
Activities with names of your ancestors

Letter “A” “a”

Look in  the sources section for one of your relatives and find a  record/document. Print off the record.  Ask the children to circle all the letter, “A a” that they can find on the page. 

Find as many relatives as you can find that have a name that starts with the letter, “A”.

Letter “B” “b”

Find as many relatives as you can find that have a name that starts with the letter, “B” or which ever letter you want them to find.

Look in  the sources section for one of your relatives and find a  record/document. Print off the record.  Ask the children to circle all the letter, “B b” that they can find on the page or which ever other letter you would like them to find. Maybe they could just see what letters they can find in the alphabet on the page.

For charts on the different types of letter, go to or search the internet for a cursive writing chart.


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