37 62 1779 Morton, John
103 195 Morton, Joseph
113 214 1786 Morton, Joseph
50 89 1779 Mosby, Wm
83 155 1783 Mosely, Saml
99 187 1785 Mosley, Sameul
79 146 1783 Mosley, Samuel
67 122 Motley, Abraham
98 184 1781 Motley, Abraham
98 184 1781 Motley, Joel
21 31 1777 Mourdock, George
36 61 1778 Munford, Robt
68 125 Murdock, Quilles
36 61 1778 Murray, John
41 71 1780 Nance, David
68 124 1782 Nance, John
69 127 1782 Nance, Nathaniel
79 146 1783 Nash, Arthur
91 170 1784 Nash, Aw
101 190 1782 Negro, Aaron
18 25 1776 Negro, Abraham
29 47 1774 Negro, Abraham
18 25 1776 Negro, Amea
96 180 1785 Negro, Amia
18 25 1776 Negro, Andrew
36 61 1778 Negro, Becke
80 148 1784 Negro, Ben
18 25 1776 Negro, Benjamin
114 216 Negro, Bet
35 58 1777 Negro, Betty
35 58 1777 Negro, Betty
114 216 Negro, Bob
29 47 1774 Negro, Ceasar
35 58 1777 Negro, Ceder
18 25 1776 Negro, Charles
35 58 1777 Negro, Charles
96 180 1785 Negro, Charles
24 36 1778 Negro, Child
35 58 1777 Negro, Cruedy
80 148 1784 Negro, Cupitt
96 180 1785 Negro, Daniel
101 190 1782 Negro, Davie
35 58 1777 Negro, Delia
29 47 1774 Negro, Deltz
14 17 1773 Negro, Dick
35 58 1777 Negro, Dick
70 128 1782 Negro, Dick
101 190 1782 Negro, Dick
57 103 1780 Negro, Doll
96 180 1785 Negro, Easter
114 216 Negro, Easter
35 58 1777 Negro, Frank
114 216 Negro, Genne
35 58 1777 Negro, George
80 148 1784 Negro, Gilbert
80 148 1784 Negro, Hampton
18 25 1776 Negro, Hannah
57 103 1780 Negro, Hannah
70 128 1782 Negro, Hannah
35 58 1777 Negro, Hanrry
35 58 1777 Negro, Hector
36 61 1778 Negro, Hector
35 58 1777 Negro, Jacob
80 148 1784 Negro, Jenny
80 148 1784 Negro, Joe
35 58 1777 Negro, Judy
36 61 1778 Negro, Judy
101 190 1782 Negro, Julia
21 30 1774 Negro, Leaven
80 148 1784 Negro, Letty
35 58 1777 Negro, Lucy
80 148 1784 Negro, Lucy
80 148 1784 Negro, Luse
96 180 1785 Negro, Mack
68 124 1782 Negro, Man
35 58 1777 Negro, Moll
96 180 1785 Negro, Nann
35 58 1777 Negro, Nanny
35 58 1777 Negro, Ned
114 217 Negro, Ned
35 58 1777 Negro, Orange
80 148 1784 Negro, Patrick
14 17 1773 Negro, Paul
18 25 1776 Negro, Peter
35 58 1777 Negro, Peter
47 83 1778 Negro, Peter
96 180 1785 Negro, Peter
35 58 1777 Negro, Philles
29 47 1774 Negro, Rachel
101 190 1782 Negro, Rachel
80 148 1784 Negro, Rais
35 58 1777 Negro, Rick
35 58 1777 Negro, Rico
35 58 1777 Negro, Robin
114 216 Negro, Ruth
70 128 1782 Negro, Sall
96 180 1785 Negro, Sall
18 25 1776 Negro, Sarah
35 58 1777 Negro, Sarah
96 180 1785 Negro, Sarah
114 216 Negro, Sarah
35 58 1777 Negro, Silley
35 58 1777 Negro, Silvia
18 25 1776 Negro, Tazy
23 35 1778 Negro, Winch
80 148 1784 Negro, Winey
24 36 1778 Negro, Woman
67 122 Negro , Abraham
67 122 Negro , Daniel
8 5 1772 Negro , Ines
67 122 Negro , Jude
67 122 Negro , Lucy
67 122 Negro , Nim
67 122 Negro , Sal
95 179 1785 Negro Boy, 4 Boys
30 49 1777 Negro Boy, Aaron
7 3 1772 Negro Boy, Abraham
96 180 1785 Negro Boy, Abraham
17 23 1775 Negro Boy, Ball
7 3 1772 Negro Boy, Baylon
85 159 1784 Negro Boy, Ben
47 83 1778 Negro Boy, Bob
116 221 1788 Negro Boy, Bob
19 27 1773 Negro Boy, Boy
110 209 Negro Boy, Boy
65 118 1781 Negro Boy, Charles
120 229 1788 Negro Boy, Charles
30 49 1777 Negro Boy, Clark
7 3 1772 Negro Boy, Compey
7 3 1772 Negro Boy, David
47 83 1778 Negro Boy, Frederick
20 28 1772 Negro Boy, George
21 30 1774 Negro Boy, George
79 147 Negro Boy, George
96 180 1785 Negro Boy, George
96 180 1785 Negro Boy, Halifore
7 3 1772 Negro Boy, Harry
85 159 1784 Negro Boy, Harry
6 1 1770 Negro Boy, Isaac
23 35 1777 Negro Boy, Jack
40 68 1776 Negro Boy, Jack
17 23 1775 Negro Boy, Jacob
6 1 1770 Negro Boy, James
20 28 1772 Negro Boy, James
21 30 1774 Negro Boy, James
87 163 1784 Negro Boy, James
7 3 1772 Negro Boy, Jerry
7 3 1772 Negro Boy, Jessee
17 23 1775 Negro Boy, Job
79 147 Negro Boy, John
79 147 Negro Boy, Matthew
20 28 1772 Negro Boy, Ned
21 30 1774 Negro Boy, Ned
25 39 1777 Negro Boy, Ned
85 158 1783 Negro Boy, Orange
87 163 1784 Negro Boy, Peter
84 156 1783 Negro Boy, Robbin
117 223 1788 Negro Boy, Sam
65 118 1781 Negro Boy, Samuel
20 28 1772 Negro Boy, Seven
30 49 1777 Negro Boy, Squire
31 51 1777 Negro Boy, Squire
85 159 1784 Negro Boy, Titus
65 118 1781 Negro Fellow, Bot
26 41 1777 Negro Fellow, Jack
65 118 1781 Negro Fellow, Julius
96 180 1785 Negro Fellow, Peter
96 180 1785 Negro Fellow, Reubey
26 41 1777 Negro Fellow, Tom
95 179 1785 Negro Girl, 5 Girls
6 1 1770 Negro Girl, Amey
26 41 1777 Negro Girl, Amey
56 101 1779 Negro Girl, Anne
17 23 1775 Negro Girl, Betty
79 147 Negro Girl, Cate
8 4 1772 Negro Girl, Cutehanah
21 30 1774 Negro Girl, Easter
20 28 1772 Negro Girl, Easther
85 159 1784 Negro Girl, Fanny
26 41 1777 Negro Girl, Hannah
30 49 1777 Negro Girl, Hannah
8 4 1772 Negro Girl, Isbell
30 49 1777 Negro Girl, Jenny
86 160 1784 Negro Girl, Jenny
96 180 1785 Negro Girl, Judy
20 28 1772 Negro Girl, Leah
21 30 1774 Negro Girl, Leah
30 49 1777 Negro Girl, Lucy
86 160 1784 Negro Girl, Molley
96 180 1785 Negro Girl, Nece
96 180 1785 Negro Girl, Pheby
116 221 1788 Negro Girl, Phillis
79 147 Negro Girl, Rachel
47 83 1778 Negro Girl, Sarah
96 180 1785 Negro Girl, Silvey
8 4 1772 Negro Girl, Wilmoth
31 51 1777 Negro Lad, Clark
66 121 1781 Negro Man, Aaron
7 3 1772 Negro Man, Abram
120 229 1788 Negro Man, Adam
17 23 1775 Negro Man, Ball
44 76 1780 Negro Man, Boson
25 39 1777 Negro Man, Cato
29 47 1774 Negro Man, Ceasar
30 49 1777 Negro Man, David
31 51 1777 Negro Man, David
30 49 1777 Negro Man, Dick
7 3 1772 Negro Man, Harry
120 229 1788 Negro Man, Harry
6 1 1770 Negro Man, Isham
88 165 1784 Negro Man, Isham
7 3 1772 Negro Man, Jack
88 165 1784 Negro Man, Joe
115 219 1786 Negro Man, John
91 170 1784 Negro Man, Jupeter
95 179 1785 Negro Man, Man
95 179 1785 Negro Man, Man
20 28 1772 Negro Man, Pephen
21 30 1774 Negro Man, Pippin
17 23 1775 Negro Man, Sam
115 219 1786 Negro Man, Sameul
109 206 1786 Negro Slave, Abram
107 202 1783 Negro Slave, Anakie
109 206 1786 Negro Slave, Anny
107 202 1783 Negro Slave, Beck
102 192 1783 Negro Slave, Betty
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Betty
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Bob
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Brower
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Charles
107 202 1783 Negro Slave, Charles
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Daniel
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Davy
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Delsey
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Duke
109 206 1786 Negro Slave, Fillis
109 206 1786 Negro Slave, George
109 206 1786 Negro Slave, Grace
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Hannah
109 206 1786 Negro Slave, Jack
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Jenny
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Jim
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Juda
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Lucy
109 206 1786 Negro Slave, Lucy
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Luis
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Milly
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Mirah
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Nancy
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Nancy (Young)
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Ned
102 192 1783 Negro Slave, Peter
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Peter
109 206 1786 Negro Slave, Peter
102 192 1783 Negro Slave, Phillis
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Phillis
106 201 1787 Negro Slave, Rachel
107 202 1783 Negro Slave, Rico
102 192 1783 Negro Slave, Robin J
109 206 1786 Negro Slave, Sarah
102 192 1783 Negro Slave, Slva
102 192 1783 Negro Slave, Viole
102 193 1786 Negro Slave, Viole
109 206 1786 Negro Slave Son Of Harry, Harry
91 170 1784 Negro Winch, Bet
85 159 1784 Negro Winch, Dudey
86 160 1784 Negro Winch, Eady
65 118 1781 Negro Winch, Hannah
86 160 1784 Negro Winch, Hannah
91 170 1784 Negro Winch, Isble
26 41 1777 Negro Winch, Jenny
65 118 1781 Negro Winch, Jenny
85 159 1784 Negro Winch, Jenny
44 76 1780 Negro Winch, Moll
79 147 Negro Winch, Pigg
95 179 1785 Negro Woman, 2 Woman
8 4 1772 Negro Woman, Abby
47 83 1778 Negro Woman, Aggy
115 219 1786 Negro Woman, Amber
17 23 1775 Negro Woman, Beckey
30 49 1777 Negro Woman, Bess
87 163 1784 Negro Woman, Betty
47 83 1778 Negro Woman, Cate
25 39 1777 Negro Woman, Chils
29 47 1774 Negro Woman, Diltz
116 221 1788 Negro Woman, Easter
17 23 1775 Negro Woman, Fanny
8 4 1772 Negro Woman, Jenny
20 28 1772 Negro Woman, Judith
47 83 1778 Negro Woman, Judith
7 3 1772 Negro Woman, Lynan
96 180 1785 Negro Woman, Margery
120 229 1788 Negro Woman, Milley
20 28 1772 Negro Woman, Nan
21 30 1774 Negro Woman, Nan
29 47 1774 Negro Woman, Nan
120 229 1788 Negro Woman, Nanny
6 1 1770 Negro Woman, Patti
7 3 1772 Negro Woman, Phillas
8 5 1771 Negro Woman, Phillis
84 156 1783 Negro Woman, Phyllis
20 28 1772 Negro Woman, Rose
21 30 1774 Negro Woman, Rose
30 49 1777 Negro Woman, Sarah
115 219 1786 Negro Woman, Suck
47 83 1778 Negro Woman, Unnamed
7 3 1772 Negro Woman, Williamsen
7 2 1770 Negro Woman (With White Face), Phillis
92 173 1785 Negro Young, James
98 184 1781 Negros, Six
48 84 1780 Negros, Unnamed 8
14 17 1773 Negros, Winch & Child
53 94 1769 Nicholes, Agnes
53 95 1769 Nichols, Agness
60 108 1780 Nichols, Mrs
76 140 1783 Nowlin, Bryan H
82 152 1783 Oliver, Drewry
83 154 1783 Oliver, Drewry
99 187 1785 Oliver, Drury
100 188 1786 Oliver, Drury
99 187 1785 Oliver, Mary
83 154 1783 Oliver, Widow
83 155 1783 Oliver, Widow
83 154 1783 Oliver, William
83 155 1783 Oliver, William
99 187 1785 Oliver, Wm
33 55 1772 Ones, Thomas
66 121 1781 Orr, Robert
111 211 Owen, Raliegh
11 11 1772 Owen, William
22 33 1777 Owen, William
25 38 1777 Owen, William
114 217 Owen, William
39 66 1777 Pace, William
21 30 1774 Pace, Williams
67 123 1782 Pace, Wm
38 65 1778 Paine, Reubin
60 109 1780 Parks, John
106 200 1787 Parks, John
106 201 1787 Parks, John
14 16 1773 Parr Sr, John
62 112 1781 Parris, Isaac
60 109 1780 Parson, George
33 54 1772 Pass, Thomas
89 167 1784 Patrick, John
69 127 1782 Patty, Jesse
58 104 1781 Payne, John
58 105 1781 Payne, John
60 109 1780 Payne, Reubin
37 63 1776 Payne, Robert
52 93 1780 Payne, Robert
81 150 1784 Payne, Robt
104 196 1773 Payne, Robt
104 197 1784 Payne, Robt
11 11 1772 Payne, Thomas
62 113 1781 Payne, Thomas
39 66 1777 Payne, William
89 167 1784 Pemberton, John
53 94 1769 Pendleton, Edmund
37 62 1776 Penn, William
37 63 1776 Penn, William
60 109 1780 Penten, Ambrose
91 171 1784 Perkins, Archibal
103 195 Perkins, Peter
40 69 1780 Perry?, Joseph
69 127 1782 Persons, Sidney
47 82 1779 Phillips, Geo
76 140 1783 Phillips, Gonathan
103 195 Phillips, Thomas
110 209 Pickett, Anthony
60 108 1780 Pickett, Lecreatary?
37 62 1776 Pigg, Hezekiah
38 65 1774 Pigg, Hezekiah
113 215 Pigg, Hezekiah
114 216 Pigg, Hezekiah
114 217 Pigg, Hezekiah
53 94 1769 Pigg, James
60 108 1780 Pigg, James
15 18 1773 Pigg, John
53 94 1769 Pigg, John
53 94 1769 Pigg, John
60 108 1780 Pigg, John
89 167 1784 Pigg, John
90 168 1784 Pigg, John
90 169 1784 Pigg, John
53 94 1769 Pigg, Paul
53 95 1769 Pigg, Paul
54 96 1769 Pigg, Paul
60 108 1780 Pigg, Paul
60 109 1780 Pigg, Paul
53 94 1769 Pigg, Richd
53 95 1769 Pigg, Richd
60 109 1780 Pigg, Richd
15 18 1773 Pigg, William
37 63 1776 Pigg, William
53 94 1769 Pigg, William
53 95 1769 Pigg, William
60 108 1780 Pigg, William
60 108 1780 Pigg, William
60 109 1780 Pigg, William
95 179 1785 Pigg, Wm
111 211 Plamer, Martin
94 176 1785 Polley, David
20 29 1773 Polley, Edward
14 17 1773 Porter (Porton), Ambrose
15 18 1773 Porter (Porton), Ambrose
38 65 1778 Porter (Porton), Ambrose
37 62 1776 Porter (Porton), Ambrozer
37 63 1776 Porter (Porton), Ambrozer
38 64 1776 Porter (Porton), Ambrozer
38 65 1774 Porter (Porton), Ambrozer
37 62 1776 Porter (Porton), Benjamin
38 65 1778 Porter (Porton), Benjamin
56 100 1780 Praize, William
60 109 1780 Prestage, John
53 94 1769 Prewett, Henry
24 37 Prewett, John
61 111 1781 Prewitt, Byrd
69 127 1782 Prewitt, Byrd
103 195 Price, John
96 180 1785 Price, Thomas
90 169 1784 Price, Thos
116 220 1786 Price?, William
103 194 Pruitt, Joseph
53 95 1769 Punkall, William
21 30 1774 Purnall, Charles
21 31 1777 Purnall, Charles
20 28 1772 Purnall, Chesed
20 29 1773 Purnall, Chesed
21 30 1774 Purnall, Elizabeth
21 30 1774 Purnall, M Fanny
20 29 1773 Purnall, Mary
20 29 1773 Purnall, Mary
20 29 1773 Purnall, Mary
21 30 1774 Purnall, Mary
21 30 1774 Purnall, Mary
21 31 1777 Purnall, Mary
20 29 1773 Purnall, Mary Mrs
21 30 1774 Purnall, William
66 121 1781 Quicken, Lewis
11 10 1772 Quinn, Joseph
36 61 1778 Quinn, Richd
23 35 1778 Quinn, William
66 120 1781 Quinn, William
103 195 Quinn, William
59 107 1781 Raleston, Robert
68 125 Read, Isaac
13 15 1773 Red Jr, James
18 24 1777 Reynolds, Richard
58 105 1781 Richards , Gabriel
29 46 1772 Richards (Pickney), Gabriel
115 219 1786 Richardson, Gabriel
115 219 1786 Richardson, William
60 109 1780 Rigney, Charles
100 188 1786 Roberst, James
19 27 1773 Roberts, James
23 35 1777 Roberts, Joseph
61 111 1781 Roberts, Joseph
59 107 1781 Roberts, William
66 120 1781 Robinson, Jesse
50 89 1779 Robinson, P?Ld
75 139 1783 Robinson, Tho T
100 189 1785 Rodgers, Sarah
64 116 1781 Rogers, Thomas
67 123 1782 Rogers, Thomas
83 154 1783 Rogers, Widow
22 32 1777 Rolling, Stephen
15 19 1774 Rowland, John
15 19 1774 Rowland, John
15 19 1774 Rowland, John
48 85 1780 Ruhaney?, Gabriel
102 192 1783 Ryburn, William
111 211 Ryburn, William
35 59 1778 Ryburn, Wm
71 130 1782 Ryburn, Wm
101 190 1782 Ryburn, Wm
101 191 1782 Ryburn, Wm
102 193 1786 Ryburn, Wm
110 208 1786 Ryburn, Wm
19 26 1776 Salmon, John
9 6 1772 Sanders, James
9 6 1772 Sanders, James Jr
12 13 1772 Sandford, Henry
24 36 1778 Sansford, Henry
10 8 1770 Scruggs, Julius
37 63 1776 Shank, William
107 202 1783 Shaw, Alex
12 12 1772 Sheely, Patrick
120 229 1788 Shelds, John
21 30 1774 Shelton, Abna
23 35 1777 Shelton, Abna
102 192 1783 Shelton, Abra
106 200 1787 Shelton, Abra
32 53 1772 Shelton, Abraham
37 62 1776 Shelton, Abraham
37 62 1776 Shelton, Abraham
71 131 1782 Shelton, Abraham
100 189 1785 Shelton, Abraham
88 165 1784 Shelton, Armestead
38 65 1778 Shelton, Armitead
61 111 1781 Shelton, Beaverly
21 30 1774 Shelton, Chrispin
21 31 1777 Shelton, Chrispin
21 30 1774 Shelton, Daniel
39 66 1777 Shelton, Daniel
38 65 1778 Shelton, Spencer
26 40 1777 Shelton, Thos
34 57 1778 Sheppard, Capt
38 65 1774 Sheppard, Jacob
65 119 1781 Shields, Elizabeth
12 13 1772 Shields, Isam
13 15 1772 Shields, James
24 36 1778 Shields, James
65 118 1781 Shields, James
65 119 1781 Shields, James
24 36 1778 Shields, John
12 13 1772 Shields, Joseph
54 97 Shields, Joseph
12 13 1772 Shields, Patrick
13 14 1772 Shields, Patrick
12 13 1772 Shields, Samuel
13 15 1772 Shields, Samuel
54 97 Shields, Samuel
12 13 1772 Shields, William
12 13 1772 Shields, William
12 13 1772 Shields, William
12 13 1772 Shields, William
54 97 Shields, William
13 14 1772 Shields Legacy, Patrick
13 14 1772 Shields Legacy, Robert
60 109 1780 Shilling, Mintin
69 127 1782 Shoal, Wm
88 165 1784 Short, John
60 109 1780 Short, William
90 169 1784 Short, Wm
24 37 1777 Slay, John
110 209 Sloane?, John
37 62 1776 Smith, Archa
37 63 1776 Smith, Ausha
33 54 1772 Smith, Edward
24 37 Smith, Hezekiah
25 38 1777 Smith, Hezekiah
120 229 1788 Smith, Hezekiah
13 14 1772 Smith, James
68 125 Smith, Jas
12 13 1772 Smith, John
12 13 1772 Smith, John
12 13 1772 Smith, John
16 20 1774 Smith, John
65 119 1781 Smith, John
68 125 Smith, John
92 172 1785 Smith, John
103 195 Smith, John
100 189 1785 Smith, Lodge
64 116 1781 Smith, Peyton
100 188 1786 Smith, Peyton
75 139 1783 Smith, Ral
49 87 1780 Smith, Ralph
63 114 1781 Smith, Thomas
63 115 1781 Smith, Thomas
116 220 1786 Smith, Thomas
120 229 1788 Smith, Thos
7 2 1770 Smith, William
11 11 1772 Southerland, George
17 23 1775 Southerland, George
11 11 1772 Southerland, George
11 10 1772 Southerland, George
11 10 1772 Southerland, John
66 121 1781 Southerland, John
11 11 1772 Southerland, John
11 11 1772 Southerland, Phillip
66 120 1781 Sowless, James
66 120 1781 Sparks, Matthew
66 120 1781 Sparks, Thomas
36 61 1778 Spraoling, Joseph
48 84 1778 Stamps, John
79 146 1783 Statin, James
57 102 1780 Stewart (Stewash), Eliabeth
56 101 1779 Stewart (Stewash), Elizabeth
26 41 1777 Stewart (Stewash), James
27 42 1777 Stewart (Stewash), James
27 43 1777 Stewart (Stewash), James
28 44 1777 Stewart (Stewash), James
28 45 1777 Stewart (Stewash), James
29 46 1777 Stewart (Stewash), James
56 101 1779 Stewart (Stewash), Jean
85 159 1783 Stewart (Stewash), Jno
56 101 1779 Stewart (Stewash), Martha
57 102 1780 Stewart (Stewash), Martha
56 101 1779 Stewart (Stewash), Nancy
103 194 Still, James
103 194 Still, John
103 194 Still, Mary
16 20 1774 Still, Patrick
103 194 Still, Thomas
103 194 Still (Hill), Patrick
103 195 Still (Hill), Patrick
22 33 1777 Stimpson, Jeremiah
24 37 1777 Stinan?, William
60 108 1780 Stone, James
112 212 1784 Stone, Joel
112 213 1784 Stone, Joel
60 109 1780 Stone, John
103 194 Stone, John
106 200 1787 Stone, Joshua
106 201 1787 Stone, Joshua
15 19 1774 Stungen, James
15 19 1774 Sturgen, James
108 204 1785 Swaney, James
56 100 1780 T*Len, James
36 61 1778 Tabbs, John
53 94 1769 Tabbs, Thomas
7 3 1771 Talbott, James
38 65 1774 Taliaffern, John
37 62 1776 Taliffers, John
111 210 Tanner, Mathew
42 73 1780 Tanner?, Floyd
19 26 1776 Taylor, James
7 3 1771 Terby?, Joseph
36 61 1778 Terry, Barton
34 57 1778 Terry, Ben
84 156 1783 Terry, Ben
7 3 1771 Terry, Benjamin
31 51 1777 Terry, Benjamin
33 54 1772 Terry, Benjmain
87 163 1784 Terry, Champness
112 212 Terry, Charles
26 40 1777 Terry, David
31 51 1777 Terry, David
32 52 1772 Terry, David
35 59 1778 Terry, David
111 210 Terry, David
16 20 1774 Terry, Henry
87 162 1784 Terry, Henry
29 46 1777 Terry, John
111 210 Terry, John
8 5 1772 Terry, Joseph
16 20 1774 Terry, Joseph
109 206 1786 Terry, Joseph
109 207 1786 Terry, Joseph
110 208 1786 Terry, Joseph
110 209 1786 Terry, Joseph
111 210 Terry, Joseph
111 210 Terry, Joseph
112 212 Terry, Joseph
34 57 1778 Terry, N
8 5 1772 Terry, Nathaniel
55 99 1780 Terry, Stephen
57 102 1780 Terry, Stephen
57 102 1780 Terry, Stephen
57 103 1780 Terry, Stephen
57 103 1780 Terry, Stephen
70 128 1782 Terry, Stephen
70 128 1782 Terry, Stephen
105 198 1785 Terry, Stephen
107 203 1783 Terry Sen, Thomas
68 125 Thomas, Geo
68 125 Thomas, George
69 126 1782 Thomas, George
6 1 1770 Thomas, George
68 125 Thomas, Philip
9 6 1772 Thomas, William
9 6 1772 Thomas, William
69 127 1782 Thomas, William
69 127 1782 Thomas, Wm
76 140 1783 Thompson, William
11 11 1772 Thrash, Jacob
69 127 1782 Tines, Isaac
61 111 1781 Todd, Richard
61 110 1781 Todd, William
61 111 1781 Todd, William
62 113 1781 Todd, William
85 159 1784 Todd, William
99 187 1785 Tomkin, Wm
108 204 1785 Towns, Thos
111 210 Trammell, Daniel
112 212 Trammell, John
111 210 Trammell, Robert
111 210 Trammell, Thomas
20 29 1773 Treadway, William
20 29 1773 Tredway, William
82 152 1783 Tuggle, Lock
93 175 1785 Tuggle, Lock
100 188 1786 Tuggle, Lode R
67 123 1782 Tuggle, Lodonick
64 116 1781 Tuggle, Luddenick
44 77 1780 Tuggle, Luddwick
53 94 1769 Tunstall, Will
6 1 1770 Tunstall, Will
50 88 1779 Tunstall, Wm
32 52 1772 Tuskey, Obediah
16 20 1774 Tutton, John
9 6 1772 Twednell, William
116 221 1788 Vaugh, Thomas
117 222 1788 Vaugh, Thomas
18 25 1776 Vaughan, John
18 25 1776 Vaughan, Thomas
66 121 1781 Vincent, William
33 54 1772 Vorman, James
71 130 1782 Wabond, Wm
16 21 1773 Wade, Edward
23 34 1777 Wade, James
66 120 1781 Wade, James
66 121 1781 Wade, James
104 196 1785 Wades, David
16 21 1773 Waldrope, James
55 98 1780 Walker, David
55 99 1780 Walker, David
102 193 1786 Walker, Elizabeth
35 58 1777 Walker, James
35 59 1777 Walker, James
36 60 1778 Walker, James
36 61 1778 Walker, James
37 62 1779 Walker, James
60 109 1780 Walker, James
102 192 1783 Walker, James
102 193 1786 Walker, James
107 202 1783 Walker, James
36 60 1778 Walker, Katharine Mrs
102 192 1783 Walker, Kathrine
102 192 1783 Walker, Susanna
102 193 1786 Walker, Susanna
102 193 1786 Walker, Tabitha
102 193 1786 Walker, Wilmoth
107 202 1783 Walker Mccraw, Susanna
41 71 1780 Walkins, Isaiah
56 101 1779 Wallance, Wm
59 106 1781 Waller, Zachariah
101 191 1782 Walsond, Wm
48 84 1778 Walters, John
58 104 1781 Walters, Robert
99 186 1784 Walters, Robert
22 33 1777 Walters, Thomas
16 21 1773 Ward, Jeremiah
94 176 1785 Ward, Jeremiah
33 54 1772 Warnick, M
100 189 1785 Watson, John
103 195 Watson, William
37 62 1776 Waunboch, George
56 101 1779 Weakley, Thomas
59 106 1781 Weatherford, Aschen
60 108 1780 Weatherford, John
17 22 1775 Weir, Thomas
61 110 1781 West, Jos
104 196 1785 Wetherford, John
9 7 1773 Whealing, John
20 29 1773 Wheate, Mottley
79 146 1783 White, Epa
96 180 1785 White, Epa
96 180 1785 White, Epa
99 187 1785 White, Epa
42 73 1780 White, Jeremiah
36 61 1778 White, R
52 92 1780 Wier, Barzebal
52 92 1780 Wier, John
52 92 1780 Wier, Thomas
116 220 1786 Wight, Benjamin
93 175 1785 Wilcher, Wm
37 63 1775 Wilkenson, Wm
37 63 1776 Wilkinson, William
102 193 1786 Williams, James Marton
110 209 Williams, James Masten
12 13 1772 Williams, John
12 13 1772 Williams, John
13 14 1773 Williams, Luke
20 29 1773 Williams, Luke
20 29 1773 Williams, Luke
20 29 1773 Williams, Luke
36 61 1778 Williams, Luke
60 108 1780 Williams, Luke
110 209 1786 Williams, Luke
110 209 Williams, Luke
12 13 1772 Williams, Menes
21 31 1777 Williams, R
106 200 1787 Williams, R
106 201 1787 Williams, R
68 125 Williams, Robt
37 63 1776 Williams, Robus
66 120 1781 Williams, Thomas
20 28 1772 Williams, William
40 68 1776 Williams, William
40 69 1780 Williams, William
25 38 1777 Williamson, Thomas
13 15 1773 Wilson, James
52 93 1780 Wilson, Jno
104 196 1773 Wilson, Jno
37 63 1776 Wilson, Maj
13 15 1773 Wilson, Thomas
107 202 1783 Wimbish, Jno
13 14 1772 Wimbish, John
21 31 1777 Wimbish, John
33 54 1772 Wimbish, John
33 55 1772 Wimbish, John
53 94 1769 Wimbish, John
53 95 1769 Wimbish, John
68 125 Wimbish, John
71 130 1782 Wimbish, John
42 73 1780 Wisdom?, Francis
60 109 1780 Womack,
11 10 1772 Worsham, Daniel
11 11 1772 Worsham, Daniel
11 11 1772 Worsham, Danl
60 109 1780 Worsham, Jeremiah
11 10 1772 Worsham, John
11 11 1772 Worsham, John
11 11 1772 Worsham, John
10 9 1772 Worsham, Joshua
11 10 1772 Worsham, Joshua
17 23 1775 Worsham, Joshua
104 196 1773 Worsham, Joshua
11 11 1772 Worsham, Mary
11 11 1772 Worsham, Mary
11 11 1772 Worsham, Michael
11 11 1772 Worsham, Michael
11 11 1772 Worsham, Petty
11 10 1772 Worsham, Robert
11 11 1772 Worsham, Robert
11 11 1772 Worsham, Robert
99 187 1785 Wray, David
11 10 1772 Wright, Jacob
60 108 1780 Wright, William
53 94 1769 Wright, Willliam
66 121 1781 Wyen, Barlel
9 6 1772 Wynne, John
11 10 1772 Wynne, Robert
48 85 1780 Wynne, Thomas
47 83 1778 Wynne, William
48 84 1778 Wynne, William
104 197 1784 Wynne, William
11 11 1772 Wynne, Willima
104 197 1784 Wynne Jr, Thos
33 55 1772 Yates, Richard
92 173 1785 Youllace, Philip
93 174 1785 Youllace, Philip
93 175 1785 Youllace, Philip
108 204 1785 Young, Archabald
107 203 1783 Young, Archd
19 27 1773 Young, George
107 203 1783 Young, Redley
101 190 1782 Young, Sarah
50 88 1779 Young, William

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Look in  the sources section for one of your relatives and find a  record/document. Print off the record.  Ask the children to circle all the letter, “A a” that they can find on the page. 

Find as many relatives as you can find that have a name that starts with the letter, “A”.

Letter “B” “b”

Find as many relatives as you can find that have a name that starts with the letter, “B” or which ever letter you want them to find.

Look in  the sources section for one of your relatives and find a  record/document. Print off the record.  Ask the children to circle all the letter, “B b” that they can find on the page or which ever other letter you would like them to find. Maybe they could just see what letters they can find in the alphabet on the page.

For charts on the different types of letter, go to or search the internet for a cursive writing chart.


Scavenger Hunts


Family Search Scavenger Hunt

Click on the image below to see the PDF. This is a scavenger hunt game that can be played with your family or in a group of people. Give everyone about 30 to 40 minutes to see what they can find and then count up their points. Then discuss what everyone found and that is more important than the points they earned.

We did this with a group of young men from our church. Two brothers were working together on their phone. They discovered an audio file of an ancestor telling about crossing the plains. The father happened to be in the room. Pretty soon all three of them were hovering over the phone trying to hear this incredible message. All desire for more points was lost, but they truly won the prize that night.

Create your own scavenger hunt. The one above was created in Excel and then exported into a PDF file.